using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Data; using System.Windows.Documents; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; using System.Windows.Navigation; using System.Windows.Shapes; using System.Windows.Threading; namespace OpenFaceDemo { public class DataPointGraph { public DataPointGraph() { Time = TimeSeriesPlot.CurrentTime; } public DateTime Time { get; set; } public Dictionary values = new Dictionary(); public double Confidence { get; set; } } /// /// Interaction logic for AxesTimeSeriesPlot.xaml /// public partial class AxesTimeSeriesPlot : UserControl { #region High-Resolution Timing static DateTime startTime; static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); public double MinVal { get; set; } public double MaxVal { get; set; } public int NumVertGrid { get; set; } public bool ShowXLabel { get; set; } public bool ShowYLabel { get; set; } public string RangeLabel { get; set; } public bool XTicks { get; set; } static AxesTimeSeriesPlot() { startTime = DateTime.Now; sw.Start(); } public static DateTime CurrentTime { get { return startTime + sw.Elapsed; } } #endregion public Orientation Orientation { get; set; } public bool ShowLegend { get; set; } Queue dataPoints = new Queue(); TimeSpan historyLength = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); Dictionary brushes = new Dictionary(); Dictionary brush_thicknesses = new Dictionary(); Dictionary line_names = new Dictionary(); Dictionary brush_colors = new Dictionary(); // Knowing where to draw things private double MinAxesX { get; set; } private double MinAxesY { get; set; } private double MaxAxesX { get; set; } private double MaxAxesY { get; set; } public AxesTimeSeriesPlot() { InitializeComponent(); ShowLegend = false; ClipToBounds = true; DispatcherTimer dt = new DispatcherTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(20), DispatcherPriority.Background, Timer_Tick, Dispatcher); MinVal = -1; MaxVal = 1; NumVertGrid = 5; ShowXLabel = true; ShowYLabel = true; XTicks = true; } private void PruneData() { lock (dataPoints) { while (dataPoints.Count > 0 && dataPoints.Peek().Time < CurrentTime - historyLength - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)) dataPoints.Dequeue(); } } public void AddDataPoint(DataPointGraph dp) { lock (dataPoints) dataPoints.Enqueue(dp); } private void Timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { PruneData(); if (this.IsVisible) InvalidateVisual(); } public void AssocColor(int seriesId, Color b) { Color bTransparent = b; bTransparent.A = 0; GradientStopCollection gs = new GradientStopCollection(); gs.Add(new GradientStop(bTransparent, 0)); gs.Add(new GradientStop(b, 0.2)); LinearGradientBrush g = new LinearGradientBrush(gs, new Point(0, 0), Orientation == System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal ? new Point(ActualWidth, 0) : new Point(0, ActualHeight)); g.MappingMode = BrushMappingMode.Absolute; g.Freeze(); brushes[seriesId] = g; brush_colors[seriesId] = b; } public void AssocThickness(int seriesId, int thickness) { brush_thicknesses[seriesId] = thickness; } public void AssocName(int seriesId, String name) { line_names[seriesId] = name; } protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc) { base.OnRender(dc); if (Orientation == System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Horizontal) RenderHorizontal(dc); else RenderVertical(dc); } // Grid rendering private void RenderHorizontal(DrawingContext dc) { Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1); Pen q = new Pen(Brushes.LightGray, 1); double padLeft = Padding.Left; double padBottom = Padding.Bottom - 2 + 10; double padTop = Padding.Top; double padRight = Padding.Right; // Draw horizontal gridlines double step_size = (MaxVal - MinVal) / (NumVertGrid - 1.0); for (int i = 0; i < NumVertGrid; i++) { double y = (int)(padTop + ((NumVertGrid - 1.0) - i) * ((ActualHeight - padBottom - padTop) / (NumVertGrid - 1.0))) - 0.5; double y_val = MinVal + i * step_size; if (y_val != 0) dc.DrawLine(q, new Point(padLeft, y), new Point(ActualWidth - padRight, y)); else dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(padLeft, y), new Point(ActualWidth - padRight, y)); dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(padLeft - 10, y), new Point(padLeft, y)); var t = FormT((MinVal + i * step_size).ToString("0.0"), 10); dc.DrawText(t, new Point(padLeft - t.Width - 12, y - t.Height / 2)); if (i == 0) MinAxesY = y; if (i == NumVertGrid - 1) MaxAxesY = y; } // Draw vertical gridlines for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { double x = (int)(padLeft + (10 - i) * ((ActualWidth - padLeft - padRight) / 10.0)) - 0.5; if (i < 10) dc.DrawLine(q, new Point(x, ActualHeight - padBottom), new Point(x, padTop)); dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(x, ActualHeight - padBottom + 10), new Point(x, ActualHeight - padBottom)); if (XTicks) { var t = FormT(i.ToString(), 10); dc.DrawText(t, new Point(x - t.Width / 2, ActualHeight - padBottom + t.Height)); } if (i == 0) MaxAxesX = x; if (i == (11 - 1)) MinAxesX = x; } // Draw y axis dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(((int)padLeft) - 0.5, padTop), new