function DOMnode = xml_write(filename, tree, RootName, Pref) %XML_WRITE Writes Matlab data structures to XML file % % DESCRIPTION % xml_write( filename, tree) Converts Matlab data structure 'tree' containing % cells, structs, numbers and strings to Document Object Model (DOM) node % tree, then saves it to XML file 'filename' using Matlab's xmlwrite % function. Optionally one can also use alternative version of xmlwrite % function which directly calls JAVA functions for XML writing without % MATLAB middleware. This function is provided as a patch to existing % bugs in xmlwrite (in R2006b). % % xml_write(filename, tree, RootName, Pref) allows you to specify % additional preferences about file format % % DOMnode = xml_write([], tree) same as above except that DOM node is % not saved to the file but returned. % % INPUT % filename file name % tree Matlab structure tree to store in xml file. % RootName String with XML tag name used for root (top level) node % Optionally it can be a string cell array storing: Name of % root node, document "Processing Instructions" data and % document "comment" string % Pref Other preferences: % Pref.ItemName - default 'item' - name of a special tag used to % itemize cell or struct arrays % Pref.XmlEngine - let you choose the XML engine. Currently default is % 'Xerces', which is using directly the apache xerces java file. % Other option is 'Matlab' which uses MATLAB's xmlwrite and its % XMLUtils java file. Both options create identical results except in % case of CDATA sections where xmlwrite fails. % Pref.CellItem - default 'true' - allow cell arrays to use 'item' % notation. See below. % Pref.RootOnly - default true - output variable 'tree' corresponds to % xml file root element, otherwise it correspond to the whole file. % Pref.StructItem - default 'true' - allow arrays of structs to use % 'item' notation. For example "Pref.StructItem = true" gives: % % % ... <\item> % ... <\item> % <\b> % <\a> % while "Pref.StructItem = false" gives: % % ... <\b> % ... <\b> % <\a> % % % Several special xml node types can be created if special tags are used % for field names of 'tree' nodes: % - node.CONTENT - stores data section of the node if other fields % (usually ATTRIBUTE are present. Usually data section is stored % directly in 'node'. % - - stores node's attribute called 'name'. % - node.COMMENT - create comment child node from the string. For global % comments see "RootName" input variable. % - node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS - create "processing instruction" child % node from the string. For global "processing instructions" see % "RootName" input variable. % - node.CDATA_SECTION - stores node's CDATA section (string). Only works % if Pref.XmlEngine='Xerces'. For more info, see comments of F_xmlwrite. % - other special node types like: document fragment nodes, document type % nodes, entity nodes and notation nodes are not being handled by % 'xml_write' at the moment. % % OUTPUT % DOMnode Document Object Model (DOM) node tree in the format % required as input to xmlwrite. (optional) % % EXAMPLES: % MyTree=[]; % MyTree.MyNumber = 13; % MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World'; % xml_write('test.xml', MyTree); % type('test.xml') % %See also xml_tutorial.m % % See also % xml_read, xmlread, xmlwrite % % Written by Jarek Tuszynski, SAIC, %% Check Matlab Version v = ver('MATLAB'); v = str2double(regexp(v.Version, '\d.\d','match','once')); if (v<7) error('Your MATLAB version is too old. You need version 7.0 or newer.'); end %% default preferences DPref.TableName = {'tr','td'}; % name of a special tags used to itemize 2D cell arrays DPref.ItemName = 'item'; % name of a special tag used to itemize 1D cell arrays DPref.StructItem = true; % allow arrays of structs to use 'item' notation DPref.CellItem = true; % allow cell arrays to use 'item' notation DPref.StructTable= 'Html'; DPref.CellTable = 'Html'; DPref.XmlEngine = 'Matlab'; % use matlab provided XMLUtils %DPref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly DPref.PreserveSpace = false; % Preserve or delete spaces at the beggining and the end of stings? RootOnly = true; % Input is root node only GlobalProcInst = []; GlobalComment = []; GlobalDocType = []; %% read user preferences if (nargin>3) if (isfield(Pref, 'TableName' )), DPref.TableName = Pref.TableName; end if (isfield(Pref, 'ItemName' )), DPref.ItemName = Pref.ItemName; end if (isfield(Pref, 'StructItem')), DPref.StructItem = Pref.StructItem; end if (isfield(Pref, 'CellItem' )), DPref.CellItem = Pref.CellItem; end if (isfield(Pref, 'CellTable')), DPref.CellTable = Pref.CellTable; end if (isfield(Pref, 'StructTable')), DPref.StructTable= Pref.StructTable; end if (isfield(Pref, 'XmlEngine' )), DPref.XmlEngine = Pref.XmlEngine; end if (isfield(Pref, 'RootOnly' )), RootOnly = Pref.RootOnly; end if (isfield(Pref, 'PreserveSpace')), DPref.PreserveSpace = Pref.PreserveSpace; end end if (nargin<3 || isempty(RootName)), RootName=inputname(2); end if (isempty(RootName)), RootName='ROOT'; end if (iscell(RootName)) % RootName also stores global text node data rName = RootName; RootName = char(rName{1}); if (length(rName)>1), GlobalProcInst = char(rName{2}); end if (length(rName)>2), GlobalComment = char(rName{3}); end if (length(rName)>3), GlobalDocType = char(rName{4}); end end if(~RootOnly && isstruct(tree)) % if struct than deal with each field separatly fields = fieldnames(tree); for i=1:length(fields) field = fields{i}; x = tree(1).(field); if (strcmp(field, 'COMMENT')) GlobalComment = x; elseif (strcmp(field, 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION')) GlobalProcInst = x; elseif (strcmp(field, 'DOCUMENT_TYPE')) GlobalDocType = x; else RootName = field; t = x; end end tree = t; end %% Initialize jave object that will store xml data structure RootName = varName2str(RootName); if (~isempty(GlobalDocType)) % n = strfind(GlobalDocType, ' '); % if (~isempty(n)) % dtype = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocumentType(GlobalDocType); % end % DOMnode = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument(RootName, dtype); warning('xml_io_tools:write:docType', ... 'DOCUMENT_TYPE node was encountered which is not supported yet. Ignoring.'); end DOMnode = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument(RootName); %% Use recursive function to convert matlab data structure to XML root = DOMnode.getDocumentElement; struct2DOMnode(DOMnode, root, tree, DPref.ItemName, DPref); %% Remove the only child of the root node root = DOMnode.getDocumentElement; Child = root.getChildNodes; % create array of children nodes nChild = Child.getLength; % number of children if (nChild==1) node = root.removeChild(root.getFirstChild); while(node.hasChildNodes) root.appendChild(node.removeChild(node.getFirstChild)); end while(node.hasAttributes) % copy all attributes root.setAttributeNode(node.removeAttributeNode(node.getAttributes.item(0))); end end %% Save exotic Global nodes if (~isempty(GlobalComment)) DOMnode.insertBefore(DOMnode.createComment(GlobalComment), DOMnode.getFirstChild()); end if (~isempty(GlobalProcInst)) n = strfind(GlobalProcInst, ' '); if (~isempty(n)) proc = DOMnode.createProcessingInstruction(GlobalProcInst(1:(n(1)-1)),... GlobalProcInst((n(1)+1):end)); DOMnode.insertBefore(proc, DOMnode.getFirstChild()); end end % Not supported yet as the code below does not work % if (~isempty(GlobalDocType)) % n = strfind(GlobalDocType, ' '); % if (~isempty(n)) % dtype = DOMnode.createDocumentType(GlobalDocType); % DOMnode.insertBefore(dtype, DOMnode.getFirstChild()); % end % end %% save java DOM tree to XML file if (~isempty(filename)) if (strcmpi(DPref.XmlEngine, 'Xerces')) xmlwrite_xerces(filename, DOMnode); else xmlwrite(filename, DOMnode); end end %% ======================================================================= % === struct2DOMnode Function =========================================== % ======================================================================= function [] = struct2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref) % struct2DOMnode is a recursive function that converts matlab's structs to % DOM nodes. % INPUTS: % xml - jave object that will store xml data structure % parent - parent DOM Element % s - Matlab data structure to save % TagName - name to be used in xml tags describing 's' % Pref - preferenced % OUTPUT: % parent - modified 