function zi = interp2_mine(varargin) %INTERP2 2-D interpolation (table lookup). % ZI = INTERP2(X,Y,Z,XI,YI) interpolates to find ZI, the values of the % underlying 2-D function Z at the points in matrices XI and YI. % Matrices X and Y specify the points at which the data Z is given. % % XI can be a row vector, in which case it specifies a matrix with % constant columns. Similarly, YI can be a column vector and it % specifies a matrix with constant rows. % % ZI = INTERP2(Z,XI,YI) assumes X=1:N and Y=1:M where [M,N]=SIZE(Z). % ZI = INTERP2(Z,NTIMES) expands Z by interleaving interpolates between % every element, working recursively for NTIMES. INTERP2(Z) is the % same as INTERP2(Z,1). % % ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD) specifies alternate methods. The default % is linear interpolation. Available methods are: % % 'nearest' - nearest neighbor interpolation % 'linear' - bilinear interpolation % 'spline' - spline interpolation % 'cubic' - bicubic interpolation as long as the data is % uniformly spaced, otherwise the same as 'spline' % % For faster interpolation when X and Y are equally spaced and monotonic, % use the syntax ZI = INTERP2(...,*METHOD). % % ZI = INTERP2(...,METHOD,EXTRAPVAL) specificies a method and a scalar % value for ZI outside of the domain created by X and Y. Thus, ZI will % equal EXTRAPVAL for any value of YI or XI which is not spanned by Y % or X respectively. A method must be specified for EXTRAPVAL to be used, % the default method is 'linear'. % % All the interpolation methods require that X and Y be monotonic and % plaid (as if they were created using MESHGRID). If you provide two % monotonic vectors, interp2 changes them to a plaid internally. % X and Y can be non-uniformly spaced. % % For example, to generate a coarse approximation of PEAKS and % interpolate over a finer mesh: % [x,y,z] = peaks(10); [xi,yi] = meshgrid(-3:.1:3,-3:.1:3); % zi = interp2(x,y,z,xi,yi); mesh(xi,yi,zi) % % Class support for inputs X, Y, Z, XI, YI: % float: double, single % % See also INTERP1, INTERP3, INTERPN, MESHGRID, TriScatteredInterp. % Copyright 1984-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2011/05/17 02:32:27 $ error(nargchk(1,7,nargin,'struct')); % allowing for an ExtrapVal bypass = false; uniform = true; if (nargin > 1) if nargin == 7 && ~isnumeric(varargin{end}) error(message('MATLAB:interp2:extrapvalNotNumeric')); end if ischar(varargin{end}) narg = nargin-1; method = [varargin{end} ' ']; % Protect against short string. if strncmpi(method,'s',1) || strncmpi(method, '*s', 2) ExtrapVal = 'extrap'; % Splines can extrapolate else ExtrapVal = nan; % setting default ExtrapVal as NAN end index = 1; %subtract off the elements not in method elseif ischar(varargin{end-1}) && isnumeric(varargin{end}) narg = nargin-2; method = [ varargin{end-1} ' ']; ExtrapVal = varargin{end}; % user specified ExtrapVal index = 2; % subtract off the elements not in method and ExtrapVal else narg = nargin; method = 'linear'; ExtrapVal = nan; % protecting default index = 0; end if strncmpi(method,'*',1) % Direct call bypass. if (narg ==5 || narg ==3) xitemp = varargin{end-index - 1}; yitemp = varargin{end-index}; if isrow(xitemp) && iscolumn(yitemp) varargin{end-index - 1} = repmat(xitemp, [size(yitemp,1), 1]); varargin{end-index} = repmat(yitemp, [1, size(xitemp,2)]); elseif iscolumn(xitemp) && isrow(yitemp) varargin{end-index - 1} = repmat(xitemp', [size(yitemp, 2), 1]); varargin{end-index} = repmat(yitemp', [1, size(xitemp,1)]); end end if strcmpi(method(2),'l') || strcmpi(method(2:4),'bil') % bilinear interpolation. zi = linear(ExtrapVal, varargin{1:end-index}); return elseif strcmpi(method(2),'c') || strcmpi(method(2:4),'bic') % bicubic interpolation zi = cubic(ExtrapVal, varargin{1:end-index}); return elseif strcmpi(method(2),'n') % Nearest neighbor interpolation zi = nearest(ExtrapVal, varargin{1:end-index}); return elseif strcmpi(method(2),'s') % spline interpolation method = 'spline'; bypass = true; else