Ability to run the full experiment suite in unix

This commit is contained in:
Unknown 2017-01-04 17:32:38 -05:00
parent 51f442a3e2
commit 1b13794a47
46 changed files with 5485 additions and 191 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
% Function ParseSEMAINEAnnotations is intended to demonstrate example usage
% of SEMAINE Action Unit annotations made with ELAN annotation toolbox.
% This function loads the XML structure from an ELAN annotation file with
% ".eaf" extension, parses it and returns a numerical matrix called
% "activations" of size NUMBER OF FRAMES X NUMBER OF ACTION UNITS. The
% matrix holds binary activation status for each frame / AU combination.
% The matrix also has a row header showing which AU corresponds to which
% row as well as a column header displaying original frame indexes.
% The function takes 1 compulsory and 2 optional arguments:
% - "filepath" (compulsory) - complete path to an annotation file to parse.
% For example, "/matlab/annotation.eaf" or "C:\matlab\annotation.eaf" on
% Windows.
% - "startFrame" (optional) - ignore all annotations before "startFrame".
% Default is 1.
% - "endFrame" (optional) - ignore all annotations after "endFrame".
% Default is the last frame of a video.
% The function requires XML IO Toolbox
% (http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/12907-xml-io-tools)
% to run properly (supplied).
function activations = ParseSEMAINEAnnotations (filepath, startFrame, endFrame)
activations = [];
% Framerate value used to convert ELAN millisecond time slots to more
% usual frames. 50 is a valid framerate for all SEMAINE videos.
framerate = 50;
% A fixed set of 6 Action Units selected for the challenge from the
% SEMAINE annotations
aus = [2 12 17 25 28 45];
% Total number of AUs.
naus = length(aus);
% Load XML structure from the file, return in case of a problem.
[success, XML] = OpenXML(filepath);
if ~success
% Parse annotation time slots
tslots = ParseTimeSlots(XML);
% Init start and end frames with default values
if nargin < 2
startFrame = 1;
if nargin < 3
% Get total number of time slots
ntslots = length(tslots);
% Get last slot ID
lastID = strcat('ts', num2str(ntslots));
% Get last time slot value in ms
lastValue = tslots(lastID);
% Convert last time slot value in ms to frames
endFrame = floor((lastValue / 1000) * framerate);
% Get total number of tiers. There are 65 of them, 1 for speech, 32 for
% activations (1 per AU) and 32 for intensities. We are going to ignore
% intensity tiers.
ntiers = length(XML.TIER);
% Compose vector of frame indexes to extract annotations from
frames = (startFrame:endFrame);
% Preallocate activations matrix
activations = zeros(length(frames), naus);
indx = 1;
% Go through all tiers skipping the first one (speech) as well as every
% intensity tier. A single activation tier is processed at every
% iteration.
for k = 2:2:ntiers
tier = XML.TIER(k);
% Only extract annotations of selected AUs, skip the rest
au = strcat('AU', num2str(aus(indx)));
if strcmp(au, tier.ATTRIBUTE.TIER_ID)
% Read all activation periods from the current tier
activationTier = ParseActivationTier(tier, tslots);
% Convert of all activation periods into frame level numerical
% representation
activations(:, indx) = ParseOccurrences(activationTier, frames, framerate);
indx = indx + 1;
if indx > naus
activations = [frames' activations];
activations = [[0 aus]; activations];
function occurrences = ParseOccurrences (activations, frames, framerate)
% Preallocate activations vector
occurrences = zeros(length(frames), 1);
% Go through all activation periods, convert ms into frames and init
% corresponding values of activations vector with 1 leaving the rest be 0
for i = 1:length(activations)
% Convert ms into frames
sframe = floor((activations(i).start / 1000) * framerate);
eframe = floor((activations(i).end / 1000) * framerate);
% Determine indexes of frames vector corresponding to the above
% time frame
sindx = find(frames == sframe);
eindx = find(frames == eframe);
% Mark active set of frames with 1
occurrences(sindx:eindx) = 1;
function activationTier = ParseActivationTier (tier, tslots)
% Get total number of activation periods
nactivations = length(tier.ANNOTATION);
% Preallocate activation tier structure holding start and end time
% stamps of all activation periods for the given AU
activationTier = repmat(struct('start', 0, 'end', 0), nactivations, 1);
% Go through all activation periods and init activation tier
% structure array
for i = 1:nactivations
% Read start time slot ID of the current activation period
% Read time in ms corresponding to the time slot ID
activationTier(i).start = tslots(t);
% Read end time slot ID of the current activation period
% Read time in ms corresponding to the time slot ID
activationTier(i).end = tslots(t);
function tslots = ParseTimeSlots (xmlObject)
% Get total number of time slots
nslots = length(xmlObject.TIME_ORDER.TIME_SLOT);
% Preallocate cell arrays of time slot IDs and values
tids = cell(nslots, 1);
tvalues = zeros(nslots, 1);
% Read all time slot IDs and numerical values (in ms)
for i = 1:nslots
% Map time slot IDs and values together so that values are accessible
% by their IDs
tslots = containers.Map(tids, tvalues);
function [success, xmlObject] = OpenXML (xmlPath)
fprintf(' *** Attempting to load \"%s\" ... ', xmlPath);
xmlObject = [];
success = false;
% Check if the specified file exists and return error otherwise
if exist(xmlPath, 'file')
% Load XML structure
xmlObject = xml_read(xmlPath);
% Check if XML object loaded correctly, return error otherwise
if isempty(xmlObject)
fprintf(' ERROR - unable to read xml tree *** \n');
success = true;
fprintf(' ERROR - specified path does not exist *** \n');
fprintf(' Done *** \n');

View file

@ -26,14 +26,9 @@ function [ labels, valid_ids, vid_ids ] = extract_SEMAINE_labels( SEMAINE_dir,
xml_file = [SEMAINE_dir, recs{i}, '\' file.name]; xml_file = [SEMAINE_dir, recs{i}, '\' file.name];
