% Function: % drawLine(A, visible, c, mark_c, marksize, linwid, style) % % Usage: % This function draws the landmark as markers and connect the landmarks % with lines if set to. For example, if style is '.-', lines will % be drawn to connect landmarks that are defined to be connected. % % Params: % A - input landmark matrix (66x2), % % visible - an indicator vector showing whether certain landmark is visible, % - (66 x 1) 0/1 vector % % c - the color of line in drawing % options: 'r','g','b','c','m','y','k','w',etc % % mark_c - the color of marker (marking each landmark) % options: 'r','g','b','c','m','y','k','w',etc % % marksize - the size of marker. % % linwid - the width of line in drawing % % style - marker style % options: % . point - solid % o circle : dotted % x x-mark -. dashdot % + plus -- dashed % * star (none) no line % s square % d diamond % v triangle (down) % ^ triangle (up) % < triangle (left) % > triangle (right) % p pentagram % h hexagram % % Return: % [] % % Authors: % Xiang Yu, yuxiang03@gmail.com % % Citation: % X. Yu, J. Huang, S. Zhang, W. Yan and D.N. Metaxas, Pose-free Facial % Landmark Fitting via Optimized Part Mixures and Cascaded Deformable % Shape Model. In ICCV, 2013. % % Creation Date: 10/12/2013 %