/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2017, Carnegie Mellon University and University of Cambridge, // all rights reserved. // // ACADEMIC OR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION NONCOMMERCIAL RESEARCH USE ONLY // // BY USING OR DOWNLOADING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. // IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOU MAY NOT USE OR DOWNLOAD THE SOFTWARE. // // License can be found in OpenFace-license.txt // // * Any publications arising from the use of this software, including but // not limited to academic journal and conference publications, technical // reports and manuals, must cite at least one of the following works: // // OpenFace: an open source facial behavior analysis toolkit // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency // in IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2016 // // Rendering of Eyes for Eye-Shape Registration and Gaze Estimation // Erroll Wood, Tadas Baltrušaitis, Xucong Zhang, Yusuke Sugano, Peter Robinson, and Andreas Bulling // in IEEE International. Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015 // // Cross-dataset learning and person-speci?c normalisation for automatic Action Unit detection // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Marwa Mahmoud, and Peter Robinson // in Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, // IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2015 // // Constrained Local Neural Fields for robust facial landmark detection in the wild. // Tadas Baltrušaitis, Peter Robinson, and Louis-Philippe Morency. // in IEEE Int. Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 300 Faces in-the-Wild Challenge, 2013. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include // OpenCV include #include #include // Math includes #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #include using namespace LandmarkDetector; //=========================================================================== //============================================================================= // Orthonormalising the 3x3 rotation matrix void PDM::Orthonormalise(cv::Matx33d &R) { cv::SVD svd(R,cv::SVD::MODIFY_A); // get the orthogonal matrix from the initial rotation matrix cv::Mat_ X = svd.u*svd.vt; // This makes sure that the handedness is preserved and no reflection happened // by making sure the determinant is 1 and not -1 cv::Mat_ W = cv::Mat_::eye(3,3); double d = determinant(X); W(2,2) = determinant(X); cv::Mat Rt = svd.u*W*svd.vt; Rt.copyTo(R); } // A copy constructor PDM::PDM(const PDM& other) { // Make sure the matrices are allocated properly this->mean_shape = other.mean_shape.clone(); this->princ_comp = other.princ_comp.clone(); this->eigen_values = other.eigen_values.clone(); } //=========================================================================== // Clamping the parameter values to be within 3 standard deviations void PDM::Clamp(cv::Mat_& local_params, cv::Vec6d& params_global, const FaceModelParameters& parameters) { double n_sigmas = 3; cv::MatConstIterator_ e_it = this->eigen_values.