[root_xml, name_xml, ~] = fileparts(xml_file); [root_xml, name_xml, ~] = fileparts(xml_file);
m_file = [root_xml, name_xml, '.mat'];
if(~exist(m_file, 'file')) activations = ParseSEMAINEAnnotations([SEMAINE_dir, recs{i}, '/' file.name]);
activations = ParseSEMAINEAnnotations([SEMAINE_dir, recs{i}, '\' file.name]);
save(m_file, 'activations');
if(size(activations,1) < vid_ids(i,2)) if(size(activations,1) < vid_ids(i,2))
vid_ids(i,2) = size(activations,1); vid_ids(i,2) = size(activations,1);
if(vid_ids(i,2) > 2999) if(vid_ids(i,2) > 2999)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
if(exist('D:\Datasets\fera/au_training', 'file')) if(exist('D:\Datasets\fera/au_training', 'file'))
FERA2011_dir = 'D:\Datasets\fera/au_training/'; FERA2011_dir = 'D:\Datasets\fera/au_training/';
hog_data_dir = 'D:\Datasets\face_datasets\hog_aligned_rigid/'; elseif(exist('/multicomp/datasets/fera2011/', 'file'))
FERA2011_dir = '/multicomp/datasets/fera2011/au_training/';
else else
fprintf('FERA2011 location not found (or not defined)\n'); fprintf('FERA2011 location not found (or not defined)\n');
end end

View file

@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ elseif(exist('D:\Datasets\FERA_2015\semaine\SEMAINE-Sessions/', 'file'))
SEMAINE_dir = 'D:\Datasets\FERA_2015\semaine\SEMAINE-Sessions/'; SEMAINE_dir = 'D:\Datasets\FERA_2015\semaine\SEMAINE-Sessions/';
elseif(exist('D:/fera_2015/semaine/SEMAINE-Sessions/', 'file')) elseif(exist('D:/fera_2015/semaine/SEMAINE-Sessions/', 'file'))
SEMAINE_dir = 'D:/fera_2015/semaine/SEMAINE-Sessions/'; SEMAINE_dir = 'D:/fera_2015/semaine/SEMAINE-Sessions/';
elseif(exist('/multicomp/datasets/face_datasets/FERA_2015/Semaine/SEMAINE-Sessions/', 'file'))
SEMAINE_dir = '/multicomp/datasets/face_datasets/FERA_2015/Semaine/SEMAINE-Sessions/';
else else
fprintf('DISFA location not found (or not defined)\n'); fprintf('SEMAINE location not found (or not defined)\n');
end end
if(exist('SEMAINE_dir', 'var')) if(exist('SEMAINE_dir', 'var'))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
function y = base64decode(x, outfname, alg)
%BASE64DECODE Perform base64 decoding on a string.
% x - block of data to be decoded. Can be a string or a numeric
% vector containing integers in the range 0-255. Any character
% not part of the 65-character base64 subset set is silently
% ignored. Characters occuring after a '=' padding character are
% never decoded. If the length of the string to decode (after
% ignoring non-base64 chars) is not a multiple of 4, then a
% warning is generated.
% outfname - if provided the binary date from decoded string will be
% saved into a file. Since Base64 coding is often used to embbed
% binary data in xml files, this option can be used to extract and
% save them.
% alg - Algorithm to use: can take values 'java' or 'matlab'. Optional
% variable defaulting to 'java' which is a little faster. If
% 'java' is chosen than core of the code is performed by a call to
% a java library. Optionally all operations can be performed using
% matleb code.
% y - array of binary data returned as uint8
% This function is used to decode strings from the Base64 encoding specified
% in RFC 2045 - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions). The Base64
% encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of octets in a form
% that need not be humanly readable. A 65-character subset ([A-Za-z0-9+/=])
% of US-ASCII is used, enabling 6 bits to be represented per printable
% character.
% See also BASE64ENCODE.
% Written by Jarek Tuszynski, SAIC, jaroslaw.w.tuszynski_at_saic.com
% Matlab version based on 2004 code by Peter J. Acklam
% E-mail: pjacklam@online.no
% URL: http://home.online.no/~pjacklam
% http://home.online.no/~pjacklam/matlab/software/util/datautil/base64encode.m
if nargin<3, alg='java'; end
if nargin<2, outfname=''; end
%% if x happen to be a filename than read the file
if (numel(x)<256)
if (exist(x, 'file')==2)
fid = fopen(x,'rb');
x = fread(fid, 'uint8');
x = uint8(x(:)); % unify format
%% Perform conversion
switch (alg)
case 'java'
base64 = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
y = base64.decode(x);
y = mod(int16(y),256); % convert from int8 to uint8
case 'matlab'
%% Perform the mapping
% A-Z -> 0 - 25
% a-z -> 26 - 51
% 0-9 -> 52 - 61
% + - -> 62 '-' is URL_SAFE alternative
% / _ -> 63 '_' is URL_SAFE alternative
map = uint8(zeros(1,256)+65);
map(uint8(['A':'Z', 'a':'z', '0':'9', '+/=']))= 0:64;
map(uint8('-_'))= 62:63; % URL_SAFE alternatives
x = map(x); % mapping
x(x>64)=[]; % remove non-base64 chars
if rem(numel(x), 4)
warning('Length of base64 data not a multiple of 4; padding input.');
x(x==64)=[]; % remove padding characters
%% add padding and reshape
nebytes = length(x); % number of encoded bytes
nchunks = ceil(nebytes/4); % number of chunks/groups
if rem(nebytes, 4)>0
x(end+1 : 4*nchunks) = 0; % add padding
x = reshape(uint8(x), 4, nchunks);
y = repmat(uint8(0), 3, nchunks); % for the decoded data
%% Rearrange every 4 bytes into 3 bytes
% 00aaaaaa 00bbbbbb 00cccccc 00dddddd
% to form
% aaaaaabb bbbbcccc ccdddddd
y(1,:) = bitshift(x(1,:), 2); % 6 highest bits of y(1,:)
y(1,:) = bitor(y(1,:), bitshift(x(2,:), -4)); % 2 lowest bits of y(1,:)
y(2,:) = bitshift(x(2,:), 4); % 4 highest bits of y(2,:)
y(2,:) = bitor(y(2,:), bitshift(x(3,:), -2)); % 4 lowest bits of y(2,:)
y(3,:) = bitshift(x(3,:), 6); % 2 highest bits of y(3,:)
y(3,:) = bitor(y(3,:), x(4,:)); % 6 lowest bits of y(3,:)
%% remove extra padding
switch rem(nebytes, 4)
case 2
y = y(1:end-2);
case 3
y = y(1:end-1);
%% reshape to a row vector and make it a character array
y = uint8(reshape(y, 1, numel(y)));
%% save to file if needed
if ~isempty(outfname)
fid = fopen(outfname,'wb');
fwrite(fid, y, 'uint8');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
function y = base64encode(x, alg, isChunked, url_safe)
%BASE64ENCODE Perform base64 encoding on a string.