error(message('MATLAB:interp2:InvalidMethod', deblank( method ))); end elseif strncmpi(method,'s',1), % Spline interpolation method = 'spline'; bypass = true; end else narg = nargin; method = 'linear'; ExtrapVal = nan; % default ExtrapVal is NaN end % if narg==1, % interp2(z), % Expand Z % [nrows,ncols] = size(varargin{1}); % xi = 1:.5:ncols; yi = (1:.5:nrows)'; % x = 1:ncols; y = 1:nrows; % [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(x,y,varargin{1},xi,yi); % % elseif narg==2. % interp2(z,n), Expand Z n times % [nrows,ncols] = size(varargin{1}); % ntimes = floor(varargin{2}(1)); % xi = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; yi = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; % x = 1:ncols; y = 1:nrows; % [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(x,y,varargin{1},xi,yi); % % elseif narg==3, % interp2(z,xi,yi) % [nrows,ncols] = size(varargin{1}); % x = 1:ncols; y = 1:nrows; % [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(x,y,varargin{1:3}); % % elseif narg==4, % error(message('MATLAB:interp2:nargin')); % elseif narg==5, % linear(x,y,z,xi,yi) % [msg,x,y,z,xi,yi] = xyzchk(varargin{1:5}); % % end x = varargin{1}; y = varargin{2}; z = varargin{3}; xi = varargin{4}; yi = varargin{5}; % if ~isempty(msg) % error(message(msg.identifier)); % end % % Check for plaid data. % xx = x(1,:); yy = y(:,1); % if (size(x,2)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(xx,size(x,1),1),x)) || ... % (size(y,1)>1 && ~isequal(repmat(yy,1,size(y,2)),y)), % error(message('MATLAB:interp2:meshgrid')); % end % % Check for non-equally spaced data. If so, map (x,y) and % (xi,yi) to matrix (row,col) coordinate system. % if ~bypass, xx = xx.'; % Make sure it's a column. dx = diff(xx); dy = diff(yy); xdiff = max(abs(diff(dx))); if isempty(xdiff), xdiff = 0; end ydiff = max(abs(diff(dy))); if isempty(ydiff), ydiff = 0; end if (xdiff > eps(class(xx))*max(abs(xx))) || (ydiff > eps(class(yy))*max(abs(yy))) if any(dx < 0), % Flip orientation of data so x is increasing. x = fliplr(x); y = fliplr(y); z = fliplr(z); xx = flipud(xx); dx = -flipud(dx); end if any(dy < 0), % Flip orientation of data so y is increasing. x = flipud(x); y = flipud(y); z = flipud(z); yy = flipud(yy); dy = -flipud(dy); end if any(dx<=0) || any(dy<=0), error(message('MATLAB:interp2:XorYNotMonotonic')); end % Bypass mapping code for cubic if ~strncmp(method(1),'c',1) % Determine the nearest location of xi in x [xxi,j] = sort(xi(:)); [~,i] = sort([xx;xxi]); ui(i) = 1:length(i); ui = (ui(length(xx)+1:end)-(1:length(xxi)))'; ui(j) = ui; % Map values in xi to index offset (ui) via linear interpolation ui(ui<1) = 1; ui(ui>length(xx)-1) = length(xx)-1; ui = ui + (xi(:)-xx(ui))./(xx(ui+1)-xx(ui)); % Determine the nearest location of yi in y [yyi,j] = sort(yi(:)); [~,i] = sort([yy;yyi(:)]); vi(i) = 1:length(i); vi = (vi(length(yy)+1:end)-(1:length(yyi)))'; vi(j) = vi; % Map values in yi to index offset (vi) via linear interpolation vi(vi<1) = 1; vi(vi>length(yy)-1) = length(yy)-1; vi = vi + (yi(:)-yy(vi))./(yy(vi+1)-yy(vi)); [x,y] = meshgrid(ones(class(x)):size(x,2),ones(class(y)):size(y,1)); xi(:) = ui; yi(:) = vi; else uniform = false; end end end % Now do the interpolation based on method. if strncmpi(method,'l',1) || strncmpi(method,'bil',3) % bilinear interpolation. zi = linear(ExtrapVal,x,y,z,xi,yi); elseif strncmpi(method,'c',1) || strncmpi(method,'bic',3) % bicubic interpolation if uniform zi = cubic(ExtrapVal,x,y,z,xi,yi); else zi = spline2(x,y,z,xi,yi,ExtrapVal); end elseif strncmpi(method,'n',1) % Nearest neighbor interpolation zi = nearest(ExtrapVal,x,y,z,xi,yi); elseif strncmpi(method,'s',1) % Spline interpolation % A column is removed from z if it contains a NaN. % Orient to preserve as much data as possible. [inan, jnan] = find(isnan(z)); ncolnan = length(unique(jnan)); nrownan = length(unique(inan)); if ncolnan > nrownan zi = spline2(y',x',z',yi,xi,ExtrapVal); else zi = spline2(x,y,z,xi,yi,ExtrapVal); end else error(message('MATLAB:interp2:InvalidMethod', deblank( method ))); end %------------------------------------------------------ function F = linear(ExtrapVal,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) %LINEAR 2-D bilinear data interpolation. % ZI = LINEAR(EXTRAPVAL,X,Y,Z,XI,YI) uses bilinear interpolation to % find ZI, the values of the underlying 2-D function in Z at the points % in matrices XI and YI. Matrices X and Y specify the points at which % the data Z is given. X and Y can also be vectors specifying the % abscissae for the matrix Z as for MESHGRID. In both cases, X % and Y must be equally spaced and monotonic. % % Values of EXTRAPVAL are returned in ZI for values of XI and YI that are % outside of the range of X and Y. % % If XI and YI are vectors, LINEAR returns vector ZI containing % the interpolated values at the corresponding points (XI,YI). % % ZI = LINEAR(EXTRAPVAL,Z,XI,YI) assumes X = 1:N and Y = 1:M, where % [M,N] = SIZE(Z). % % ZI = LINEAR(EXTRAPVAL,Z,NTIMES) returns the matrix Z expanded by % interleaving bilinear interpolates between every element, working % recursively for NTIMES. LINEAR(EXTRAPVAL,Z) is the same as % LINEAR(EXTRAPVAL,Z,1). % % See also INTERP2, CUBIC. if nargin==2 % linear(extrapval,z), Expand Z [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); s = 1:.5:ncols; lengths = length(s); t = (1:.5:nrows)'; lengtht = length(t); s = repmat(s,lengtht,1); t = repmat(t,1,lengths); elseif nargin==3 % linear(extrapval,z,n), Expand Z n times [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); ntimes = floor(arg2); s = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; lengths = length(s); t = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; lengtht = length(t); s = repmat(s,lengtht,1); t = repmat(t,1,lengths); elseif nargin==4 % linear(extrapval,z,s,t), No X or Y specified. [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); s = arg2; t = arg3; elseif nargin==5 error(message('MATLAB:interp2:linear:nargin')); elseif nargin==6 % linear(extrapval,x,y,z,s,t), X and Y specified. [nrows,ncols] = size(arg3); mx = numel(arg1); my = numel(arg2); if (mx ~= ncols || my ~= nrows) && ~isequal(size(arg1),size(arg2),size(arg3)) error(message('MATLAB:interp2:linear:XYZLengthMismatch')); end if nrows < 2 || ncols < 2 error(message('MATLAB:interp2:linear:sizeZ')); end s = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1))/(arg1(end)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1); t = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1))/(arg2(end)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1); end if nrows < 2 || ncols < 2 error(message('MATLAB:interp2:linear:sizeZsq')); end if ~isequal(size(s),size(t)) error(message('MATLAB:interp2:linear:XIandYISizeMismatch')); end % Check for out of range values of s and set to 1 sout = find((s<1)|(s>ncols)); if ~isempty(sout), s(sout) = 1; end % Check for out of range values of t and set to 1 tout = find((t<1)|(t>nrows)); if ~isempty(tout), t(tout) = 1; end % Matrix element indexing ndx = floor(t)+floor(s-1)*nrows; % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value. if isempty(s), d = s; else d = find(s==ncols); end s(:) = (s - floor(s)); if ~isempty(d), s(d) = s(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nrows; end % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value. if isempty(t), d = t; else d = find(t==nrows); end t(:) = (t - floor(t)); if ~isempty(d), t(d) = t(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-1; end % Now interpolate. onemt = 1-t; if nargin==6, F = ( arg3(ndx).*(onemt) + arg3(ndx+1).*t ).*(1-s) + ... ( arg3(ndx+nrows).*(onemt) + arg3(ndx+(nrows+1)).*t ).*s; else F = ( arg1(ndx).*(onemt) + arg1(ndx+1).*t ).*(1-s) + ... ( arg1(ndx+nrows).*(onemt) + arg1(ndx+(nrows+1)).*t ).