clm_exe = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; output = './output_features_vid/'; if(~exist(output, 'file')) mkdir(output) end in_files = dir('../../videos/1815_01_008_tony_blair.avi'); % some parameters verbose = true; command = clm_exe; command = cat(2, command, ' -rigid '); % Remove for a speedup command = cat(2, command, ' -verbose '); % add all videos to single argument list (so as not to load the model anew % for every video) for i=1:numel(in_files) inputFile = ['../../videos/', in_files(i).name]; [~, name, ~] = fileparts(inputFile); % where to output tracking results outputFile = [output name '.txt']; if(~exist([output name], 'file')) mkdir([output name]); end outputDir_aligned = [output name]; outputHOG_aligned = [output name '.hog']; output_shape_params = [output name '.params.txt']; command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -simalign "' outputDir_aligned '" -hogalign "' outputHOG_aligned '"' ]); end dos(command); %% Demonstrating reading the output files % First read in the column names tab = readtable(outputFile); column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames; all_params = dlmread(outputFile, ',', 1, 0); % This indicates which frames were succesfully tracked valid_frames = logical(all_params(:,4)); time = all_params(valid_frames, 2); %% Finding which header line starts with p_ (basically model params) shape_inds = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'p_')); % Output rigid (first 6) and non-rigid shape parameters shape_params = all_params(valid_frames, shape_inds); figure plot(time, shape_params); title('Shape parameters'); xlabel('Time (s)'); %% Demonstrate 2D landmarks landmark_inds_x = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'x_')); landmark_inds_y = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'y_')); xs = all_params(valid_frames, landmark_inds_x); ys = all_params(valid_frames, landmark_inds_y); figure for j = 1:size(xs,1) plot(xs(j,:), -ys(j,:), '.'); xlim([min(xs(1,:)) * 0.5, max(xs(2,:))*1.4]); ylim([min(-ys(1,:)) * 1.4, max(-ys(2,:))*0.5]); xlabel('x (px)'); ylabel('y (px)'); drawnow end %% Demonstrate 3D landmarks landmark_inds_x = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'X_')); landmark_inds_y = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'Y_')); landmark_inds_z = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'Z_')); xs = all_params(valid_frames, landmark_inds_x); ys = all_params(valid_frames, landmark_inds_y); zs = all_params(valid_frames, landmark_inds_z); figure for j = 1:size(xs,1) plot3(xs(j,:), ys(j,:), zs(j,:), '.');axis equal; xlabel('X (mm)'); ylabel('Y (mm)'); zlabel('Z (mm)'); drawnow end %% Demonstrate AUs au_reg_inds = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==5, strfind(column_names, '_r')); aus = all_params(valid_frames, au_reg_inds); figure plot(time, aus); title('Facial Action Units (intensity)'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Intensity'); ylim([0,6]); au_class_inds = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==5, strfind(column_names, '_c')); aus = all_params(valid_frames, au_class_inds); figure plot(time, aus); title('Facial Action Units (presense)'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylim([0,2]); %% Demo pose pose_inds = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'pose_')); pose = all_params(valid_frames, pose_inds); figure plot(pose); title('Pose (rotation and translation)'); xlabel('Time (s)'); %% Demo gaze gaze_inds = cellfun(@(x) ~isempty(x) && x==1, strfind(column_names, 'gaze_')); % Read gaze (x,y,z) for one eye and (x,y,z) for another gaze = all_params(valid_frames, gaze_inds); % only picking left, right and up down views for visualisation gaze = (gaze(:,[1,2]) + gaze(:,[4,5]))/2; gaze(:,1) = smooth(gaze(:,1)); gaze(:,2) = smooth(gaze(:,2)); plot(time, gaze(:,1), 'DisplayName', 'Left - right'); hold on; plot(time, gaze(:,2), 'DisplayName', 'Up - down'); xlabel('Time(s)') % x-axis label ylabel('Gaze vector size') % y-axis label legend('show'); hold off; %% Output HOG files [hog_data, valid_inds, vid_id] = Read_HOG_files({name}, output); %% Output aligned images img_files = dir([outputDir_aligned, '/*.png']); imgs = cell(numel(img_files, 1)); for i=1:numel(img_files) imgs{i} = imread([ outputDir_aligned, '/', img_files(i).name]); imshow(imgs{i}) drawnow end