% x - block of data to be encoded. Can be a string or a numeric
% vector containing integers in the range 0-255.
% alg - Algorithm to use: can take values 'java' or 'matlab'. Optional
% variable defaulting to 'java' which is a little faster. If
% 'java' is chosen than core of the code is performed by a call to
% a java library. Optionally all operations can be performed using
% matleb code.
% isChunked - encode output into 76 character blocks. The returned
% encoded string is broken into lines of no more than
% 76 characters each, and each line will end with EOL. Notice that
% if resulting string is saved as part of an xml file, those EOL's
% are often stripped by xmlwrite funtrion prior to saving.
% url_safe - use Modified Base64 for URL applications ('base64url'
% encoding) "Base64 alphabet" ([A-Za-z0-9-_=]).
% y - character array using only "Base64 alphabet" characters
% This function may be used to encode strings into the Base64 encoding
% specified in RFC 2045 - MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions).
% The Base64 encoding is designed to represent arbitrary sequences of
% octets in a form that need not be humanly readable. A 65-character
% subset ([A-Za-z0-9+/=]) of US-ASCII is used, enabling 6 bits to be
% represented per printable character.
% See also BASE64DECODE.
% Written by Jarek Tuszynski, SAIC, jaroslaw.w.tuszynski_at_saic.com
% Matlab version based on 2004 code by Peter J. Acklam
% E-mail: pjacklam@online.no
% URL: http://home.online.no/~pjacklam
% http://home.online.no/~pjacklam/matlab/software/util/datautil/base64encode.m
if nargin<2, alg='java'; end
if nargin<3, isChunked=false; end
if ~islogical(isChunked)
if isnumeric(isChunked)
if nargin<4, url_safe=false; end
if ~islogical(url_safe)
if isnumeric(url_safe)
%% if x happen to be a filename than read the file
if (numel(x)<256)
if (exist(x, 'file')==2)
fid = fopen(x,'rb');
x = fread(fid, 'uint8'); % read image file as a raw binary
%% Perform conversion
switch (alg)
case 'java'
base64 = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
y = base64.encodeBase64(x, isChunked);
if url_safe
y = strrep(y,'=','-');
y = strrep(y,'/','_');
case 'matlab'
%% add padding if necessary, to make the length of x a multiple of 3
x = uint8(x(:));
ndbytes = length(x); % number of decoded bytes
nchunks = ceil(ndbytes / 3); % number of chunks/groups
if rem(ndbytes, 3)>0
x(end+1 : 3*nchunks) = 0; % add padding
x = reshape(x, [3, nchunks]); % reshape the data
y = repmat(uint8(0), 4, nchunks); % for the encoded data
%% Split up every 3 bytes into 4 pieces
% aaaaaabb bbbbcccc ccdddddd
% to form
% 00aaaaaa 00bbbbbb 00cccccc 00dddddd
y(1,:) = bitshift(x(1,:), -2); % 6 highest bits of x(1,:)
y(2,:) = bitshift(bitand(x(1,:), 3), 4); % 2 lowest bits of x(1,:)
y(2,:) = bitor(y(2,:), bitshift(x(2,:), -4)); % 4 highest bits of x(2,:)
y(3,:) = bitshift(bitand(x(2,:), 15), 2); % 4 lowest bits of x(2,:)
y(3,:) = bitor(y(3,:), bitshift(x(3,:), -6)); % 2 highest bits of x(3,:)
y(4,:) = bitand(x(3,:), 63); % 6 lowest bits of x(3,:)
%% Perform the mapping
% 0 - 25 -> A-Z
% 26 - 51 -> a-z
% 52 - 61 -> 0-9
% 62 -> +
% 63 -> /
map = ['A':'Z', 'a':'z', '0':'9', '+/'];
if (url_safe), map(63:64)='-_'; end
y = map(y(:)+1);
%% Add padding if necessary.