*s; end % Now set out of range values to ExtrapVal. if ~isempty(sout), F(sout) = ExtrapVal; end if ~isempty(tout), F(tout) = ExtrapVal; end %------------------------------------------------------ function F = cubic(ExtrapVal,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) %CUBIC 2-D bicubic data interpolation. % CUBIC(...) is the same as LINEAR(....) except that it uses % bicubic interpolation. % % This function needs about 7-8 times SIZE(XI) memory to be available. % % See also LINEAR. % Based on "Cubic Convolution Interpolation for Digital Image % Processing", Robert G. Keys, IEEE Trans. on Acoustics, Speech, and % Signal Processing, Vol. 29, No. 6, Dec. 1981, pp. 1153-1160. if nargin==2, % cubic(extrapval,z), Expand Z [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); s = 1:.5:ncols; lengths = length(s); t = (1:.5:nrows)'; lengtht = length(t); s = repmat(s,lengtht,1); t = repmat(t,1,lengths); elseif nargin==3, % cubic(extrapval,z,n), Expand Z n times [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); ntimes = floor(arg2); s = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; lengths = length(s); t = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; lengtht = length(t); s = repmat(s,lengtht,1); t = repmat(t,1,lengths); elseif nargin==4, % cubic(extrapval,z,s,t), No X or Y specified. [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); s = arg2; t = arg3; elseif nargin==5, error(message('MATLAB:interp2:cubic:nargin')); elseif nargin==6, % cubic(extrapval,x,y,z,s,t), X and Y specified. [nrows,ncols] = size(arg3); mx = numel(arg1); my = numel(arg2); if (mx ~= ncols || my ~= nrows) && ~isequal(size(arg1),size(arg2),size(arg3)) error(message('MATLAB:interp2:cubic:XYZLengthMismatch')); end if nrows < 3 || ncols < 3 error(message('MATLAB:interp2:cubic:sizeZ')); end s = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1))/(arg1(end)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1); t = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1))/(arg2(end)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1); end if nrows < 3 || ncols < 3 error(message('MATLAB:interp2:cubic:sizeZsq')); end if ~isequal(size(s),size(t)), error(message('MATLAB:interp2:cubic:XIandYISizeMismatch')); end % Check for out of range values of s and set to 1 sout = find((s<1)|(s>ncols)); if ~isempty(sout), s(sout) = 1; end % Check for out of range values of t and set to 1 tout = find((t<1)|(t>nrows)); if ~isempty(tout), t(tout) = 1; end % Matrix element indexing ndx = floor(t)+floor(s-1)*(nrows+2); % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value. if isempty(s), d = s; else d = find(s==ncols); end s(:) = (s - floor(s)); if ~isempty(d), s(d) = s(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-nrows-2; end % Compute intepolation parameters, check for boundary value. if isempty(t), d = t; else d = find(t==nrows); end t(:) = (t - floor(t)); if ~isempty(d), t(d) = t(d)+1; ndx(d) = ndx(d)-1; end if nargin==6, % Expand z so interpolation is valid at the boundaries. zz = zeros(size(arg3)+2); zz(1,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg3(1,:)-3*arg3(2,:)+arg3(3,:); zz(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1) = arg3; zz(nrows+2,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg3(nrows,:)-3*arg3(nrows-1,:)+arg3(nrows-2,:); zz(:,1) = 3*zz(:,2)-3*zz(:,3)+zz(:,4); zz(:,ncols+2) = 3*zz(:,ncols+1)-3*zz(:,ncols)+zz(:,ncols-1); nrows = nrows+2; %also ncols = ncols+2; else % Expand z so interpolation is valid at the boundaries. zz = zeros(size(arg1)+2); zz(1,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg1(1,:)-3*arg1(2,:)+arg1(3,:); zz(2:nrows+1,2:ncols+1) = arg1; zz(nrows+2,2:ncols+1) = 3*arg1(nrows,:)-3*arg1(nrows-1,:)+arg1(nrows-2,:); zz(:,1) = 3*zz(:,2)-3*zz(:,3)+zz(:,4); zz(:,ncols+2) = 3*zz(:,ncols+1)-3*zz(:,ncols)+zz(:,ncols-1); nrows = nrows+2; %also ncols = ncols+2; end % Now interpolate using computationally efficient algorithm. t0 = ((2-t).*t-1).*t; t1 = (3*t-5).*t.*t+2; t2 = ((4-3*t).*t+1).*t; t(:) = (t-1).*t.*t; F = ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ... .* (((2-s).*s-1).*s); ndx(:) = ndx + nrows; F(:) = F + ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ... .* ((3*s-5).*s.*s+2); ndx(:) = ndx + nrows; F(:) = F + ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ... .