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ p_it = local_params.begin(); double v; // go over all parameters for(; p_it != local_params.end(); ++p_it, ++e_it) { // Work out the maximum value v = n_sigmas*sqrt(*e_it); // if the values is too extreme clamp it if(fabs(*p_it) > v) { // Dealing with positive and negative cases if(*p_it > 0.0) { *p_it=v; } else { *p_it=-v; } } } // do not let the pose get out of hand if(parameters.limit_pose) { if(params_global[1] > M_PI / 2) params_global[1] = M_PI/2; if(params_global[1] < -M_PI / 2) params_global[1] = -M_PI/2; if(params_global[2] > M_PI / 2) params_global[2] = M_PI/2; if(params_global[2] < -M_PI / 2) params_global[2] = -M_PI/2; if(params_global[3] > M_PI / 2) params_global[3] = M_PI/2; if(params_global[3] < -M_PI / 2) params_global[3] = -M_PI/2; } } //=========================================================================== // Compute the 3D representation of shape (in object space) using the local parameters void PDM::CalcShape3D(cv::Mat_& out_shape, const cv::Mat_& p_local) const { out_shape.create(mean_shape.rows, mean_shape.cols); out_shape = mean_shape + princ_comp*p_local; } //=========================================================================== // Get the 2D shape (in image space) from global and local parameters void PDM::CalcShape2D(cv::Mat_& out_shape, const cv::Mat_& params_local, const cv::Vec6d& params_global) const { int n = this->NumberOfPoints(); double s = params_global[0]; // scaling factor double tx = params_global[4]; // x offset double ty = params_global[5]; // y offset // get the rotation matrix from the euler angles cv::Vec3d euler(params_global[1], params_global[2], params_global[3]); cv::Matx33d currRot = Euler2RotationMatrix(euler); // get the 3D shape of the object cv::Mat_ Shape_3D = mean_shape + princ_comp * params_local; // create the 2D shape matrix (if it has not been defined yet) if((out_shape.rows != mean_shape.rows) || (out_shape.cols != 1)) { out_shape.create(2*n,1); } // for every vertex for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Transform this using the weak-perspective mapping to 2D from 3D out_shape.at(i ,0) = s * ( currRot(0,0) * Shape_3D.at(i, 0) + currRot(0,1) * Shape_3D.at(i+n ,0) + currRot(0,2) * Shape_3D.at(i+n*2,0) ) + tx; out_shape.at(i+n,0) = s * ( currRot(1,0) * Shape_3D.at(i, 0) + currRot(1,1) * Shape_3D.at(i+n ,0) + currRot(1,2) * Shape_3D.at(i+n*2,0) ) + ty; } } //=========================================================================== // provided the bounding box of a face and the local parameters (with optional rotation), generates the global parameters that can generate the face with the provided bounding box // This all assumes that the bounding box describes face from left outline to right outline of the face and chin to eyebrows void PDM::CalcParams(cv::Vec6d& out_params_global, const cv::Rect_& bounding_box, const cv::Mat_& params_local, const cv::Vec3d rotation) { // get the shape instance based on local params cv::Mat_ current_shape(mean_shape.size()); CalcShape3D(current_shape, params_local); // rotate the shape cv::Matx33d rotation_matrix = Euler2RotationMatrix(rotation); cv::Mat_ reshaped = current_shape.reshape(1, 3); cv::Mat rotated_shape = (cv::Mat(rotation_matrix) * reshaped); // Get the width of expected shape double min_x; double max_x; cv::minMaxLoc(rotated_shape.row(0), &min_x, &max_x); double min_y; double max_y; cv::minMaxLoc(rotated_shape.row(1), &min_y, &max_y); double width = abs(min_x - max_x); double height = abs(min_y - max_y); double scaling = ((bounding_box.width / width) + (bounding_box.height / height)) / 2; // The estimate of face center also needs some correction double tx = bounding_box.x + bounding_box.width / 2; double ty = bounding_box.y + bounding_box.height / 2; // Correct it so that the bounding box is just around the minimum and maximum point in the initialised face tx = tx - scaling * (min_x + max_x)/2; ty = ty - scaling * (min_y + max_y)/2; out_params_global = cv::Vec6d(scaling, rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2], tx, ty); } //=========================================================================== // provided the model parameters, compute the bounding box of a face // The bounding box describes face from left outline to right outline of the face and chin to eyebrows void PDM::CalcBoundingBox(cv::Rect& out_bounding_box, const cv::Vec6d& params_global, const cv::Mat_& params_local) { // get the shape instance based on local params cv::Mat_ current_shape; CalcShape2D(current_shape, params_local, params_global); // Get the width of expected shape double min_x; double max_x; cv::minMaxLoc(current_shape(cv::Rect(0, 0, 1, this->NumberOfPoints())), &min_x, &max_x); double min_y; double max_y; cv::minMaxLoc(current_shape(cv::Rect(0, this->NumberOfPoints(), 1, this->NumberOfPoints())), &min_y, &max_y); double width = abs(min_x - max_x); double height = abs(min_y - max_y); out_bounding_box = cv::Rect((int)min_x, (int)min_y, (int)width, (int)height); } //=========================================================================== // Calculate the PDM's Jacobian over rigid parameters (rotation, translation and scaling), the additional input W represents trust for each of the landmarks and is part of Non-Uniform RLMS void PDM::ComputeRigidJacobian(const cv::Mat_& p_local, const cv::Vec6d& params_global, cv::Mat_ &Jacob, const cv::Mat_ W, cv::Mat_ &Jacob_t_w) { // number of verts int n = this->NumberOfPoints(); Jacob.create(n * 2, 6); float X,Y,Z; float s = (float)params_global[0]; cv::Mat_ shape_3D_d; cv::Mat_ p_local_d; p_local.convertTo(p_local_d, CV_64F); this->CalcShape3D(shape_3D_d, p_local_d); cv::Mat_ shape_3D; shape_3D_d.convertTo(shape_3D, CV_32F); // Get the rotation matrix cv::Vec3d euler(params_global[1], params_global[2], params_global[3]); cv::Matx33d currRot = Euler2RotationMatrix(euler); float r11 = (float) currRot(0,0); float r12 = (float) currRot(0,1); float r13 = (float) currRot(0,2); float r21 = (float) currRot(1,0); float r22 = (float) currRot(1,1); float r23 = (float) currRot(1,2); float r31 = (float) currRot(2,0); float r32 = (float) currRot(2,1); float r33 = (float) currRot(2,2); cv::MatIterator_ Jx = Jacob.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ Jy = Jx + n * 6; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { X = shape_3D.at(i,0); Y = shape_3D.at(i+n,0); Z = shape_3D.at(i+n*2,0); // The rigid jacobian from the axis angle rotation matrix approximation using small angle assumption (R * R') // where R' = [1, -wz, wy // wz, 1, -wx // -wy, wx, 1] // And this is derived using the small angle assumption on the axis angle rotation matrix parametrisation // scaling term *Jx++ = (X * r11 + Y * r12 + Z * r13); *Jy++ = (X * r21 + Y * r22 + Z * r23); // rotation terms *Jx++ = (s * (Y * r13 - Z * r12) ); *Jy++ = (s * (Y * r23 - Z * r22) ); *Jx++ = (-s * (X * r13 - Z * r11)); *Jy++ = (-s * (X * r23 - Z * r21)); *Jx++ = (s * (X * r12 - Y * r11) ); *Jy++ = (s * (X * r22 - Y * r21) ); // translation terms *Jx++ = 1.0f; *Jy++ = 0.0f; *Jx++ = 0.0f; *Jy++ = 1.0f; } cv::Mat Jacob_w = cv::Mat::zeros(Jacob.rows, Jacob.cols, Jacob.type()); Jx = Jacob.begin(); Jy = Jx + n*6; cv::MatIterator_ Jx_w = Jacob_w.