npbytes = 3 * nchunks - ndbytes; % number of padding bytes
if npbytes>0
y(end-npbytes+1 : end) = '='; % '=' is used for padding
%% break into lines with length LineLength
if (isChunked)
eol = sprintf('\n');
nebytes = numel(y);
nlines = ceil(nebytes / 76); % number of lines
neolbytes = length(eol); % number of bytes in eol string
% pad data so it becomes a multiple of 76 elements
y(nebytes + 1 : 76 * nlines) = 0;
y = reshape(y, 76, nlines);
% insert eol strings
y(end + 1 : end + neolbytes, :) = eol(:, ones(1, nlines));
% remove padding, but keep the last eol string
m = nebytes + neolbytes * (nlines - 1);
n = (76+neolbytes)*nlines - neolbytes;
y(m+1 : n) = [];
%% reshape to a row vector and make it a character array
y = char(reshape(y, 1, numel(y)));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
function gen_object_display( obj_struct,indent )
% gen_object_display - general function to display an object's content
% format: gen_object_display( obj_struct,indent )
% input: obj_struct - a copy of the object stored inside a structure
% indent - amount of "indent" when printing to the screen
% output: to the screen
% example: gen_object_display( struct( my_object_handle) );
% gen_object_display( ny_structure );
% Correction History:
% 2006-11-01 - Jarek Tuszynski - added support for struct arrays
%% handle insufficient input
if ( nargin == 0 )
help gen_object_display;
elseif (nargin == 1)
indent = 1;
%% check input for errors
% if ~isstruct( obj_struct )
% fprintf( '\n\n\tMake sure that ''obj_struct'' is a struct type\n' );
% return
% end
% if (iscell( obj_struct ))
% for i =1:length(obj_struct)
% gen_object_display( obj_struct{i},indent + 2 );
% end
% return
% end
if ~isstruct( obj_struct )
space = sprintf( sprintf( '%%%ds',indent ),' ' );
fprintf( ' %s', space);
% find the longest name
field_list = fieldnames( obj_struct );
max_strlen = 0;
for idx = 1:length( field_list )
max_strlen = max( max_strlen,length(field_list{idx}) );
%% setup the display format (spacing)
space = sprintf( sprintf( '%%%ds',indent ),' ' );
name_format = sprintf( ' %s%%%ds: ', space, max_strlen );
name_format2= sprintf( ' %s%%%ds', space, max_strlen );
max_displen = 110 - max_strlen - indent;
%% display each field, if it is not too long
for iItem = 1:length( obj_struct ) % loop added by JT
for idx = 1:length( field_list )
% prepare field name to be displayed
name = sprintf( name_format,field_list{idx} );
%temp = getfield( obj_struct,field_list{idx} ); % original by OG
temp = obj_struct(iItem).(field_list{idx}); % modification by JT
% proceed according the variable's type
switch (1)
case islogical( temp ), % case added by JT
if isscalar(temp)
if (temp)
fprintf( '%strue\n',name );
fprintf( '%sfalse\n',name );
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d logical]\n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
case ischar( temp ),
if (length(temp)<max_displen )
fprintf( '%s''%s''\n',name,temp' );
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d char]\n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
case isnumeric( temp ),
if (size( temp,1 )==1 )
temp_b = num2str( temp );
if (length(temp_b)<max_displen )
fprintf( '%s[%s]\n',name,temp_b );
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d double]\n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d double]\n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
case iscell( temp ),
if (numel(temp)<10 && (isvector(temp) || isscalar(temp)))
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d cell] = \n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
for r =1:numel(temp)
gen_object_display( temp{r},indent + max_strlen + 2 );
elseif (numel(temp)<10)
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d cell] = \n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
for r =1:size(temp,1)
gen_object_display( temp(r,:),indent + max_strlen + 2 );
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d cell]\n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
case isstruct( temp ),
fprintf( '%s[%dx%d struct]\n',name,size(temp,1),size(temp,2) );
if (indent<80)
if (numel(temp)<10 && (isvector(temp) || isscalar(temp)))
gen_object_display( temp,indent + max_strlen + 2 );
elseif (numel(temp)<10)
name2 = sprintf( name_format2,field_list{idx} );
for r =1:size(temp,1)
for c =1:size(temp,2)
fprintf( '%s(%d,%d) =\n',name2,r,c );
gen_object_display( temp(r,c),indent + max_strlen + 3 );
case isobject( temp ), fprintf( '%s[inherent object]\n',name );
if (indent<80)
cmd = sprintf( 'display( obj_struct.%s,%d );',field_list{idx},indent + max_strlen + 2 );
eval( cmd );
fprintf( '%s',name );
fprintf( temp );
catch %#ok<CTCH>
fprintf( '[No method to display type]' );
fprintf( '\n' );
if (length(obj_struct)>1), fprintf('\n'); end % added by JT
end % added by JT

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<table border="1">

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 156 KiB

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Copyright (c) 2007, Jaroslaw Tuszynski
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="foo.css"?>
<!-- This is a Global Comment -->
<aaa xmlns:xsi="http://www.foo.org">
<?ProcInst type="local processing instruction"?>
<!-- local comment 1 -->
<!-- local comment 2 -->
<matrix bad-name='fff'>
5e3+2*i, Inf
NaN, pi
<ee_e> ee_e </ee_e>
<ff-f> ff-f </ff-f>
<ggög> ggög </ggög>
Here <ddd>xml</ddd> tags are treated as ...
... text

View file

@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
function [tree, RootName, DOMnode] = xml_read(xmlfile, Pref)
%XML_READ reads xml files and converts them into Matlab's struct tree.
% tree = xml_read(xmlfile) reads 'xmlfile' into data structure 'tree'
% tree = xml_read(xmlfile, Pref) reads 'xmlfile' into data structure 'tree'
% according to your preferences
% [tree, RootName, DOMnode] = xml_read(xmlfile) get additional information
% about XML file
% xmlfile URL or filename of xml file to read
% Pref Preferences:
% Pref.ItemName - default 'item' - name of a special tag used to itemize
% cell arrays
% Pref.ReadAttr - default true - allow reading attributes
% Pref.ReadSpec - default true - allow reading special nodes
% Pref.Str2Num - default 'smart' - convert strings that look like numbers
% to numbers. Options: "always", "never", and "smart"
% Pref.KeepNS - default true - keep or strip namespace info
% Pref.NoCells - default true - force output to have no cell arrays
% Pref.Debug - default false - show mode specific error messages
% Pref.NumLevels- default infinity - how many recursive levels are
% allowed. Can be used to speed up the function by prunning the tree.
% Pref.RootOnly - default true - output variable 'tree' corresponds to
% xml file root element, otherwise it correspond to the whole file.
% Pref.CellItem - default 'true' - leave 'item' nodes in cell notation.
% tree tree of structs and/or cell arrays corresponding to xml file
% RootName XML tag name used for root (top level) node.
% Optionally it can be a string cell array storing: Name of
% root node, document "Processing Instructions" data and
% document "comment" string
% DOMnode output of xmlread
% Function xml_read first calls MATLAB's xmlread function and than
% converts its output ('Document Object Model' tree of Java objects)
% to tree of MATLAB struct's. The output is in format of nested structs
% and cells. In the output data structure field names are based on
% XML tags, except in cases when tags produce illegal variable names.