'parent' % perform some conversions if (ischar(s) && min(size(s))>1) % if 2D array of characters s=cellstr(s); % than convert to cell array end % if (strcmp(TagName, 'CONTENT')) % while (iscell(s) && length(s)==1), s = s{1}; end % unwrap cell arrays of length 1 % end TagName = varName2str(TagName); %% == node is a 2D cell array == % convert to some other format prior to further processing nDim = nnz(size(s)>1); % is it a scalar, vector, 2D array, 3D cube, etc? if (iscell(s) && nDim==2 && strcmpi(Pref.CellTable, 'Matlab')) s = var2str(s, Pref.PreserveSpace); end if (nDim==2 && (iscell (s) && strcmpi(Pref.CellTable, 'Vector')) || ... (isstruct(s) && strcmpi(Pref.StructTable, 'Vector'))) s = s(:); end if (nDim>2), s = s(:); end % can not handle this case well nItem = numel(s); nDim = nnz(size(s)>1); % is it a scalar, vector, 2D array, 3D cube, etc? %% == node is a cell == if (iscell(s)) % if this is a cell or cell array if ((nDim==2 && strcmpi(Pref.CellTable,'Html')) || (nDim< 2 && Pref.CellItem)) % if 2D array of cells than can use HTML-like notation or if 1D array % than can use item notation if (strcmp(TagName, 'CONTENT')) % CONTENT nodes already have ... array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, Pref.ItemName, Pref ); % recursive call else node = xml.createElement(TagName); % ... array2DOMnode(xml, node, s, Pref.ItemName, Pref ); % recursive call parent.appendChild(node); end else % use ...<\TagName> ...<\TagName> notation array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref ); % recursive call end %% == node is a struct == elseif (isstruct(s)) % if struct than deal with each field separatly if ((nDim==2 && strcmpi(Pref.StructTable,'Html')) || (nItem>1 && Pref.StructItem)) % if 2D array of structs than can use HTML-like notation or % if 1D array of structs than can use 'items' notation node = xml.createElement(TagName); array2DOMnode(xml, node, s, Pref.ItemName, Pref ); % recursive call parent.appendChild(node); elseif (nItem>1) % use ...<\TagName> ...<\TagName> notation array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref ); % recursive call else % otherwise save each struct separatelly fields = fieldnames(s); node = xml.createElement(TagName); for i=1:length(fields) % add field by field to the node field = fields{i}; x = s.(field); switch field case {'COMMENT', 'CDATA_SECTION', 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION'} if iscellstr(x) % cell array of strings -> add them one by one array2DOMnode(xml, node, x(:), field, Pref ); % recursive call will modify 'node' elseif ischar(x) % single string -> add it struct2DOMnode(xml, node, x, field, Pref ); % recursive call will modify 'node' else % not a string - Ignore warning('xml_io_tools:write:badSpecialNode', ... ['Struct field named ',field,' encountered which was not a string. Ignoring.']); end case 'ATTRIBUTE' % set attributes of the node if (isempty(x)), continue; end if (isstruct(x)) attName = fieldnames(x); % get names of all the attributes for k=1:length(attName) % attach them to the node att = xml.createAttribute(varName2str(attName(k))); att.setValue(var2str(x.(attName{k}),Pref.PreserveSpace)); node.setAttributeNode(att); end else warning('xml_io_tools:write:badAttribute', ... 'Struct field named ATTRIBUTE encountered which was not a struct. Ignoring.'); end otherwise % set children of the node struct2DOMnode(xml, node, x, field, Pref ); % recursive call will modify 'node' end end % end for i=1:nFields parent.appendChild(node); end %% == node is a leaf node == else % if not a struct and not a cell than it is a leaf node switch TagName % different processing depending on desired type of the node case 'COMMENT' % create comment node com = xml.createComment(s); parent.appendChild(com); case 'CDATA_SECTION' % create CDATA Section cdt = xml.createCDATASection(s); parent.appendChild(cdt); case 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION' % set attributes of the node OK = false; if (ischar(s)) n = strfind(s, ' '); if (~isempty(n)) proc = xml.createProcessingInstruction(s(1:(n(1)-1)),s((n(1)+1):end)); parent.insertBefore(proc, parent.getFirstChild()); OK = true; end end if (~OK) warning('xml_io_tools:write:badProcInst', ... ['Struct field named PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION need to be',... ' a string, for example: xml-stylesheet type="text/css" ', ... 