/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2017, Tadas Baltrusaitis, all rights reserved. // // ACADEMIC OR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION NONCOMMERCIAL RESEARCH USE ONLY // // BY USING OR DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. // IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOU MAY NOT USE OR DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE. // // License can be found in OpenFace-license.txt // // * Any publications arising from the use of this software, including but // not limited to academic journal and conference publications, technical // reports and manuals, must cite at least one of the following works: // // OpenFace: an open source facial behavior analysis toolkit // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency // in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2016 // // Rendering of Eyes for Eye-Shape Registration and Gaze Estimation // Erroll Wood, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Peter Robinson, and Andreas Bulling // in IEEE International. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015 // // Cross-dataset learning and person-speci?c normalisation for automatic Action Unit detection // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Marwa Mahmoud, and Peter Robinson // in Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, // IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2015 // // Constrained Local Neural Fields for robust facial landmark detection in the wild. // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency. // in IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 300 Faces in-the-Wild Challenge, 2013. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "RecorderOpenFace.h" // For sorting #include // File manipulation #include #include #include // Boost includes for file system manipulation #include #include #include using namespace boost::filesystem; using namespace Utilities; #define WARN_STREAM( stream ) \ std::cout << "Warning: " << stream << std::endl void CreateDirectory(std::string output_path) { // Creating the right directory structure auto p = path(output_path); // Deal with a case where directory ends with a / or \\ p.remove_trailing_separator(); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(p)) { bool success = boost::filesystem::create_directories(p); if (!success) { std::cout << "ERROR: failed to create output directory:" << p.string() << ", do you have permission to create directory" << std::endl; exit(1); } } } void RecorderOpenFace::PrepareRecording(const std::string& in_filename) { // Construct the directories required for the output CreateDirectory(record_root); // Create the filename for the general output file that contains all of the meta information about the recording path of_det_name(out_name); of_det_name = path(record_root) / path(out_name + "_of_details.txt"); // Write in the of file what we are outputing what is the input etc. metadata_file.open(of_det_name.string(), std::ios_base::out); if (!metadata_file.is_open()) { cout << "ERROR: could not open the output file:" << of_det_name << ", either the path of the output directory is wrong or you do not have the permissions to write to it" << endl; exit(1); } // Populate relative and full path names in the meta file, unless it is a webcam if (!params.isFromWebcam()) { string input_filename_relative = in_filename; string input_filename_full = in_filename; if (!boost::filesystem::path(input_filename_full).is_absolute()) { input_filename_full = boost::filesystem::canonical(input_filename_relative).string(); } metadata_file << "Input:" << input_filename_relative << endl; metadata_file << "Input full path:" << input_filename_full << endl; } else { // Populate the metadata file metadata_file << "Input:webcam" << endl; } metadata_file << "Camera parameters:" << params.getFx() << "," << params.getFy() << "," << params.getCx() << "," << params.getCy() << endl; // Create the required individual recorders, CSV, HOG, aligned, video csv_filename = out_name + ".csv"; // Consruct HOG recorder here if (params.outputHOG()) { // Output the data based on record_root, but do not include record_root in the meta file, as it is also in that directory std::string hog_filename = out_name + ".hog"; metadata_file << "Output HOG:" << hog_filename << endl; hog_filename = (path(record_root) / hog_filename).string(); hog_recorder.Open(hog_filename); } // saving