function [hog_data, valid_inds, vid_id] = Read_HOG_files_small(hog_files, hog_data_dir, num_samples) hog_data = []; vid_id = {}; feats_filled = 0; curr_data_buff = []; for i=1:numel(hog_files) hog_file = [hog_data_dir, hog_files(i).name]; fprintf('%d %s\n', i, hog_file); f = fopen(hog_file, 'r'); curr_ind = 0; while(~feof(f)) if(i == 1 && curr_ind == 0) num_cols = fread(f, 1, 'int32'); if(isempty(num_cols)) break; end num_rows = fread(f, 1, 'int32'); num_chan = fread(f, 1, 'int32'); curr_ind = curr_ind + 1; % preallocate some space if(curr_ind == 1) curr_data_buff = zeros(5000, 1 + num_rows * num_cols * num_chan); num_feats = 1 + num_rows * num_cols * num_chan; end if(curr_ind > size(curr_data_buff,1)) curr_data_buff = cat(1, curr_data_buff, zeros(6000, num_rows * num_cols * num_chan)); end feature_vec = fread(f, [1, 1 + num_rows * num_cols * num_chan], 'float32'); curr_data_buff(curr_ind, :) = feature_vec; else % Reading in batches of 5000 feature_vec = fread(f, [4 + num_rows * num_cols * num_chan, 5000], 'float32'); feature_vec = feature_vec(4:end,:)'; num_rows_read = size(feature_vec,1); curr_data_buff(curr_ind+1:curr_ind+num_rows_read,:) = feature_vec; %valid_data_buff = curr_ind = curr_ind + size(feature_vec,1); end end fclose(f); curr_data_small = curr_data_buff(1:curr_ind,:); vid_id_curr = cell(curr_ind,1); vid_id_curr(:) = {hog_files(i).name}; % Keep up to 20 frames from the whole video (so that it is balanced % per dataset/video/participant) if(nargin > 2) num_instances = num_samples; else num_instances = 20; end increment = round(curr_ind / num_instances); if(increment == 0) increment = 1; end curr_data_small = curr_data_small(1:increment:end,:); vid_id_curr = vid_id_curr(1:increment:end,:); vid_id = cat(1, vid_id, vid_id_curr); % Assume same number of frames per video if(i==1) hog_data = zeros(10*numel(hog_files), num_feats); end if(size(hog_data,1) < feats_filled+size(curr_data_small,1)) hog_data = cat(1, hog_data, zeros(feats_filled + size(curr_data_small,1) - size(hog_data,1), num_feats)); end hog_data(feats_filled+1:feats_filled + size(curr_data_small,1),:) = curr_data_small; feats_filled = feats_filled + size(curr_data_small,1); end valid_inds = hog_data(1:feats_filled,1) > 0; hog_data = hog_data(1:feats_filled,2:end); end