% this is data defined across the experiments (to make sure all of them have same user conventions)

% Defining which AU's we are extracting (all corrs above 0.5)
all_aus = [1,2,4,5,6,9,12,15,17,20,25,26];
aus = [1,2,4,5,6,9,12,15,17,20,25,26];

% load all of the data together (for efficiency)
% it will be split up accordingly at later stages
if(exist('F:/datasets/DISFA/', 'file'))
    DISFA_dir = 'F:/datasets/DISFA/';
elseif(exist('D:/Databases/DISFA/', 'file'))        
    DISFA_dir = 'D:/Databases/DISFA/';
elseif(exist('D:\datasets\face_datasets\DISFA/', 'file'))        
    DISFA_dir = 'D:\datasets\face_datasets\DISFA/';    
elseif(exist('D:\Datasets\DISFA/', 'file'))        
    DISFA_dir = 'D:\Datasets\DISFA/';  
elseif(exist('Z:/datasets/DISFA/', 'file'))        
    DISFA_dir = 'Z:/Databases/DISFA/';
elseif(exist('E:/datasets/DISFA/', 'file'))        
    DISFA_dir = 'E:/datasets/DISFA/';
elseif(exist('C:/tadas/DISFA/', 'file'))        
    DISFA_dir = 'C:/tadas/DISFA/';
    fprintf('DISFA location not found (or not defined)\n'); 

hog_data_dir = 'E:\datasets\face_datasets_processed\disfa/';

users = {'SN001';