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ Jy_w = Jx_w + n*6; // Iterate over all Jacobian values and multiply them by the weight in diagonal of W for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float w_x = W.at(i, i); float w_y = W.at(i+n, i+n); for(int j = 0; j < Jacob.cols; ++j) { *Jx_w++ = *Jx++ * w_x; *Jy_w++ = *Jy++ * w_y; } } Jacob_t_w = Jacob_w.t(); } //=========================================================================== // Calculate the PDM's Jacobian over all parameters (rigid and non-rigid), the additional input W represents trust for each of the landmarks and is part of Non-Uniform RLMS void PDM::ComputeJacobian(const cv::Mat_& params_local, const cv::Vec6d& params_global, cv::Mat_ &Jacobian, const cv::Mat_ W, cv::Mat_ &Jacob_t_w) { // number of vertices int n = this->NumberOfPoints(); // number of non-rigid parameters int m = this->NumberOfModes(); Jacobian.create(n * 2, 6 + m); float X,Y,Z; float s = (float) params_global[0]; cv::Mat_ shape_3D_d; cv::Mat_ p_local_d; params_local.convertTo(p_local_d, CV_64F); this->CalcShape3D(shape_3D_d, p_local_d); cv::Mat_ shape_3D; shape_3D_d.convertTo(shape_3D, CV_32F); cv::Vec3d euler(params_global[1], params_global[2], params_global[3]); cv::Matx33d currRot = Euler2RotationMatrix(euler); float r11 = (float) currRot(0,0); float r12 = (float) currRot(0,1); float r13 = (float) currRot(0,2); float r21 = (float) currRot(1,0); float r22 = (float) currRot(1,1); float r23 = (float) currRot(1,2); float r31 = (float) currRot(2,0); float r32 = (float) currRot(2,1); float r33 = (float) currRot(2,2); cv::MatIterator_ Jx = Jacobian.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ Jy = Jx + n * (6 + m); cv::MatConstIterator_ Vx = this->princ_comp.begin(); cv::MatConstIterator_ Vy = Vx + n*m; cv::MatConstIterator_ Vz = Vy + n*m; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { X = shape_3D.at(i,0); Y = shape_3D.at(i+n,0); Z = shape_3D.at(i+n*2,0); // The rigid jacobian from the axis angle rotation matrix approximation using small angle assumption (R * R') // where R' = [1, -wz, wy // wz, 1, -wx // -wy, wx, 1] // And this is derived using the small angle assumption on the axis angle rotation matrix parametrisation // scaling term *Jx++ = (X * r11 + Y * r12 + Z * r13); *Jy++ = (X * r21 + Y * r22 + Z * r23); // rotation terms *Jx++ = (s * (Y * r13 - Z * r12) ); *Jy++ = (s * (Y * r23 - Z * r22) ); *Jx++ = (-s * (X * r13 - Z * r11)); *Jy++ = (-s * (X * r23 - Z * r21)); *Jx++ = (s * (X * r12 - Y * r11) ); *Jy++ = (s * (X * r22 - Y * r21) ); // translation terms *Jx++ = 1.0f; *Jy++ = 0.0f; *Jx++ = 0.0f; *Jy++ = 1.0f; for(int j = 0; j < m; j++,++Vx,++Vy,++Vz) { // How much the change of the non-rigid parameters (when object is rotated) affect 2D motion *Jx++ = (float) ( s*(r11*(*Vx) + r12*(*Vy) + r13*(*Vz)) ); *Jy++ = (float) ( s*(r21*(*Vx) + r22*(*Vy) + r23*(*Vz)) ); } } // Adding the weights here cv::Mat Jacob_w = Jacobian.clone(); if(cv::trace(W)[0] != W.rows) { Jx = Jacobian.begin(); Jy = Jx + n*(6+m); cv::MatIterator_ Jx_w = Jacob_w.begin(); cv::MatIterator_ Jy_w = Jx_w + n*(6+m); // Iterate over all Jacobian values and multiply them by the weight in diagonal of W for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float w_x = W.at(i, i); float w_y = W.at(i+n, i+n); for(int j = 0; j < Jacobian.cols; ++j) { *Jx_w++ = *Jx++ * w_x; *Jy_w++ = *Jy++ * w_y; } } } Jacob_t_w = Jacob_w.t(); } //=========================================================================== // Updating the parameters (more details in my thesis) void PDM::UpdateModelParameters(const cv::Mat_& delta_p, cv::Mat_& params_local, cv::Vec6d& params_global) { // The scaling and translation parameters can be just added