function Script_HOG_SVR_train() % Change to your downloaded location addpath('C:\liblinear\matlab') addpath('../training_code/'); addpath('../utilities/'); addpath('../../data extraction/'); %% load shared definitions and AU data shared_defs; % Set up the hyperparameters to be validated hyperparams.c = 10.^(-7:1:4); hyperparams.p = 10.^(-2); hyperparams.validate_params = {'c', 'p'}; % Set the training function svr_train = @svr_train_linear; % Set the test function (the first output will be used for validation) svr_test = @svr_test_linear; all_recs = cat(2, train_recs, devel_recs); %% for a=1:numel(aus) au = aus(a); rest_aus = setdiff(all_aus, au); [users_train, users_valid] = get_balanced_fold(UNBC_dir, all_recs, au, 1/3, 1); % load the training and testing data for the current fold [train_samples, train_labels, valid_samples, valid_labels, ~, PC, means, scaling, valid_ids, valid_success] = Prepare_HOG_AU_data(users_train, users_valid, au, rest_aus, UNBC_dir, hog_data_dir); train_samples = sparse(train_samples); valid_samples = sparse(valid_samples); hyperparams.success = valid_success; %% Cross-validate here [ best_params, ~ ] = validate_grid_search_no_par(svr_train, svr_test, false, train_samples, train_labels, valid_samples, valid_labels, hyperparams); model = svr_train(train_labels, train_samples, best_params); [~, prediction] = svr_test(valid_labels, valid_samples, model); % Go from raw data to the prediction w = model.w(1:end-1)'; b = model.w(end); svs = bsxfun(@times, PC, 1./scaling') * w; name = sprintf('models/AU_%d_static_intensity.dat', au); write_lin_svr(name, means, svs, b); name = sprintf('results_UNBC_devel/AU_%d_static_intensity.mat', au); [ accuracies, F1s, corrs, ccc, rms, classes ] = evaluate_regression_results( prediction, valid_labels ); save(name, 'model', 'F1s', 'corrs', 'accuracies', 'ccc', 'rms', 'prediction', 'valid_labels', 'users_valid'); end end