clear if(isunix) executable = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkVid"'; else executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkVid.exe"'; end output = './demo_vid/'; if(~exist(output, 'file')) mkdir(output) end in_files = dir('../../videos/*.wmv'); in_files = cat(1, in_files, dir('../../videos/*.avi')); % some parameters verbose = true; % Trained on in the wild and multi-pie data (less accurate SVR/CLM model) %model = 'model/main_clm_general.txt'; % Trained on in-the-wild %model = 'model/main_clm_wild.txt'; % Trained on in the wild and multi-pie data (more accurate CLNF model) model = 'model/main_clnf_general.txt'; % Trained on in-the-wild %model = 'model/main_clnf_wild.txt'; command = executable; command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', model, '"']); % add all videos to single argument list (so as not to load the model anew % for every video) for i=1:numel(in_files) inputFile = ['../../videos/', in_files(i).name]; [~, name, ~] = fileparts(inputFile); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" ']); if(verbose) outputVideo = ['"' output name '.avi' '"']; command = cat(2, command, [' -ov ' outputVideo]); end end if(isunix) unix(command); else dos(command); end