params_global[0] += (double)delta_p.at(0,0); params_global[4] += (double)delta_p.at(4,0); params_global[5] += (double)delta_p.at(5,0); // get the original rotation matrix cv::Vec3d eulerGlobal(params_global[1], params_global[2], params_global[3]); cv::Matx33d R1 = Euler2RotationMatrix(eulerGlobal); // construct R' = [1, -wz, wy // wz, 1, -wx // -wy, wx, 1] cv::Matx33d R2 = cv::Matx33d::eye(); R2(1,2) = -1.0*(R2(2,1) = (double)delta_p.at(1,0)); R2(2,0) = -1.0*(R2(0,2) = (double)delta_p.at(2,0)); R2(0,1) = -1.0*(R2(1,0) = (double)delta_p.at(3,0)); // Make sure it's orthonormal Orthonormalise(R2); // Combine rotations cv::Matx33d R3 = R1 *R2; // Extract euler angle (through axis angle first to make sure it's legal) cv::Vec3d axis_angle = RotationMatrix2AxisAngle(R3); cv::Vec3d euler = AxisAngle2Euler(axis_angle); params_global[1] = euler[0]; params_global[2] = euler[1]; params_global[3] = euler[2]; // Local parameter update, just simple addition if(delta_p.rows > 6) { params_local = params_local + delta_p(cv::Rect(0,6,1, this->NumberOfModes())); } } void PDM::CalcParams(cv::Vec6d& out_params_global, cv::Mat_& out_params_local, const cv::Mat_& landmark_locations, const cv::Vec3d rotation) { int m = this->NumberOfModes(); int n = this->NumberOfPoints(); cv::Mat_ visi_ind_2D(n * 2, 1, 1); cv::Mat_ visi_ind_3D(3 * n , 1, 1); for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // If the landmark is invisible indicate this if(landmark_locations.at(i) == 0) { visi_ind_2D.at(i) = 0; visi_ind_2D.at(i+n) = 0; visi_ind_3D.at(i) = 0; visi_ind_3D.at(i+n) = 0; visi_ind_3D.at(i+2*n) = 0; } } // As this might be subsampled have special versions cv::Mat_ M(0, mean_shape.cols, 0.0); cv::Mat_ V(0, princ_comp.cols, 0.0); for(int i = 0; i < n * 3; ++i) { if(visi_ind_3D.at(i) == 1) { cv::vconcat(M, this->mean_shape.row(i), M); cv::vconcat(V, this->princ_comp.row(i), V); } } cv::Mat_ m_old = this->mean_shape.clone(); cv::Mat_ v_old = this->princ_comp.clone(); this->mean_shape = M; this->princ_comp = V; // The new number of points n = M.rows / 3; // Extract the relevant landmark locations cv::Mat_ landmark_locs_vis(n*2, 1, 0.0); int k = 0; for(int i = 0; i < visi_ind_2D.rows; ++i) { if(visi_ind_2D.at(i) == 1) { landmark_locs_vis.at(k) = landmark_locations.at(i); k++; } } // Compute the initial global parameters double min_x; double max_x; cv::minMaxLoc(landmark_locations(cv::Rect(0, 0, 1, this->NumberOfPoints())), &min_x, &max_x); double min_y; double max_y; cv::minMaxLoc(landmark_locations(cv::Rect(0, this->NumberOfPoints(), 1, this->NumberOfPoints())), &min_y, &max_y); double width = abs(min_x - max_x); double height = abs(min_y - max_y); cv::Rect model_bbox; CalcBoundingBox(model_bbox, cv::Vec6d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), cv::Mat_(this->NumberOfModes(), 1, 0.0)); cv::Rect bbox((int)min_x, (int)min_y, (int)width, (int)height); double scaling = ((width / model_bbox.width) + (height / model_bbox.height)) / 2; cv::Vec3d rotation_init = rotation; cv::Matx33d R = Euler2RotationMatrix(rotation_init); cv::Vec2d translation((min_x + max_x) / 2.0, (min_y + max_y) / 2.0); cv::Mat_ loc_params(this->NumberOfModes(),1, 0.0); cv::Vec6d glob_params(scaling, rotation_init[0], rotation_init[1], rotation_init[2], translation[0], translation[1]); // get the 3D shape of the object cv::Mat_ loc_params_d; loc_params.convertTo(loc_params_d, CV_64F); cv::Mat_ shape_3D = M + V * loc_params_d; cv::Mat_ curr_shape(2*n, 1); // for every vertex for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Transform this using the weak-perspective mapping