% Several special xml node types result in special tags for fields of
% 'tree' nodes:
% - node.CONTENT - stores data section of the node if other fields are
% present. Usually data section is stored directly in 'node'.
% - node.ATTRIBUTE.name - stores node's attribute called 'name'.
% - node.COMMENT - stores node's comment section (string). For global
% comments see "RootName" output variable.
% - node.CDATA_SECTION - stores node's CDATA section (string).
% - node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS - stores "processing instruction" child
% node. For global "processing instructions" see "RootName" output variable.
% - other special node types like: document fragment nodes, document type
% nodes, entity nodes, notation nodes and processing instruction nodes
% will be treated like regular nodes
% MyTree=[];
% MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
% MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
% xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% [tree treeName] = xml_read ('test.xml');
% disp(treeName)
% gen_object_display()
% % See also xml_examples.m
% See also:
% xml_write, xmlread, xmlwrite
% Written by Jarek Tuszynski, SAIC, jaroslaw.w.tuszynski_at_saic.com
% References:
% - Function inspired by Example 3 found in xmlread function.
% - Output data structures inspired by xml_toolbox structures.
%% default preferences
DPref.TableName = {'tr','td'}; % name of a special tags used to itemize 2D cell arrays
DPref.ItemName = 'item'; % name of a special tag used to itemize 1D cell arrays
DPref.CellItem = false; % leave 'item' nodes in cell notation
DPref.ReadAttr = true; % allow reading attributes
DPref.ReadSpec = true; % allow reading special nodes: comments, CData, etc.
DPref.KeepNS = true; % Keep or strip namespace info
DPref.Str2Num = 'smart';% convert strings that look like numbers to numbers
DPref.NoCells = true; % force output to have no cell arrays
DPref.NumLevels = 1e10; % number of recurence levels
DPref.PreserveSpace = false; % Preserve or delete spaces at the beggining and the end of stings?
RootOnly = true; % return root node with no top level special nodes
Debug = false; % show specific errors (true) or general (false)?
tree = [];
RootName = [];
%% Check Matlab Version
v = ver('MATLAB');
version = str2double(regexp(v.Version, '\d.\d','match','once'));
if (version<7.1)
error('Your MATLAB version is too old. You need version 7.1 or newer.');
%% read user preferences
if (nargin>1)
if (isfield(Pref, 'TableName')), DPref.TableName = Pref.TableName; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'ItemName' )), DPref.ItemName = Pref.ItemName; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'CellItem' )), DPref.CellItem = Pref.CellItem; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'Str2Num' )), DPref.Str2Num = Pref.Str2Num ; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'NoCells' )), DPref.NoCells = Pref.NoCells ; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'NumLevels')), DPref.NumLevels = Pref.NumLevels; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'ReadAttr' )), DPref.ReadAttr = Pref.ReadAttr; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'ReadSpec' )), DPref.ReadSpec = Pref.ReadSpec; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'KeepNS' )), DPref.KeepNS = Pref.KeepNS; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'RootOnly' )), RootOnly = Pref.RootOnly; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'Debug' )), Debug = Pref.Debug ; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'PreserveSpace')), DPref.PreserveSpace = Pref.PreserveSpace; end
if ischar(DPref.Str2Num), % convert from character description to numbers
DPref.Str2Num = find(strcmpi(DPref.Str2Num, {'never', 'smart', 'always'}))-1;
if isempty(DPref.Str2Num), DPref.Str2Num=1; end % 1-smart by default
%% read xml file using Matlab function
if isa(xmlfile, 'org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl');
% if xmlfile is a DOMnode than skip the call to xmlread
DOMnode = xmlfile;
catch ME
error('Invalid DOM node: \n%s.', getReport(ME));
catch %#ok<CTCH> catch for mablab versions prior to 7.5
error('Invalid DOM node. \n');
else % we assume xmlfile is a filename
if (Debug) % in debuging mode crashes are allowed
DOMnode = xmlread(xmlfile);
else % in normal mode crashes are not allowed
DOMnode = xmlread(xmlfile);
catch ME
error('Failed to read XML file %s: \n%s',xmlfile, getReport(ME));
catch %#ok<CTCH> catch for mablab versions prior to 7.5
error('Failed to read XML file %s\n',xmlfile);
Node = DOMnode.getFirstChild;
%% Find the Root node. Also store data from Global Comment and Processing
% Instruction nodes, if any.
GlobalTextNodes = cell(1,3);
GlobalProcInst = [];
GlobalComment = [];
GlobalDocType = [];
while (~isempty(Node))
if (Node.getNodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
elseif (Node.getNodeType==Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
data = strtrim(char(Node.getData));
target = strtrim(char(Node.getTarget));
GlobalProcInst = [target, ' ', data];
GlobalTextNodes{2} = GlobalProcInst;
elseif (Node.getNodeType==Node.COMMENT_NODE)
GlobalComment = strtrim(char(Node.getData));
GlobalTextNodes{3} = GlobalComment;
% elseif (Node.getNodeType==Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
% GlobalTextNodes{4} = GlobalDocType;
Node = Node.getNextSibling;
%% parse xml file through calls to recursive DOMnode2struct function
if (Debug) % in debuging mode crashes are allowed
[tree RootName] = DOMnode2struct(RootNode, DPref, 1);
else % in normal mode crashes are not allowed
[tree RootName] = DOMnode2struct(RootNode, DPref, 1);
catch ME
error('Unable to parse XML file %s: \n %s.',xmlfile, getReport(ME));
catch %#ok<CTCH> catch for mablab versions prior to 7.5
error('Unable to parse XML file %s.',xmlfile);
%% If there were any Global Text nodes than return them
if (~RootOnly)
if (~isempty(GlobalProcInst) && DPref.ReadSpec)
if (~isempty(GlobalComment) && DPref.ReadSpec)
t.COMMENT = GlobalComment;
if (~isempty(GlobalDocType) && DPref.ReadSpec)
t.DOCUMENT_TYPE = GlobalDocType;
t.(RootName) = tree;
if (~isempty(GlobalTextNodes))
GlobalTextNodes{1} = RootName;
RootName = GlobalTextNodes;
%% =======================================================================
% === DOMnode2struct Function ===========================================
% =======================================================================
function [s TagName LeafNode] = DOMnode2struct(node, Pref, level)
%% === Step 1: Get node name and check if it is a leaf node ==============
[TagName LeafNode] = NodeName(node, Pref.KeepNS);
s = []; % initialize output structure
%% === Step 2: Process Leaf Nodes (nodes with no children) ===============
if (LeafNode)
if (LeafNode>1 && ~Pref.ReadSpec), LeafNode=-1; end % tags only so ignore special nodes
if (LeafNode>0) % supported leaf node types
try % use try-catch: errors here are often due to VERY large fields (like images) that overflow java memory
s = char(node.getData);
if (isempty(s)), s = ' '; end % make it a string
% for some reason current xmlread 'creates' a lot of empty text
% fields with first chatacter=10 - those will be deleted.