'href="myStyleSheet.css". Ignoring.']); end case 'CONTENT' % this is text part of already existing node txt = xml.createTextNode(var2str(s, Pref.PreserveSpace)); % convert to text parent.appendChild(txt); otherwise % I guess it is a regular text leaf node txt = xml.createTextNode(var2str(s, Pref.PreserveSpace)); node = xml.createElement(TagName); node.appendChild(txt); parent.appendChild(node); end end % of struct2DOMnode function %% ======================================================================= % === array2DOMnode Function ============================================ % ======================================================================= function [] = array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref) % Deal with 1D and 2D arrays of cell or struct. Will modify 'parent'. nDim = nnz(size(s)>1); % is it a scalar, vector, 2D array, 3D cube, etc? switch nDim case 2 % 2D array for r=1:size(s,1) subnode = xml.createElement(Pref.TableName{1}); for c=1:size(s,2) v = s(r,c); if iscell(v), v = v{1}; end struct2DOMnode(xml, subnode, v, Pref.TableName{2}, Pref ); % recursive call end parent.appendChild(subnode); end case 1 %1D array for iItem=1:numel(s) v = s(iItem); if iscell(v), v = v{1}; end struct2DOMnode(xml, parent, v, TagName, Pref ); % recursive call end case 0 % scalar -> this case should never be called if ~isempty(s) if iscell(s), s = s{1}; end struct2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref ); end end %% ======================================================================= % === var2str Function ================================================== % ======================================================================= function str = var2str(object, PreserveSpace) % convert matlab variables to a string switch (1) case isempty(object) str = ''; case (isnumeric(object) || islogical(object)) if ndims(object)>2, object=object(:); end % can't handle arrays with dimention > 2 str=mat2str(object); % convert matrix to a string % mark logical scalars with [] (logical arrays already have them) so the xml_read % recognizes them as MATLAB objects instead of strings. Same with sparse % matrices if ((islogical(object) && isscalar(object)) || issparse(object)), str = ['[' str ']']; end if (isinteger(object)), str = ['[', class(object), '(', str ')]']; end case iscell(object) if ndims(object)>2, object=object(:); end % can't handle cell arrays with dimention > 2 [nr nc] = size(object); obj2 = object; for i=1:length(object(:)) str = var2str(object{i}, PreserveSpace); if (ischar(object{i})), object{i} = ['''' object{i} '''']; else object{i}=str; end obj2{i} = [object{i} ',']; end for r = 1:nr, obj2{r,nc} = [object{r,nc} ';']; end obj2 = obj2.'; str = ['{' obj2{:} '}']; case isstruct(object) str=''; warning('xml_io_tools:write:var2str', ... 'Struct was encountered where string was expected. Ignoring.'); case isa(object, 'function_handle') str = ['[@' char(object) ']']; case ischar(object) str = object; otherwise str = char(object); end %% string clean-up str=str(:); str=str.'; % make sure this is a row vector of char's if (~isempty(str)) str(str<32|str==127)=' '; % convert no-printable characters to spaces if (~PreserveSpace) str = strtrim(str); % remove spaces from begining and the end str = regexprep(str,'\s+',' '); % remove multiple spaces end end %% ======================================================================= % === var2Namestr Function ============================================== % ======================================================================= function str = varName2str(str) % convert matlab variable names to a sting str = char(str); p = strfind(str,'0x'); if (~isempty(p)) for i=1:length(p) before = str( p(i)+(0:3) ); % string to replace after = char(hex2dec(before(3:4))); % string to replace with str = regexprep(str,before,after, 'once', 'ignorecase'); p=p-3; % since 4 characters were replaced with one - compensate end end str = regexprep(str,'_COLON_',':', 'once', 'ignorecase'); str = regexprep(str,'_DASH_' ,'-', 'once', 'ignorecase');