to 2D from 3D curr_shape.at(i ,0) = scaling * ( R(0,0) * shape_3D.at(i, 0) + R(0,1) * shape_3D.at(i+n ,0) + R(0,2) * shape_3D.at(i+n*2,0) ) + translation[0]; curr_shape.at(i+n,0) = scaling * ( R(1,0) * shape_3D.at(i, 0) + R(1,1) * shape_3D.at(i+n ,0) + R(1,2) * shape_3D.at(i+n*2,0) ) + translation[1]; } double currError = cv::norm(curr_shape - landmark_locs_vis); cv::Mat_ regularisations = cv::Mat_::zeros(1, 6 + m); double reg_factor = 1; // Setting the regularisation to the inverse of eigenvalues cv::Mat(reg_factor / this->eigen_values).copyTo(regularisations(cv::Rect(6, 0, m, 1))); cv::Mat_ regTerm_d = cv::Mat::diag(regularisations.t()); regTerm_d.convertTo(regularisations, CV_32F); cv::Mat_ WeightMatrix = cv::Mat_::eye(n*2, n*2); int not_improved_in = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { // get the 3D shape of the object cv::Mat_ loc_params_d; loc_params.convertTo(loc_params_d, CV_64F); shape_3D = M + V * loc_params_d; shape_3D = shape_3D.reshape(1, 3); cv::Matx23d R_2D(R(0,0), R(0,1), R(0,2), R(1,0), R(1,1), R(1,2)); cv::Mat_ curr_shape_2D = scaling * shape_3D.t() * cv::Mat(R_2D).t(); curr_shape_2D.col(0) = curr_shape_2D.col(0) + translation(0); curr_shape_2D.col(1) = curr_shape_2D.col(1) + translation(1); curr_shape_2D = cv::Mat(curr_shape_2D.t()).reshape(1, n * 2); cv::Mat_ error_resid; cv::Mat(landmark_locs_vis - curr_shape_2D).convertTo(error_resid, CV_32F); cv::Mat_ J, J_w_t; this->ComputeJacobian(loc_params, glob_params, J, WeightMatrix, J_w_t); // projection of the meanshifts onto the jacobians (using the weighted Jacobian, see Baltrusaitis 2013) cv::Mat_ J_w_t_m = J_w_t * error_resid; // Add the regularisation term J_w_t_m(cv::Rect(0,6,1, m)) = J_w_t_m(cv::Rect(0,6,1, m)) - regularisations(cv::Rect(6,6, m, m)) * loc_params; cv::Mat_ Hessian = J_w_t * J; // Add the Tikhonov regularisation Hessian = Hessian + regularisations; // Solve for the parameter update (from Baltrusaitis 2013 based on eq (36) Saragih 2011) cv::Mat_ param_update; cv::solve(Hessian, J_w_t_m, param_update, CV_CHOLESKY); // To not overshoot, have the gradient decent rate a bit smaller param_update = 0.5 * param_update; UpdateModelParameters(param_update, loc_params, glob_params); scaling = glob_params[0]; rotation_init[0] = glob_params[1]; rotation_init[1] = glob_params[2]; rotation_init[2] = glob_params[3]; translation[0] = glob_params[4]; translation[1] = glob_params[5]; R = Euler2RotationMatrix(rotation_init); R_2D(0,0) = R(0,0);R_2D(0,1) = R(0,1); R_2D(0,2) = R(0,2); R_2D(1,0) = R(1,0);R_2D(1,1) = R(1,1); R_2D(1,2) = R(1,2); curr_shape_2D = scaling * shape_3D.t() * cv::Mat(R_2D).t(); curr_shape_2D.col(0) = curr_shape_2D.col(0) + translation(0); curr_shape_2D.col(1) = curr_shape_2D.col(1) + translation(1); curr_shape_2D = cv::Mat(curr_shape_2D.t()).reshape(1, n * 2); double error = cv::norm(curr_shape_2D - landmark_locs_vis); if(0.999 * currError < error) { not_improved_in++; if (not_improved_in == 5) { break; } } currError = error; } out_params_global = glob_params; loc_params.convertTo(out_params_local, CV_64F); this->mean_shape = m_old; this->princ_comp = v_old; } void PDM::Read(string location) { ifstream pdmLoc(location, ios_base::in); LandmarkDetector::SkipComments(pdmLoc); // Reading mean values LandmarkDetector::ReadMat(pdmLoc,mean_shape); LandmarkDetector::SkipComments(pdmLoc); // Reading principal components LandmarkDetector::ReadMat(pdmLoc,princ_comp); LandmarkDetector::SkipComments(pdmLoc); // Reading eigenvalues LandmarkDetector::ReadMat(pdmLoc,eigen_values); }