function [data_train, labels_train, data_test, labels_test, raw_test, PC, means_norm, stds_norm, vid_ids_test, success_test] = ... Prepare_HOG_AU_data_generic(train_users, test_users, au_train, rest_aus, hog_data_dir) %% This should be a separate function? input_train_label_files = cell(numel(train_users),1); input_test_label_files = cell(numel(test_users),1); root = [hog_data_dir, '/../']; % This is for loading the labels for i=1:numel(train_users) input_train_label_files{i} = [root, '/ActionUnit_Labels/', train_users{i}, '/', train_users{i}]; end % This is for loading the labels for i=1:numel(test_users) input_test_label_files{i} = [root, '/ActionUnit_Labels/', test_users{i}, '/', test_users{i}]; end % First extracting the labels [train_geom_data] = Read_geom_files(train_users, hog_data_dir); [test_geom_data] = Read_geom_files(test_users, hog_data_dir); % Reading in the HOG data [train_data, tracked_inds_hog, vid_ids_train] = Read_HOG_files(train_users, hog_data_dir); [test_data, success_test, vid_ids_test] = Read_HOG_files(test_users, hog_data_dir); train_data = cat(2, train_data, train_geom_data); raw_test = cat(2, test_data, test_geom_data); % Extracting the labels labels_train = extract_au_labels(input_train_label_files, au_train); labels_test = extract_au_labels(input_test_label_files, au_train); labels_other = zeros(size(labels_train,1), numel(rest_aus)); % This is used to pick up activity of other AUs for a more 'interesting' % data split and not only neutral expressions for negative samples if(numel(input_train_label_files) > 0) for i=1:numel(rest_aus) labels_other(:,i) = extract_au_labels(input_train_label_files, rest_aus(i)); end % can now extract the needed training labels (do not rebalance validation % data) % make sure the same number of positive and negative samples is taken reduced_inds = false(size(labels_train,1),1); reduced_inds(labels_train > 0) = true; % make sure the same number of positive and negative samples is taken pos_count = sum(labels_train > 0); neg_count = sum(labels_train == 0); % pos_count = pos_count * 8; num_other = floor(pos_count / (size(labels_other, 2))); inds_all = 1:size(labels_train,1); for i=1:size(labels_other, 2)+1 if(i > size(labels_other, 2)) % fill the rest with a proportion of neutral inds_other = inds_all(sum(labels_other,2)==0 & ~labels_train); num_other_i = min(numel(inds_other), pos_count - sum(labels_train(reduced_inds,:)==0)); else % take a proportion of each other AU inds_other = inds_all(labels_other(:, i) & ~labels_train); num_other_i = min(numel(inds_other), num_other); end inds_other_to_keep = inds_other(round(linspace(1, numel(inds_other), num_other_i))); reduced_inds(inds_other_to_keep) = true; end % Remove invalid ids based on CLM failing or AU not being labelled reduced_inds(~tracked_inds_hog) = false; labels_train = labels_train(reduced_inds); train_data = train_data(reduced_inds,:); end % normalise the data pca_file = '../../pca_generation/generic_face_rigid.mat'; load(pca_file); geom_size = max(size(train_geom_data,2), size(test_geom_data,2)); PC_n = zeros(size(PC)+geom_size); PC_n(1:size(PC,1), 1:size(PC,2)) = PC; PC_n(size(PC,1)+1:end, size(PC,2)+1:end) = eye(geom_size); PC = PC_n; means_norm = cat(2, means_norm, zeros(1, geom_size)); stds_norm = cat(2, stds_norm, ones(1, geom_size)); data_test = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@plus, raw_test, -means_norm), 1./stds_norm); data_test = data_test * PC; if(numel(train_data > 0)) data_train = bsxfun(@times, bsxfun(@plus, train_data, -means_norm), 1./stds_norm); data_train = data_train * PC; else data_train = []; end end