the videos if (params.outputTracked()) { if (params.isSequence()) { // Output the data based on record_root, but do not include record_root in the meta file, as it is also in that directory this->media_filename = out_name + ".avi"; metadata_file << "Output video:" << this->media_filename << endl; this->media_filename = (path(record_root) / this->media_filename).string(); } else { this->media_filename = out_name + ".jpg"; metadata_file << "Output image:" << this->media_filename << endl; this->media_filename = (path(record_root) / this->media_filename).string(); } } // Prepare image recording if (params.outputAlignedFaces()) { aligned_output_directory = out_name + "_aligned"; metadata_file << "Output aligned directory:" << this->aligned_output_directory << endl; this->aligned_output_directory = (path(record_root) / this->aligned_output_directory).string(); CreateDirectory(aligned_output_directory); } observation_count = 0; } RecorderOpenFace::RecorderOpenFace(const std::string in_filename, const RecorderOpenFaceParameters& parameters, std::vector& arguments):video_writer(), params(parameters) { // From the filename, strip out the name without directory and extension if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(in_filename)) { out_name = boost::filesystem::canonical(boost::filesystem::path(in_filename)).filename().string(); } else { out_name = boost::filesystem::path(in_filename).filename().replace_extension("").string(); } // Consuming the input arguments bool* valid = new bool[arguments.size()]; for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { valid[i] = true; } for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { if (arguments[i].compare("-out_dir") == 0) { record_root = arguments[i + 1]; } } // Determine output directory bool output_found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { if (!output_found && arguments[i].compare("-of") == 0) { record_root = (boost::filesystem::path(record_root) / boost::filesystem::path(arguments[i + 1])).remove_filename().string(); out_name = path(boost::filesystem::path(arguments[i + 1])).replace_extension("").filename().string(); valid[i] = false; valid[i + 1] = false; i++; output_found = true; } } // If recording directory not set, record to default location if (record_root.empty()) record_root = default_record_directory; for (int i = (int)arguments.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!valid[i]) { arguments.erase(arguments.begin() + i); } } PrepareRecording(in_filename); } RecorderOpenFace::RecorderOpenFace(const std::string in_filename, const RecorderOpenFaceParameters& parameters, std::string output_directory):video_writer(), params(parameters) { // From the filename, strip out the name without directory and extension if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(in_filename)) { out_name = boost::filesystem::canonical(boost::filesystem::path(in_filename)).filename().string(); } else { out_name = boost::filesystem::path(in_filename).filename().replace_extension("").string(); } record_root = output_directory; // If recording directory not set, record to default location if (record_root.empty()) record_root = default_record_directory; PrepareRecording(in_filename); } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationFaceAlign(const cv::Mat& aligned_face) { this->aligned_face = aligned_face; } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationVisualization(const cv::Mat &vis_track) { if (params.outputTracked()) { // Initialize the video writer if it has not been opened yet if(params.isSequence() && !video_writer.isOpened()) { std::string output_codec = params.outputCodec(); try { video_writer.open(media_filename, CV_FOURCC(output_codec[0], output_codec[1], output_codec[2], output_codec[3]), params.outputFps(), vis_track.size(), true); if (!video_writer.isOpened()) { WARN_STREAM("Could not open VideoWriter, OUTPUT FILE WILL NOT BE WRITTEN."); } } catch (cv::Exception e) { WARN_STREAM("Could not open VideoWriter, OUTPUT FILE WILL NOT BE WRITTEN. Currently using codec " << output_codec << ", try using an other one (-oc option)"); } } vis_to_out = vis_track; } } void RecorderOpenFace::WriteObservation() { observation_count++; // Write out the CSV file (it will always be there, even if not outputting anything more but frame/face numbers) if(observation_count == 1) { // As we are writing out the header, work out some things like number of