if (~Pref.PreserveSpace || s(1)==10)
if (isspace(s(1)) || isspace(s(end))), s = strtrim(s); end % trim speces is any
if (LeafNode==1), s=str2var(s, Pref.Str2Num, 0); end % convert to number(s) if needed
catch ME % catch for mablab versions 7.5 and higher
warning('xml_io_tools:read:LeafRead', ...
'This leaf node could not be read and was ignored. ');
catch %#ok<CTCH> catch for mablab versions prior to 7.5
warning('xml_io_tools:read:LeafRead', ...
'This leaf node could not be read and was ignored. ');
if (LeafNode==3) % ProcessingInstructions need special treatment
target = strtrim(char(node.getTarget));
s = [target, ' ', s];
return % We are done the rest of the function deals with nodes with children
if (level>Pref.NumLevels+1), return; end % if Pref.NumLevels is reached than we are done
%% === Step 3: Process nodes with children ===============================
if (node.hasChildNodes) % children present
Child = node.getChildNodes; % create array of children nodes
nChild = Child.getLength; % number of children
% --- pass 1: how many children with each name -----------------------
f = [];
for iChild = 1:nChild % read in each child
[cname cLeaf] = NodeName(Child.item(iChild-1), Pref.KeepNS);
if (cLeaf<0), continue; end % unsupported leaf node types
if (~isfield(f,cname)),
f.(cname)=0; % initialize first time I see this name
f.(cname) = f.(cname)+1; % add to the counter
end % end for iChild
% text_nodes become CONTENT & for some reason current xmlread 'creates' a
% lot of empty text fields so f.CONTENT value should not be trusted
if (isfield(f,'CONTENT') && f.CONTENT>2), f.CONTENT=2; end
% --- pass 2: store all the children as struct of cell arrays ----------
for iChild = 1:nChild % read in each child
[c cname cLeaf] = DOMnode2struct(Child.item(iChild-1), Pref, level+1);
if (cLeaf && isempty(c)) % if empty leaf node than skip
continue; % usually empty text node or one of unhandled node types
elseif (nChild==1 && cLeaf==1)
s=c; % shortcut for a common case
else % if normal node
if (level>Pref.NumLevels), continue; end
n = f.(cname); % how many of them in the array so far?
if (~isfield(s,cname)) % encountered this name for the first time
if (n==1) % if there will be only one of them ...
s.(cname) = c; % than save it in format it came in
else % if there will be many of them ...
s.(cname) = cell(1,n);
s.(cname){1} = c; % than save as cell array
f.(cname) = 1; % initialize the counter
else % already have seen this name
s.(cname){n+1} = c; % add to the array
f.(cname) = n+1; % add to the array counter
end % for iChild
end % end if (node.hasChildNodes)
%% === Step 4: Post-process struct's created for nodes with children =====
if (isstruct(s))
fields = fieldnames(s);
nField = length(fields);
% Detect structure that looks like Html table and store it in cell Matrix
if (nField==1 && strcmpi(fields{1},Pref.TableName{1}))
tr = s.(Pref.TableName{1});
fields2 = fieldnames(tr{1});
if (length(fields2)==1 && strcmpi(fields2{1},Pref.TableName{2}))
% This seems to be a special structure such that for
% Pref.TableName = {'tr','td'} 's' corresponds to
% <tr> <td>M11</td> <td>M12</td> </tr>
% <tr> <td>M12</td> <td>M22</td> </tr>
% Recognize it as encoding for 2D struct
nr = length(tr);
for r = 1:nr
row = tr{r}.(Pref.TableName{2});
Table(r,1:length(row)) = row; %#ok<AGROW>
s = Table;
% --- Post-processing: convert 'struct of cell-arrays' to 'array of structs'
% Example: let say s has 3 fields s.a, s.b & s.c and each field is an
% cell-array with more than one cell-element and all 3 have the same length.
% Then change it to array of structs, each with single cell.
% This way element s.a{1} will be now accessed through s(1).a
vec = zeros(size(fields));
for i=1:nField, vec(i) = f.(fields{i}); end
if (numel(vec)>1 && vec(1)>1 && var(vec)==0) % convert from struct of
s = cell2struct(struct2cell(s), fields, 1); % arrays to array of struct
end % if anyone knows better way to do above conversion please let me know.
