function A = allcomb(varargin) % ALLCOMB - All combinations % B = ALLCOMB(A1,A2,A3,...,AN) returns all combinations of the elements % in A1, A2, ..., and AN. B is P-by-N matrix is which P is the product % of the number of elements of the N inputs. % Empty inputs yields an empty matrix B of size 0-by-N. Note that % previous versions (1.x) simply ignored empty inputs. % % Example: % allcomb([1 3 5],[-3 8],[0 1]) ; % 1 -3 0 % 1 -3 1 % 1 8 0 % ... % 5 -3 1 % 5 8 0 % 5 8 1 % % ALLCOMB(A1,..AN,'matlab') causes the first column to change fastest. % This is more consistent with matlab indexing. Example: % allcomb(1:2,3:4,5:6,'matlab') %-> % 1 3 5 % 2 3 5 % 1 4 5 % ... % 2 4 6 % % This functionality is also known as the cartesian product. % % See also NCHOOSEK, PERMS, % and COMBN (Matlab Central FEX) % for Matlab R13+ % version 2.1 (feb 2011) % (c) Jos van der Geest % email: % History % 1.1 (feb 2006), removed minor bug when entering empty cell arrays; % added option to let the first input run fastest (suggestion by JD) % 1.2 (jan 2010), using ii as an index on the left-hand for the multiple % output by NDGRID. Thanks to Jan Simon, for showing this little trick % 2.0 (dec 2010). Bruno Luong convinced me that an empty input should % return an empty output. % 2.1 (feb 2011). A cell as input argument caused the check on the last % argument (specifying the order) to crash. error(nargchk(1,Inf,nargin)) ; % check for empty inputs q = ~cellfun('isempty',varargin) ; if any(~q), warning('ALLCOMB:EmptyInput','Empty inputs result in an empty output.') ; A = zeros(0,nargin) ; else ni = sum(q) ; argn = varargin{end} ; ischar(argn) if ischar(argn) && (strcmpi(argn,'matlab') || strcmpi(argn,'john')), % based on a suggestion by JD on the FEX ni = ni-1 ; ii = 1:ni ; q(end) = 0 ; else % enter arguments backwards, so last one (AN) is changing fastest ii = ni:-1:1 ; end if ni==0, A = [] ; else args = varargin(q) ; if ~all(cellfun('isclass',args,'double')), error('All arguments should be arrays of doubles') ; end if ni==1, A = args{1}(:) ; else % flip using ii if last column is changing fastest [A{ii}] = ndgrid(args{ii}) ; % concatenate A = reshape(cat(ni+1,A{:}),[],ni) ; end end end