clear addpath(genpath('helpers/')); find_SEMAINE; out_loc = './out_SEMAINE/'; if(~exist(out_loc, 'dir')) mkdir(out_loc); end executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; parfor f1=1:numel(devel_recs) if(isdir([SEMAINE_dir, devel_recs{f1}])) vid_file = dir([SEMAINE_dir, devel_recs{f1}, '/*.avi']); f1_dir = devel_recs{f1}; command = [executable, ' -fx 800 -fy 800 -rigid -q -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noGaze ']; curr_vid = [SEMAINE_dir, f1_dir, '/',]; name = f1_dir; output_aus = [out_loc name '.au.txt']; command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' curr_vid '" -of "' output_aus]); dos(command); end end %% Actual model evaluation [ labels, valid_ids, vid_ids ] = extract_SEMAINE_labels(SEMAINE_dir, devel_recs, aus_SEMAINE); labels_gt = cat(1, labels{:}); %% Identifying which column IDs correspond to which AU tab = readtable([out_loc, devel_recs{1}, '.au.txt']); column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames; % As there are both classes and intensities list and evaluate both of them aus_pred_int = []; aus_pred_class = []; inds_int_in_file = []; inds_class_in_file = []; for c=1:numel(column_names) if(strfind(column_names{c}, '_r') > 0) aus_pred_int = cat(1, aus_pred_int, int32(str2num(column_names{c}(3:end-2)))); inds_int_in_file = cat(1, inds_int_in_file, c); end if(strfind(column_names{c}, '_c') > 0) aus_pred_class = cat(1, aus_pred_class, int32(str2num(column_names{c}(3:end-2)))); inds_class_in_file = cat(1, inds_class_in_file, c); end end %% inds_au_int = zeros(size(aus_SEMAINE)); inds_au_class = zeros(size(aus_SEMAINE)); for ind=1:numel(aus_SEMAINE) if(~isempty(find(aus_pred_int==aus_SEMAINE(ind), 1))) inds_au_int(ind) = find(aus_pred_int==aus_SEMAINE(ind)); end end for ind=1:numel(aus_SEMAINE) if(~isempty(find(aus_pred_class==aus_SEMAINE(ind), 1))) inds_au_class(ind) = find(aus_pred_class==aus_SEMAINE(ind)); end end preds_all_class = []; preds_all_int = []; for i=1:numel(devel_recs) fname = [out_loc, devel_recs{i}, '.au.txt']; preds = dlmread(fname, ',', 1, 0); % Read all of the intensity AUs preds_int = preds(vid_ids(i,1):vid_ids(i,2) - 1, inds_int_in_file); % Read all of the classification AUs preds_class = preds(vid_ids(i,1):vid_ids(i,2) - 1, inds_class_in_file); preds_all_class = cat(1, preds_all_class, preds_class); preds_all_int = cat(1, preds_all_int, preds_int); end %% f = fopen('SEMAINE_valid_res.txt', 'w'); for au = 1:numel(aus_SEMAINE) if(inds_au_int(au) ~= 0) tp = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 1 & preds_all_int(:, inds_au_int(au)) >= 1); fp = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 0 & preds_all_int(:, inds_au_int(au)) >= 1); fn = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 1 & preds_all_int(:, inds_au_int(au)) < 1); tn = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 0 & preds_all_int(:, inds_au_int(au)) < 1); precision = tp./(tp+fp); recall = tp./(tp+fn); f1 = 2 * precision .* recall ./ (precision + recall); fprintf(f, 'AU%d intensity, Precision - %.3f, Recall - %.3f, F1 - %.3f\n', aus_SEMAINE(au), precision, recall, f1); end if(inds_au_class(au) ~= 0) tp = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 1 & preds_all_class(:, inds_au_class(au)) == 1); fp = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 0 & preds_all_class(:, inds_au_class(au)) == 1); fn = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 1 & preds_all_class(:, inds_au_class(au)) == 0); tn = sum(labels_gt(:,au) == 0 & preds_all_class(:, inds_au_class(au)) == 0); precision = tp./(tp+fp); recall = tp./(tp+fn); f1 = 2 * precision .* recall ./ (precision + recall); fprintf(f, 'AU%d class, Precision - %.3f, Recall - %.3f, F1 - %.3f\n', aus_SEMAINE(au), precision, recall, f1); end end fclose(f);