%% === Step 5: Process nodes with attributes =============================
if (node.hasAttributes && Pref.ReadAttr)
if (~isstruct(s)), % make into struct if is not already
Attr = node.getAttributes; % list of all attributes
for iAttr = 1:Attr.getLength % for each attribute
name = char(Attr.item(iAttr-1).getName); % attribute name
name = str2varName(name, Pref.KeepNS); % fix name if needed
value = char(Attr.item(iAttr-1).getValue); % attribute value
value = str2var(value, Pref.Str2Num, 1); % convert to number if possible
s.ATTRIBUTE.(name) = value; % save again
end % end iAttr loop
end % done with attributes
if (~isstruct(s)), return; end %The rest of the code deals with struct's
%% === Post-processing: fields of "s"
% convert 'cell-array of structs' to 'arrays of structs'
fields = fieldnames(s); % get field names
nField = length(fields);
for iItem=1:length(s) % for each struct in the array - usually one
for iField=1:length(fields)
field = fields{iField}; % get field name
% if this is an 'item' field and user want to leave those as cells
% than skip this one
if (strcmpi(field, Pref.ItemName) && Pref.CellItem), continue; end
x = s(iItem).(field);
if (iscell(x) && all(cellfun(@isstruct,x(:))) && numel(x)>1) % it's cell-array of structs
% numel(x)>1 check is to keep 1 cell-arrays created when Pref.CellItem=1
try % this operation fails sometimes
% example: change s(1).a{1}.b='jack'; s(1).a{2}.b='john'; to
% more convinient s(1).a(1).b='jack'; s(1).a(2).b='john';
s(iItem).(field) = [x{:}]'; %#ok<AGROW> % converted to arrays of structs
catch %#ok<CTCH>
% above operation will fail if s(1).a{1} and s(1).a{2} have
% different fields. If desired, function forceCell2Struct can force
% them to the same field structure by adding empty fields.
if (Pref.NoCells)
s(iItem).(field) = forceCell2Struct(x); %#ok<AGROW>
end % end catch
%% === Step 4: Post-process struct's created for nodes with children =====
% --- Post-processing: remove special 'item' tags ---------------------
% many xml writes (including xml_write) use a special keyword to mark
% arrays of nodes (see xml_write for examples). The code below converts
% s.item to s.CONTENT
ItemContent = false;
if (isfield(s,Pref.ItemName))
s.CONTENT = s.(Pref.ItemName);
s = rmfield(s,Pref.ItemName);
ItemContent = Pref.CellItem; % if CellItem than keep s.CONTENT as cells
% --- Post-processing: clean up CONTENT tags ---------------------
% if s.CONTENT is a cell-array with empty elements at the end than trim
% the length of this cell-array. Also if s.CONTENT is the only field than
% remove .CONTENT part and store it as s.
if (isfield(s,'CONTENT'))
if (iscell(s.CONTENT) && isvector(s.CONTENT))
x = s.CONTENT;
for i=numel(x):-1:1, if ~isempty(x{i}), break; end; end
if (i==1 && ~ItemContent)
s.CONTENT = x{1}; % delete cell structure
s.CONTENT = x(1:i); % delete empty cells
if (nField==1)
if (ItemContent)
ss = s.CONTENT; % only child: remove a level but ensure output is a cell-array
s=[]; s{1}=ss;
s = s.CONTENT; % only child: remove a level
%% =======================================================================
% === forceCell2Struct Function =========================================
% =======================================================================
function s = forceCell2Struct(x)
% Convert cell-array of structs, where not all of structs have the same
% fields, to a single array of structs
%% Convert 1D cell array of structs to 2D cell array, where each row
% represents item in original array and each column corresponds to a unique
% field name. Array "AllFields" store fieldnames for each column
AllFields = fieldnames(x{1}); % get field names of the first struct
CellMat = cell(length(x), length(AllFields));
for iItem=1:length(x)
fields = fieldnames(x{iItem}); % get field names of the next struct
for iField=1:length(fields) % inspect all fieldnames and find those
field = fields{iField}; % get field name
col = find(strcmp(field,AllFields),1);
if isempty(col) % no column for such fieldname yet
AllFields = [AllFields; field]; %#ok<AGROW>
col = length(AllFields); % create a new column for it
CellMat{iItem,col} = x{iItem}.(field); % store rearanged data
%% Convert 2D cell array to array of structs
s = cell2struct(CellMat, AllFields, 2);
%% =======================================================================
% === str2var Function ==================================================
% =======================================================================
function val=str2var(str, option, attribute)
% Can this string 'str' be converted to a number? if so than do it.
val = str;
len = numel(str);
if (len==0 || option==0), return; end % Str2Num="never" of empty string -> do not do enything
if (len>10000 && option==1), return; end % Str2Num="smart" and string is very long -> probably base64 encoded binary
digits = '(Inf)|(NaN)|(pi)|[\t\n\d\+\-\*\.ei EI\[\]\;\,]';
s = regexprep(str, digits, ''); % remove all the digits and other allowed characters
if (~all(~isempty(s))) % if nothing left than this is probably a number
if (~isempty(strfind(str, ' '))), option=2; end %if str has white-spaces assume by default that it is not a date string
if (~isempty(strfind(str, '['))), option=2; end % same with brackets
str(strfind(str, '\n')) = ';';% parse data tables into 2D arrays, if any
if (option==1) % the 'smart' option
try % try to convert to a date, like 2007-12-05
datenum(str); % if successful than leave it as string
catch %#ok<CTCH> % if this is not a date than ...
option=2; % ... try converting to a number
if (option==2)
if (attribute)
num = str2double(str); % try converting to a single number using sscanf function
if isnan(num), return; end % So, it wasn't really a number after all
num = str2num(str); %#ok<ST2NM> % try converting to a single number or array using eval function
if(isnumeric(num) && numel(num)>0), val=num; end % if convertion to a single was succesful than save
elseif ((str(1)=='[' && str(end)==']') || (str(1)=='{' && str(end)=='}')) % this looks like a (cell) array encoded as a string
val = eval(str);
catch %#ok<CTCH>
val = str;
elseif (~attribute) % see if it is a boolean array with no [] brackets
str1 = lower(str);
str1 = strrep(str1, 'false', '0');
str1 = strrep(str1, 'true' , '1');
s = regexprep(str1, '[01 \;\,]', ''); % remove all 0/1, spaces, commas and semicolons
if (~all(~isempty(s))) % if nothing left than this is probably a boolean array
num = str2num(str1); %#ok<ST2NM>
if(isnumeric(num) && numel(num)>0), val = (num>0); end % if convertion was succesful than save as logical
%% =======================================================================
% === str2varName Function ==============================================
% =======================================================================
function str = str2varName(str, KeepNS)
% convert a sting to a valid matlab variable name
str = regexprep(str,':','_COLON_', 'once', 'ignorecase');
k = strfind(str,':');
if (~isempty(k))
str = str(k+1:end);
str = regexprep(str,'-','_DASH_' ,'once', 'ignorecase');
if (~isvarname(str)) && (~iskeyword(str))
str = genvarname(str);
%% =======================================================================
% === NodeName Function =================================================
% =======================================================================
function [Name LeafNode] = NodeName(node, KeepNS)
% get node name and make sure it is a valid variable name in Matlab.
