% Function: % [faceAnchor, scale] = anchorDetect(img, Model) % % Usage: % This function uses Optimized Part Mixture model to detect anchor points for % facial landmark initialization % Params: % img - input facial image, % % Model - the same structure as in demo.m % % Output: % % faceAnchor: structure {s,c,xy,level} s-scale, c-cluster (1,2,...13), % xy-coordinate structure (x,y,width, height), level: feature pyramid level (not used here) % % scale: the image is automatically scaled to best fitted size. To get original anchor points, apply faceAnchor(i).xy / scale % % % Authors: % Xiang Yu, yuxiang03@gmail.com % % Citation: % X. Yu, J. Huang, S. Zhang, W. Yan and D.N. Metaxas, Pose-free Facial % Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixures and Cascaded Deformable % Shape Model. In ICCV, 2013. % % Creation Date: 01/17/2014 %