function [ clmParams, pdm_mouth] = Load_CLM_params_brows() %LOAD_CLM_PARAMS_WILD Summary of this function goes here % Detailed explanation goes here clmParams.window_size = [21,21; 19,19]; clmParams.numPatchIters = size(clmParams.window_size,1); % the PDM created from in the wild data pdmLoc = ['../models/hierarch_pdm/pdm_10_brows.mat']; load(pdmLoc); pdm_mouth = struct; pdm_mouth.M = double(M); pdm_mouth.E = double(E); pdm_mouth.V = double(V); % the default model parameters to use clmParams.regFactor = 10; clmParams.sigmaMeanShift = 3.5; clmParams.tikhonov_factor = 0; clmParams.startScale = 1; clmParams.num_RLMS_iter = 5; clmParams.fTol = 0.01; clmParams.useMultiScale = true; clmParams.use_multi_modal = 1; end