BP4D experiments.

This commit is contained in:
Tadas Baltrusaitis 2017-12-07 09:36:45 +00:00
parent 077a8489bc
commit 8e12af6c44
2 changed files with 11 additions and 24 deletions
matlab_runners/Action Unit Experiments

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
AU1 class, Precision - 0.555, Recall - 0.533, F1 - 0.544
AU2 class, Precision - 0.403, Recall - 0.440, F1 - 0.420
AU2 class, Precision - 0.403, Recall - 0.439, F1 - 0.420
AU4 class, Precision - 0.491, Recall - 0.513, F1 - 0.502
AU6 class, Precision - 0.741, Recall - 0.776, F1 - 0.758
AU7 class, Precision - 0.764, Recall - 0.727, F1 - 0.745

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@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ find_BP4D;
BP4D_dir = [BP4D_dir, '../BP4D-training/'];
out_loc = './out_bp4d/';
if(~exist(out_loc, 'dir'))
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
@ -23,7 +19,7 @@ new_bp4d_dirs = {};
for i = 1:numel(bp4d_dirs)
dirs = dir([BP4D_dir, '/', bp4d_dirs{i}, '/T*']);
tmp_dir = [BP4D_dir, '/../tmp/', bp4d_dirs{i}, '/'];
tmp_dir = [BP4D_dir, '/../tmp/', bp4d_dirs{i}];
new_bp4d_dirs = cat(1, new_bp4d_dirs, tmp_dir);
if(~exist(tmp_dir, 'file'))
@ -51,16 +47,9 @@ for i = 1:numel(bp4d_dirs)
parfor f1=1:numel(new_bp4d_dirs)
for f1=1:numel(new_bp4d_dirs)
command = [executable ' -asvid -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noGaze '];
[f,~,~] = fileparts(new_bp4d_dirs{f1});
[~,f,~] = fileparts(f);
output_file = [out_loc f '.au.txt'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -fdir "' new_bp4d_dirs{f1} '" -of "' output_file '"']);
command = sprintf('%s -aus -fdir "%s" -out_dir "%s"', executable, new_bp4d_dirs{f1}, out_loc);
@ -76,7 +65,7 @@ aus_BP4D = [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 23];
labels_gt = cat(1, labels_gt{:});
%% Identifying which column IDs correspond to which AU
tab = readtable([out_loc, bp4d_dirs{1}, '.au.txt']);
tab = readtable([out_loc, bp4d_dirs{1}, '.csv']);
column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames;
% As there are both classes and intensities list and evaluate both of them
@ -110,10 +99,9 @@ preds_all_class = [];
for i=1:numel(new_bp4d_dirs)
[f,~,~] = fileparts(new_bp4d_dirs{i});
[~,f,~] = fileparts(f);
[~,f,~] = fileparts(new_bp4d_dirs{i});
fname = [out_loc, f, '.au.txt'];
fname = [out_loc, f, '.csv'];
preds = dlmread(fname, ',', 1, 0);
@ -157,7 +145,7 @@ valid_ids = cat(1, valid_ids{:});
labels_gt = cat(1, labels_gt{:});
%% Identifying which column IDs correspond to which AU
tab = readtable([out_loc, bp4d_dirs{1}, '.au.txt']);
tab = readtable([out_loc, bp4d_dirs{1}, '.csv']);
column_names = tab.Properties.VariableNames;
% As there are both classes and intensities list and evaluate both of them
@ -184,10 +172,9 @@ preds_all_int = [];
for i=1:numel(new_bp4d_dirs)
[f,~,~] = fileparts(new_bp4d_dirs{i});
[~,f,~] = fileparts(f);
fname = [out_loc, f, '.au.txt'];
[~,f,~] = fileparts(new_bp4d_dirs{i});
fname = [out_loc, f, '.csv'];
preds = dlmread(fname, ',', 1, 0);
% Read all of the intensity AUs