* (((4-3*s).*s+1).*s); ndx(:) = ndx + nrows; F(:) = F + ( zz(ndx).*t0 + zz(ndx+1).*t1 + zz(ndx+2).*t2 + zz(ndx+3).*t ) ... .* ((s-1).*s.*s); F(:) = F/4; % Now set out of range values to ExtrapVal. if ~isempty(sout), F(sout) = ExtrapVal; end if ~isempty(tout), F(tout) = ExtrapVal; end %------------------------------------------------------ function F = nearest(ExtrapVal,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) %NEAREST 2-D Nearest neighbor interpolation. % ZI = NEAREST(EXTRAPVAL,X,Y,Z,XI,YI) uses nearest neighbor interpolation % to find ZI, the values of the underlying 2-D function in Z at the points % in matrices XI and YI. Matrices X and Y specify the points at which % the data Z is given. X and Y can also be vectors specifying the % abscissae for the matrix Z as for MESHGRID. In both cases, X % and Y must be equally spaced and monotonic. % % Values of EXTRAPVAL are returned in ZI for values of XI and YI that are % outside of the range of X and Y. % % If XI and YI are vectors, NEAREST returns vector ZI containing % the interpolated values at the corresponding points (XI,YI). % % ZI = NEAREST(EXTRAPVAL,Z,XI,YI) assumes X = 1:N and Y = 1:M, where % [M,N] = SIZE(Z). % % F = NEAREST(EXTRAPVAL,Z,NTIMES) returns the matrix Z expanded by % interleaving interpolates between every element. NEAREST(EXTRAPVAL,Z) % is the same as NEAREST(EXTRAPVAL,Z,1). % % See also INTERP2, LINEAR, CUBIC. if nargin==2, % nearest(z), Expand Z [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); u = 1:.5:ncols; lengthu = length(u); v = (1:.5:nrows)'; lengthv = length(v); u = repmat(u,lengthv,1); v = repmat(v,1,lengthu); elseif nargin==3, % nearest(z,n), Expand Z n times [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); ntimes = floor(arg2); u = 1:1/(2^ntimes):ncols; lengthu = length(u); v = (1:1/(2^ntimes):nrows)'; lengthv = length(v); u = repmat(u,lengthv,1); v = repmat(v,1,lengthu); elseif nargin==4, % nearest(z,u,v) [nrows,ncols] = size(arg1); u = arg2; v = arg3; elseif nargin==5, error(message('MATLAB:interp2:nearest:nargin')); elseif nargin==6, % nearest(x,y,z,u,v), X and Y specified. [nrows,ncols] = size(arg3); mx = numel(arg1); my = numel(arg2); if (mx ~= ncols || my ~= nrows) && ... ~isequal(size(arg1),size(arg2),size(arg3)) error(message('MATLAB:interp2:nearest:XYZLengthMismatch')); end if nrows > 1 && ncols > 1 u = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1))/(arg1(mx)-arg1(1))*(ncols-1); v = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1))/(arg2(my)-arg2(1))*(nrows-1); else u = 1 + (arg4-arg1(1)); v = 1 + (arg5-arg2(1)); end end if ~isequal(size(u),size(v)) error(message('MATLAB:interp2:nearest:XIandYISizeMismatch')); end % Check for out of range values of u and set to 1 uout = (u<.5)|(u>=ncols+.5); anyuout = any(uout(:)); if anyuout, u(uout) = 1; end % Check for out of range values of v and set to 1 vout = (v<.5)|(v>=nrows+.5); anyvout = any(vout(:)); if anyvout, v(vout) = 1; end % Interpolation parameters u = round(u); v = round(v); % Now interpolate ndx = v+(u-1)*nrows; if nargin==6, F = arg3(ndx); else F = arg1(ndx); end % Now set out of range values to ExtrapVal. if anyuout, F(uout) = ExtrapVal; end if anyvout, F(vout) = ExtrapVal; end %---------------------------------------------------------- function F = spline2(varargin) %2-D spline interpolation % Determine abscissa vectors varargin{1} = varargin{1}(1,:); varargin{2} = varargin{2}(:,1).'; % % Check for plaid data. % xi = varargin{4}; yi = varargin{5}; xxi = xi(1,:); yyi = yi(:,1); if ~isequal(repmat(xxi,size(xi,1),1),xi) || ... ~isequal(repmat(yyi,1,size(yi,2)),yi) F = splncore(varargin(2:-1:1),varargin{3},varargin(5:-1:4)); else F = splncore(varargin(2:-1:1),varargin{3},{yyi(:).' xxi},'gridded'); end ExtrapVal = varargin{6}; % Set out-of-range values to ExtrapVal if isnumeric(ExtrapVal) d = xi < min(varargin{1}) | xi > max(varargin{1}) | ... yi < min(varargin{2}) | yi > max(varargin{2}); F(d) = ExtrapVal; end