Point(((int)padLeft) - 0.5, ActualHeight - padBottom)); //dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(MinAxesX, MinAxesY), new Point(MaxAxesX, MaxAxesY)); //dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(MaxAxesX, padTop), new Point(MaxAxesX, ActualHeight - padBottom)); // Draw x axis label if (ShowXLabel) { FormattedText ft = FormT("History (seconds)", 20); dc.DrawText(ft, new Point(padLeft + (ActualWidth - padLeft - padRight) / 2 - ft.Width / 2, ActualHeight - ft.Height)); } // Draw y axis label if (ShowYLabel) { FormattedText ft = FormT(RangeLabel, 20); dc.PushTransform(new RotateTransform(-90)); dc.DrawText(ft, new Point(-ft.Width - ActualHeight / 2 + ft.Width / 2, 0)); dc.Pop(); } DataPointGraph[] localPoints; lock (dataPoints) localPoints = dataPoints.ToArray(); var pfs = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < localPoints.Length; i++) { var ptTime = localPoints[i].Time; var ptAge = (DateTime.Now - ptTime).TotalSeconds; foreach (var kvp in localPoints[i].values) { var seriesId = kvp.Key; double v = (kvp.Value - MinVal) / (MaxVal - MinVal); // X starts here MinAxesX // X ends here MaxAxesX double y = MinAxesY - (MinAxesY - MaxAxesY) * v; double x = MaxAxesX - (CurrentTime - localPoints[i].Time).TotalMilliseconds * ((MaxAxesX-MinAxesX) / historyLength.TotalMilliseconds); // Make sure everything is within bounds if (x < MinAxesX) continue; y = Math.Min(MinAxesY, Math.Max(MaxAxesY, y)); if (!pfs.ContainsKey(seriesId)) { pfs[seriesId] = new PathFigure(); pfs[seriesId].IsClosed = false; pfs[seriesId].StartPoint = new Point(x, y); } else { pfs[seriesId].Segments.Add(new LineSegment(new Point(x, y), true)); } } } foreach (var kvp in pfs) { var seriesId = kvp.Key; var pf = kvp.Value; Brush b = brushes.ContainsKey(seriesId) ? brushes[seriesId] : Brushes.Black; int thickness = brush_thicknesses.ContainsKey(seriesId) ? brush_thicknesses[seriesId] : 2; PathGeometry pg = new PathGeometry(new PathFigure[] { pf }); Pen p2 = new Pen(b, thickness); dc.DrawGeometry(null, p2, pg); } if (ShowLegend && line_names.Count > 0) { int height_one = 18; int height = height_one * line_names.Count; Pen p2 = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1); Brush legend_b = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)); dc.DrawRectangle(legend_b, p2, new Rect(MinAxesX, MaxAxesY, 100, height)); int i = 0; foreach (var key_name_pair in line_names) { var line_name = key_name_pair.Value; FormattedText ft = FormT(line_name, 11); // Draw the text dc.DrawText(ft, new Point(MinAxesX + 15, MaxAxesY + 1 + height_one * i)); // Draw example lines Brush legend_c = new SolidColorBrush(brush_colors[key_name_pair.Key]); Pen p_line = new Pen(legend_c, brush_thicknesses[key_name_pair.Key]); dc.DrawLine(p_line, new Point(MinAxesX, MaxAxesY + height_one * i - 1 + height_one / 2), new Point(MinAxesX + 14, MaxAxesY -1 + height_one * i + height_one / 2)); i++; } } } private void RenderVertical(DrawingContext dc) { Pen p = new Pen(Brushes.Black, 1); Pen q = new Pen(Brushes.LightGray, 1); double padLeft = Padding.Left; double padBottom = Padding.Bottom - 2 + 10; double padTop = Padding.Top; double padRight = Padding.Right; // Draw horizontal gridlines for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { double y = (int)(padTop + (10 - i) * ((ActualHeight - padBottom - padTop) / 10.0)) - 0.5; if (i > 0) dc.DrawLine(q, new Point(padLeft, y), new Point(ActualWidth - padRight, y)); dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(padLeft - 10, y), new Point(padLeft, y)); var t = FormT(i.ToString(), 10); dc.DrawText(t, new Point(padLeft - t.Width - 12, y - t.Height / 2)); } // Draw vertical gridlines for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double x = (int)(padLeft + (4 - i) * ((ActualWidth - padLeft - padRight) / 4.0)) - 0.5; if (i < 10) dc.DrawLine(q, new Point(x, ActualHeight - padBottom), new Point(x, padTop)); dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(x, ActualHeight - padBottom + 10), new Point(x, ActualHeight - padBottom)); var t = FormT(((4 - i) / 2.0 - 1).ToString("0.0"), 10); dc.DrawText(t, new Point(x - t.Width / 2, ActualHeight - padBottom + t.Height)); } // Draw y axis dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(((int)((ActualWidth - padRight - padLeft) / 2 + padLeft)) - 0.5, padTop), new Point(((int)((ActualWidth - padRight - padLeft) / 2 + padLeft)) - 0.5, ActualHeight - padBottom)); // Draw x axis dc.DrawLine(p, new Point(padLeft, ((int)((ActualHeight - padBottom))) - 0.5), new Point(ActualWidth - padRight, ((int)((ActualHeight - padBottom))) - 0.5)); // Draw x axis label FormattedText ft = FormT(RangeLabel, 20); dc.DrawText(ft, new Point(padLeft + (ActualWidth - padLeft - padRight) / 2 - ft.Width / 2, ActualHeight - ft.Height)); // Draw y axis label ft = FormT("History (seconds)", 20); dc.PushTransform(new RotateTransform(-90)); dc.DrawText(ft, new Point(-ft.Width - ActualHeight / 2 + ft.Width / 2, 0)); } private FormattedText FormT(string text, int size) { return new FormattedText(text, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, System.Windows.FlowDirection.LeftToRight, new Typeface("Verdana"), size, Brushes.Black); } } }