root_test_data = '../../test data/'; [~,dets,gt_labels] = Collect_wild_imgs(root_test_data); %% Analysing the bounding boxes and errors detection_root = './openCV_haarcascade_frontalface_alt/'; %% afw_loc = [detection_root, 'out_haar_afw/']; afw_dets = dir([afw_loc '*.pts']); bboxes = []; bboxes = cat(1, bboxes, zeros(numel(afw_dets), 6)); count = 0; for i=1:numel(afw_dets) count = count + 1; bboxes(count,:) = csvread([afw_loc, afw_dets(i).name]); end %% lfpw_loc = [detection_root, 'out_lfpw_trainset/']; lfpw_dets = dir([lfpw_loc '*.pts']); bboxes = cat(1, bboxes, zeros(numel(lfpw_dets), 6)); for i=1:numel(lfpw_dets) count = count + 1; bboxes(count,:) = csvread([lfpw_loc, lfpw_dets(i).name]); end %% ibug_loc = [detection_root, 'out_ibug/']; ibug_dets = dir([ibug_loc '*.pts']); bboxes = cat(1, bboxes, zeros(numel(ibug_dets), 6)); for i=1:numel(ibug_dets) count = count + 1; bboxes(count,:) = csvread([ibug_loc, ibug_dets(i).name]); end %% helen_loc = [detection_root, 'out_helen_trainset/']; helen_dets = dir([helen_loc '*.pts']); bboxes = cat(1, bboxes, zeros(numel(helen_dets), 6)); for i=1:numel(helen_dets) count = count + 1; % f = fopen([afw_loc, afw_dets(i).name]); bboxes(count,:) = csvread([helen_loc, helen_dets(i).name]); % fclose(f); % bboxes(count,:) = bbox; end %% save('ocv.mat', 'bboxes', 'dets', 'gt_labels');