function [meanError, all_rot_preds, all_rot_gts, meanErrors, all_errors, rels_all, seq_ids] = calcBiwiError(resDir, gtDir) seqNames = {'01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09', ... '10', '11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19', ... '20', '21','22','23','24'}; rotMeanErr = zeros(numel(seqNames),3); rotRMS = zeros(numel(seqNames),3); rot = cell(1,numel(seqNames)); rotg = cell(1,numel(seqNames)); rels_all = []; seq_ids = {}; for i=1:numel(seqNames) posesGround = load ([gtDir '/' seqNames{i} '/groundTruthPose.txt']); fname = [resDir seqNames{i} '.csv']; if(i == 1) % First read in the column names tab = readtable(fname); column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames; confidence_id = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'confidence')); rot_ids = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'pose_R')); end all_params = dlmread(fname, ',', 1, 0); rot{i} = all_params(:, rot_ids); rels = all_params(:, confidence_id); % the reliabilities of head pose rels_all = cat(1, rels_all, rels); rotg{i} = posesGround(:,[5 6 7]); T = [tx ty tx]; % Correct the first frame so it corresponds to (0,0,0), as slightly % different pose might be assumed frontal and this corrects for % that % Work out the correction matrix for ground truth rot_corr_gt = Euler2Rot(rotg{i}(1,:)); for r_e = 1:size(rotg{i},1) rot_curr_gt = Euler2Rot(rotg{i}(r_e,:)); rot_new_gt = rot_corr_gt' * rot_curr_gt; rotg{i}(r_e,:) = Rot2Euler(rot_new_gt); end % First move the orientation to camera space zx = sqrt(tx.^2 + tz.^2); eul_x = atan2(ty, zx); zy = sqrt(ty.^2 + tz.^2); eul_y = -atan2(tx, zy); for r_e = 1:size(rot{i},1) cam_rot = Euler2Rot([eul_x(r_e), eul_y(r_e), 0]); h_rot = Euler2Rot(rot{i}(r_e,:)); c_rot = cam_rot * h_rot; rot{i}(r_e,:) = Rot2Euler(c_rot); end % Work out the correction matrix for estimates rot_corr_est = Euler2Rot(rot{i}(1,:)); for r_e = 1:size(rot{i},1) rot_curr_est = Euler2Rot(rot{i}(r_e,:)); rot_new_est = rot_corr_est' * rot_curr_est; rot{i}(r_e,:) = Rot2Euler(rot_new_est); end rotg{i} = rotg{i} * 180 / pi; rot{i} = rot{i} * 180 / pi; rotMeanErr(i,:) = mean(abs((rot{i}(:,:)-rotg{i}(:,:)))); rotRMS(i,:) = sqrt(mean(((rot{i}(:,:)-rotg{i}(:,:))).^2)); seq_ids = cat(1, seq_ids, repmat(seqNames(i), size(rot{i},1), 1)); end %% meanErrors = rotMeanErr; allRot = cell2mat(rot'); allRotg = cell2mat(rotg'); meanError = mean(abs((allRot(:,:)-allRotg(:,:)))); all_errors = abs(allRot-allRotg); rmsError = sqrt(mean(((allRot(:,:)-allRotg(:,:))).^2)); errorVariance = std(abs((allRot(:,:)-allRotg(:,:)))); all_rot_preds = allRot; all_rot_gts = allRotg;