landmarks, names of AUs etc. int num_face_landmarks = landmarks_2D.rows / 2; int num_eye_landmarks = (int)eye_landmarks2D.size(); int num_model_modes = pdm_params_local.rows; std::vector au_names_class; for (auto au : au_occurences) { au_names_class.push_back(au.first); } std::sort(au_names_class.begin(), au_names_class.end()); std::vector au_names_reg; for (auto au : au_intensities) { au_names_reg.push_back(au.first); } std::sort(au_names_reg.begin(), au_names_reg.end()); metadata_file << "Output csv:" << csv_filename << endl; metadata_file << "Gaze: " << params.outputGaze() << endl; metadata_file << "AUs: " << params.outputAUs() << endl; metadata_file << "Landmarks 2D: " << params.output2DLandmarks() << endl; metadata_file << "Landmarks 3D: " << params.output3DLandmarks() << endl; metadata_file << "Pose: " << params.outputPose() << endl; metadata_file << "Shape parameters: " << params.outputPDMParams() << endl; csv_filename = (path(record_root) / csv_filename).string(); csv_recorder.Open(csv_filename, params.isSequence(), params.output2DLandmarks(), params.output3DLandmarks(), params.outputPDMParams(), params.outputPose(), params.outputAUs(), params.outputGaze(), num_face_landmarks, num_model_modes, num_eye_landmarks, au_names_class, au_names_reg); } this->csv_recorder.WriteLine(observation_count, timestamp, landmark_detection_success, landmark_detection_confidence, landmarks_2D, landmarks_3D, pdm_params_local, pdm_params_global, head_pose, gaze_direction0, gaze_direction1, gaze_angle, eye_landmarks2D, eye_landmarks3D, au_intensities, au_occurences); if(params.outputHOG()) { this->hog_recorder.Write(); } // Write aligned faces if (params.outputAlignedFaces()) { char name[100]; // Filename is based on frame number if(params.isSequence()) std::sprintf(name, "frame_det_%06d.bmp", observation_count); else std::sprintf(name, "face_det_%06d.bmp", observation_count); // Construct the output filename boost::filesystem::path slash("/"); std::string preferredSlash = slash.make_preferred().string(); string out_file = aligned_output_directory + preferredSlash + string(name); bool write_success = cv::imwrite(out_file, aligned_face); if (!write_success) { WARN_STREAM("Could not output similarity aligned image image"); } } if(params.outputTracked()) { if (vis_to_out.empty()) { WARN_STREAM("Output tracked video frame is not set"); } if(params.isSequence() ) { if(video_writer.isOpened()) { video_writer.write(vis_to_out); } } else { bool out_success = cv::imwrite(media_filename, vis_to_out); if (!out_success) { WARN_STREAM("Could not output tracked image"); } } // Clear the output vis_to_out = cv::Mat(); } } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationHOG(bool good_frame, const cv::Mat_& hog_descriptor, int num_cols, int num_rows, int num_channels) { this->hog_recorder.SetObservationHOG(good_frame, hog_descriptor, num_cols, num_rows, num_channels); } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationTimestamp(double timestamp) { this->timestamp = timestamp; } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationLandmarks(const cv::Mat_& landmarks_2D, const cv::Mat_& landmarks_3D, const cv::Vec6d& pdm_params_global, const cv::Mat_& pdm_params_local, double confidence, bool success) { this->landmarks_2D = landmarks_2D; this->landmarks_3D = landmarks_3D; this->pdm_params_global = pdm_params_global; this->pdm_params_local = pdm_params_local; this->landmark_detection_confidence = confidence; this->landmark_detection_success = success; } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationPose(const cv::Vec6d& pose) { this->head_pose = pose; } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationActionUnits(const std::vector >& au_intensities, const std::vector >& au_occurences) { this->au_intensities = au_intensities; this->au_occurences = au_occurences; } void RecorderOpenFace::SetObservationGaze(const cv::Point3f& gaze_direction0, const cv::Point3f& gaze_direction1, const cv::Vec2d& gaze_angle, const std::vector& eye_landmarks2D, const std::vector& eye_landmarks3D) { this->gaze_direction0 = gaze_direction0; this->gaze_direction1 = gaze_direction1; this->gaze_angle = gaze_angle; this->eye_landmarks2D = eye_landmarks2D; this->eye_landmarks3D = eye_landmarks3D; } RecorderOpenFace::~RecorderOpenFace() { this->Close(); } void RecorderOpenFace::Close() { hog_recorder.Close(); csv_recorder.Close(); video_writer.release(); metadata_file.close(); }