function [output_dir] = run_ict_experiment(rootDir, ictDir, verbose, varargin) %EVALUATEICTDATABASE Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here if(isunix) executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"'; else executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; end output_dir = 'experiments/ict_out'; dbSeqDir = dir([rootDir ictDir]); output_dir = cat(2, output_dir, '/'); numTogether = 10; for i=3:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir) command = [executable ' -fx 535 -fy 536 -cx 327 -cy 241 -pose -vis-track ']; command = cat(2, command, [' -inroot ' '"' rootDir '/"']); % deal with edge cases if(numTogether + i > numel(dbSeqDir)) numTogether = numel(dbSeqDir) - i + 1; end for n=0:numTogether-1 inputFile = [ictDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '/colour undist.avi']; command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' output_dir '" ']); end if(verbose) command = cat(2, command, [' -tracked ' outputVideo]); end if(any(strcmp('model', varargin))) command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', varargin{find(strcmp('model', varargin))+1}, '"']); end if(isunix) unix(command, '-echo') else dos(command); end end end