function Script_CLNF_general_hierarch() addpath('../PDM_helpers/'); addpath('../fitting/normxcorr2_mex_ALL'); addpath('../fitting/'); addpath('../CCNF/'); addpath('../models/'); % Replace this with the location of in 300 faces in the wild data if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file')) root_test_data = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/']; else root_test_data = 'F:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'; end [images, detections, labels] = Collect_wild_imgs(root_test_data); %% loading the patch experts and PDMs clmParams = struct; clmParams.window_size = [25,25; 23,23; 21,21;]; clmParams.numPatchIters = size(clmParams.window_size,1); [patches] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/general/', 'ccnf_patches_*_general.mat', [], [], clmParams); verbose = true; % set to true to visualise the fitting output_root = './wild_fit_clnf_hierarch/'; % the default PDM to use pdmLoc = ['../models/pdm/pdm_68_aligned_wild.mat']; load(pdmLoc); pdm = struct; pdm.M = double(M); pdm.E = double(E); pdm.V = double(V); % the default full face model parameters to use clmParams.regFactor = [35, 27, 20]; clmParams.sigmaMeanShift = [1.25, 1.375, 1.5]; clmParams.tikhonov_factor = [2.5, 5, 7.5]; clmParams.startScale = 1; clmParams.num_RLMS_iter = 10; clmParams.fTol = 0.01; clmParams.useMultiScale = true; clmParams.use_multi_modal = 1; clmParams.multi_modal_types = patches(1).multi_modal_types; % Loading eye PDM and patch experts [clmParams_eye, pdm_right_eye, pdm_left_eye] = Load_CLM_params_eye(); [patches_right_eye] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/hierarch/', 'ccnf_patches_*_combined.mat', [], [], clmParams_eye); [patches_left_eye] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/hierarch/', 'left_ccnf_patches_*_combined.mat', [], [], clmParams_eye); clmParams_eye.multi_modal_types = patches_right_eye(1).multi_modal_types; right_eye_inds = [43,44,45,46,47,48]; left_eye_inds = [37,38,39,40,41,42]; % Loading mouth PDM and patch experts [clmParams_mouth, pdm_mouth] = Load_CLM_params_mouth(); [patches_mouth] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/hierarch/', 'ccnf_patches_*_mouth_mv.mat', [], [], clmParams_mouth); clmParams_mouth.multi_modal_types = patches_mouth(1).multi_modal_types; mouth_inds = 49:68; % Loading brow PDM and patch experts [clmParams_brow, pdm_brow] = Load_CLM_params_brows(); [patches_brow] = Load_Patch_Experts( '../models/hierarch/', 'ccnf_patches_*_brow.mat', [], [], clmParams_brow); clmParams_mouth.multi_modal_types = patches_brow(1).multi_modal_types; brow_inds = 18:27; %% for recording purposes experiment.params = clmParams; num_points = numel(M)/3; shapes_all = zeros(size(labels,2),size(labels,3), size(labels,1)); labels_all = zeros(size(labels,2),size(labels,3), size(labels,1)); lhoods = zeros(numel(images),1); all_lmark_lhoods = zeros(num_points, numel(images)); all_views_used = zeros(numel(images),1); % Use the multi-hypothesis model, as bounding box tells nothing about % orientation multi_view = true; %% Fitting the model to the provided images tic for i=1:numel(images) image = imread(images(i).img); image_orig = image; if(size(image,3) == 3) image = rgb2gray(image); end bbox = detections(i,:); % have a multi-view version if(multi_view) views = [0,0,0; 0,-30,0; -30,0,0; 0,30,0; 30,0,0]; views = views * pi/180; shapes = zeros(num_points, 2, size(views,1)); ls = zeros(size(views,1),1); lmark_lhoods = zeros(num_points,size(views,1)); views_used = zeros(num_points,size(views,1)); % Find the best orientation for v = 1:size(views,1) [shapes(:,:,v),~,~,ls(v),lmark_lhoods(:,v),views_used(v)] = Fitting_from_bb(image, [], bbox, pdm, patches, clmParams, 'orientation', views(v,:)); end [lhood, v_ind] = max(ls); lmark_lhood = lmark_lhoods(:,v_ind); shape = shapes(:,:,v_ind); view_used = views_used(v); else [shape,~,~,lhood,lmark_lhood,view_used] = Fitting_from_bb(image, [], bbox, pdm, patches, clmParams); end all_lmark_lhoods(:,i) = lmark_lhood; all_views_used(i) = view_used; %% now fit the hierarchical models (eyes and mouth) % Perform eye fitting now shape_r_eye = shape(right_eye_inds, :); [ a, R, T, ~, l_params] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D_no_reg(pdm_right_eye.M, pdm_right_eye.E, pdm_right_eye.V, shape_r_eye); bbox = [min(shape_r_eye(:,1)), min(shape_r_eye(:,2)), max(shape_r_eye(:,1)), max(shape_r_eye(:,2))]; g_param = [a; Rot2Euler(R)'; T]; [shape_r_eye] = Fitting_from_bb(image, [], bbox, pdm_right_eye, patches_right_eye, clmParams_eye, 'gparam', g_param, 'lparam', l_params); % Perform eye fitting now shape_l_eye = shape(left_eye_inds, :); [ a, R, T, ~, l_params] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D_no_reg(pdm_left_eye.M, pdm_left_eye.E, pdm_left_eye.V, shape_l_eye); bbox = [min(shape_l_eye(:,1)), min(shape_l_eye(:,2)), max(shape_l_eye(:,1)), max(shape_l_eye(:,2))]; g_param = [a; Rot2Euler(R)'; T]; [shape_l_eye] = Fitting_from_bb(image, [], bbox, pdm_left_eye, patches_left_eye, clmParams_eye, 'gparam', g_param, 'lparam', l_params); % Perform mouth fitting now shape_mouth = shape(mouth_inds, :); [ a, R, T, ~, l_params] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D_no_reg(pdm_mouth.M, pdm_mouth.E, pdm_mouth.V, shape_mouth); bbox = [min(shape_mouth(:,1)), min(shape_mouth(:,2)), max(shape_mouth(:,1)), max(shape_mouth(:,2))]; g_param = [a; Rot2Euler(R)'; T]; [shape_mouth] = Fitting_from_bb(image, [], bbox, pdm_mouth, patches_mouth, clmParams_mouth, 'gparam', g_param, 'lparam', l_params); % Perform brow fitting now shape_brow = shape(brow_inds, :); [ a, R, T, ~, l_params] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D_no_reg(pdm_brow.M, pdm_brow.E, pdm_brow.V, shape_brow); g_param = [a; Rot2Euler(R)'; T]; bbox = [min(shape_brow(:,1)), min(shape_brow(:,2)), max(shape_brow(:,1)), max(shape_brow(:,2))]; [shape_brow] = Fitting_from_bb(image, [], bbox, pdm_brow, patches_brow, clmParams_brow, 'gparam', g_param, 'lparam', l_params); % Now after detections incorporate the eyes back % into the face model shape(left_eye_inds, :) = shape_l_eye; shape(right_eye_inds, :) = shape_r_eye; shape(mouth_inds, :) = shape_mouth; shape(brow_inds, :) = shape_brow; [ ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, shape_fit] = fit_PDM_ortho_proj_to_2D_no_reg(pdm.M, pdm.E, pdm.V, shape); %% Incorporate the hierarchical models back into the joint PDM shapes_all(:,:,i) = shape_fit; labels_all(:,:,i) = labels(i,:,:); if(mod(i, 200)==0) fprintf('%d done\n', i ); end lhoods(i) = lhood; if(verbose) actualShape = squeeze(labels(i,:,:)); [height_img, width_img,~] = size(image_orig); width = max(actualShape(:,1)) - min(actualShape(:,1)); height = max(actualShape(:,2)) - min(actualShape(:,2)); img_min_x = max(int32(min(actualShape(:,1))) - width/3,1); img_max_x = min(int32(max(actualShape(:,1))) + width/3,width_img); img_min_y = max(int32(min(actualShape(:,2))) - height/3,1); img_max_y = min(int32(max(actualShape(:,2))) + height/3,height_img); shape(:,1) = shape(:,1) - double(img_min_x); shape(:,2) = shape(:,2) - double(img_min_y); image_orig = image_orig(img_min_y:img_max_y, img_min_x:img_max_x, :); % valid points to draw (not to draw % occluded ones) v_points = sum(squeeze(labels(i,:,:)),2) > 0; f = figure('visible','off'); %f = figure; try if(max(image_orig(:)) > 1) imshow(double(image_orig)/255, 'Border', 'tight'); else imshow(double(image_orig), 'Border', 'tight'); end axis equal; hold on; plot(shape(v_points,1), shape(v_points,2),'.r','MarkerSize',20); plot(shape(v_points,1), shape(v_points,2),'.b','MarkerSize',10); % print(f, '-r80', '-dpng', sprintf('%s/%s%d.png', output_root, 'fit', i)); print(f, '-djpeg', sprintf('%s/%s%d.jpg', output_root, 'fit', i)); % close(f); hold off; close(f); catch warn end end end toc experiment.lhoods = lhoods; experiment.shapes = shapes_all; experiment.labels = labels_all; experiment.errors_normed = compute_error(labels_all - 0.5, shapes_all); experiment.all_lmark_lhoods = all_lmark_lhoods; experiment.all_views_used = all_views_used; % save the experiment if(~exist('experiments', 'var')) experiments = experiment; else experiments = cat(1, experiments, experiment); end fprintf('experiment %d done: mean normed error %.3f median normed error %.4f\n', ... numel(experiments), mean(experiment.errors_normed), median(experiment.errors_normed)); %% output_results = 'results/results_wild_clnf_general_hierarch.mat'; save(output_results, 'experiments'); end