function [images, detections, labels] = Collect_wild_imgs(root_test_data, use_afw, use_lfpw, use_helen, use_ibug) use_68 = true; images = []; labels = []; detections = []; if(use_afw) [img, det, lbl] = Collect_AFW(root_test_data, use_68); images = cat(1, images, img'); detections = cat(1, detections, det); labels = cat(1, labels, lbl); end if(use_lfpw) [img, det, lbl] = Collect_LFPW(root_test_data, use_68); images = cat(1, images, img'); detections = cat(1, detections, det); labels = cat(1, labels, lbl); end if(use_ibug) [img, det, lbl] = Collect_ibug(root_test_data, use_68); images = cat(1, images, img'); detections = cat(1, detections, det); labels = cat(1, labels, lbl); end if(use_helen) [img, det, lbl] = Collect_helen(root_test_data, use_68); images = cat(1, images, img'); detections = cat(1, detections, det); labels = cat(1, labels, lbl); end % convert to format expected by the Fitting method detections(:,3) = detections(:,1) + detections(:,3); detections(:,4) = detections(:,2) + detections(:,4); end function [images, detections, labels] = Collect_AFW(root_test_data, use_68) dataset_loc = [root_test_data, '/AFW/']; landmarkLabels = dir([dataset_loc '\*.pts']); num_imgs = size(landmarkLabels,1); images = struct; if(use_68) labels = zeros(num_imgs, 68, 2); else labels = zeros(num_imgs, 66, 2); end detections = zeros(num_imgs, 4); load([root_test_data, '/Bounding Boxes/bounding_boxes_afw.mat']); num_landmarks = 68; for imgs = 1:num_imgs [~,name,~] = fileparts(landmarkLabels(imgs).name); landmarks = dlmread([dataset_loc, landmarkLabels(imgs).name], ' ', [3,0,num_landmarks+2,1]); if(~use_68) inds_frontal = [1:60,62:64,66:68]; landmarks = landmarks(inds_frontal,:); end images(imgs).img = [dataset_loc, name '.jpg']; labels(imgs,:,:) = landmarks; detections(imgs,:) = bounding_boxes{imgs}.bb_detector; end detections(:,3) = detections(:,3) - detections(:,1); detections(:,4) = detections(:,4) - detections(:,2); end function [images, detections, labels] = Collect_LFPW(root_test_data, use_68) dataset_loc = [root_test_data, '/lfpw/testset/']; landmarkLabels = dir([dataset_loc '\*.pts']); num_imgs = size(landmarkLabels,1); images = struct; if(use_68) labels = zeros(num_imgs, 68, 2); else labels = zeros(num_imgs, 66, 2); end detections = zeros(num_imgs, 4); load([root_test_data, '/Bounding Boxes/bounding_boxes_lfpw_testset.mat']); num_landmarks = 68; for imgs = 1:num_imgs [~,name,~] = fileparts(landmarkLabels(imgs).name); landmarks = dlmread([dataset_loc, landmarkLabels(imgs).name], ' ', [3,0,num_landmarks+2,1]); if(~use_68) inds_frontal = [1:60,62:64,66:68]; landmarks = landmarks(inds_frontal,:); end images(imgs).img = [dataset_loc, name '.png']; labels(imgs,:,:) = landmarks; detections(imgs,:) = bounding_boxes{imgs}.bb_detector; end detections(:,3) = detections(:,3) - detections(:,1); detections(:,4) = detections(:,4) - detections(:,2); end function [images, detections, labels] = Collect_ibug(root_test_data, use_68) dataset_loc = [root_test_data, '/ibug/']; landmarkLabels = dir([dataset_loc '\*.pts']); num_imgs = size(landmarkLabels,1); images = struct; if(use_68) labels = zeros(num_imgs, 68, 2); else labels = zeros(num_imgs, 66, 2); end detections = zeros(num_imgs, 4); load([root_test_data, '/Bounding Boxes/bounding_boxes_ibug.mat']); num_landmarks = 68; for imgs = 1:num_imgs [~,name,~] = fileparts(landmarkLabels(imgs).name); landmarks = dlmread([dataset_loc, landmarkLabels(imgs).name], ' ', [3,0,num_landmarks+2,1]); if(~use_68) inds_frontal = [1:60,62:64,66:68]; landmarks = landmarks(inds_frontal,:); end images(imgs).img = [dataset_loc, name '.jpg']; labels(imgs,:,:) = landmarks; detections(imgs,:) = bounding_boxes{imgs}.bb_detector; end detections(:,3) = detections(:,3) - detections(:,1); detections(:,4) = detections(:,4) - detections(:,2); end function [images, detections, labels] = Collect_helen(root_test_data, use_68) dataset_loc = [root_test_data, '/helen/testset/']; landmarkLabels = dir([dataset_loc '\*.pts']); num_imgs = size(landmarkLabels,1); images = struct; if(use_68) labels = zeros(num_imgs, 68, 2); else labels = zeros(num_imgs, 66, 2); end detections = zeros(num_imgs, 4); load([root_test_data, '/Bounding Boxes/bounding_boxes_helen_testset.mat']); num_landmarks = 68; for imgs = 1:num_imgs [~,name,~] = fileparts(landmarkLabels(imgs).name); landmarks = dlmread([dataset_loc, landmarkLabels(imgs).name], ' ', [3,0,num_landmarks+2,1]); if(~use_68) inds_frontal = [1:60,62:64,66:68]; landmarks = landmarks(inds_frontal,:); end images(imgs).img = [dataset_loc, name '.jpg']; labels(imgs,:,:) = landmarks; detections(imgs,:) = bounding_boxes{imgs}.bb_detector; end detections(:,3) = detections(:,3) - detections(:,1); detections(:,4) = detections(:,4) - detections(:,2); end