% also get node type:
% LeafNode=0 - normal element node,
% LeafNode=1 - text node
% LeafNode=2 - supported non-text leaf node,
% LeafNode=3 - supported processing instructions leaf node,
% LeafNode=-1 - unsupported non-text leaf node
switch (node.getNodeType)
case node.ELEMENT_NODE
Name = char(node.getNodeName);% capture name of the node
Name = str2varName(Name, KeepNS); % if Name is not a good variable name - fix it
LeafNode = 0;
case node.TEXT_NODE
Name = 'CONTENT';
LeafNode = 1;
case node.COMMENT_NODE
Name = 'COMMENT';
LeafNode = 2;
LeafNode = 2;
LeafNode = 2;
LeafNode = 3;
Name = char(node.getNodeName);% capture name of the node
warning('xml_io_tools:read:unkNode', ...
'Unknown node type encountered: %s_NODE (%s)', NodeType{node.getNodeType}, Name);
LeafNode = -1;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
%% Tutorial for xml_io_tools Package
% *By Jarek Tuszynski*
% Package xml_io_tools can read XML files into MATLAB struct and writes
% MATLAB data types to XML files with help of simple interface to
% MATLAB's xmlwrite and xmlread functions.
% Two function to simplify reading and writing XML files from MATLAB:
% * Function xml_read first calls MATLAB's xmlread function and than
% converts its output ('Document Object Model' tree of Java objects)
% to tree of MATLAB struct's. The output is in the format of nested
% structs and cells. In the output data structure field names are based on
% XML tags.
% * Function xml_write first convert input tree of MATLAB structs and cells
% and other types to tree of 'Document Object Model' nodes, and then writes
% resulting object to XML file using MATLAB's xmlwrite function. .
%% This package can:
% * Read most XML files, created inside and outside of MATLAB environment,
% and convert them to MATLAB data structures.
% * Write any MATLAB's struct tree to XML file
% * Handle XML attributes and special XML nodes like comments, processing
% instructions and CDATA sections
% * Supports base64 encoding and decoding to allow handling embeded binary
% data
% * Be studied, modified, customized, rewritten and used in other packages
% without any limitations. All code is included and documented. Software
% is distributed under BSD Licence (included).
%% This package does not:
% * Guarantee to recover the same Matlab objects that were saved. If you
% need to be able to recover carbon copy of the structure that was saved
% than you will have to use one of the packages that uses special set of
% tags saved as xml attributes that help to guide the parsing of XML code.
% This package does not use those tags.
% * Guarantee to work with older versions of MATLAB. Functions do not work
% with versions of MATLAB prior to 7.1 (26-Jul-2005).
%% Change History
% * 2006-11-06 - original version
% * 2006-11-26 - corrected xml_write to handle writing Matlab's column
% arrays to xml files. Bug discovered and diagnosed by Kalyan Dutta.
% * 2006-11-28 - made changes to handle special node types like:
% COMMENTS and CDATA sections
% * 2007-03-12 - Writing CDATA sections still did not worked. The problem
% was diagnosed and fixed by Alberto Amaro. The fix involved rewriting
% xmlwrite to use Apache Xerces java files directly instead of MATLAB's
% XMLUtils java class.
% * 2007-06-21 - Fixed problem reported by Anna Kelbert in Reviews about
% not writing attributes of ROOT node. Also: added support for Processing
% Instructions, added support for global text nodes: Processing
% Instructions and comments, allowed writing tag names with special
% characters
% * 2007-07-20 - Added tutorial script file. Extended support for global
% text nodes. Added more Preference fields.
% * 2008-01-23 - Fixed problem reported by Anna Krewet of converting dates
% in format '2007-01-01' to numbers. Improved and added warning messages.
% Added detection of old Matlab versions incompatible with the library.
% Expanded documentation.
% * 2008-06-23 - Fixed problem with writing 1D array reported by Mark Neil.
% Extended xml_read's Pref.Num2Str to 3 settings (never, smart and always)
% for better control. Added parameter Pref.KeepNS for keeping or ignoring
% namespace data when reading. Fixed a bug related to writing 2D cell
% arrays brought up by Andrej's Mosat review.
% * 2008-09-11 - Resubmitting last upload - zip file is still old
% * 2009-02-26 - Small changes. More error handling. More robust in case of
% large binary objects. Added support for Base64 encoding/decoding of
% binary objects (using functions by Peter J. Acklam).
% * 2009-06-26 - changes to xml_read: added CellItem parameter to allow
% better control of reading files with 'item' notation (see comment by
% Shlomi); changed try-catch statements so xml_read would work for mablab
% versions prior to 7.5 (see Thomas Pilutti comment)
% * 2009-12-03 - added PreserveSpace parameter for contolling empty string
% handling as suggested by Sebastiaan. Fix suggested by Michael Murphy.
% Fixed number recognition code as suggested by Yuan Ren.
% * 2010-05-04 - implemented fixes suggested by Dylan Reynolds from Airbus.
% * 2010-07-28 - implemented support for 2D arrays of cells and structs
% suggested by Rodney Behn from MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Also attempted
% large scale cleanup of xml_write function
% * 2010-08-18 - minor extension to allow better handling of logical
% scalars and arrays and function handles suggested by Andreas Richter
% and others
% * 2010-09-20 - allow reading and writing of sparse matrices. Improve
% reading of 1D boolean arrays.
% * 2010-11-05 - Fix problem with empty cells reported by Richard Cotton;
% fixed issues with reading boolean arrays reported by Zohar Bar-Yehuda;
% Improved speed of base64 coding and decoding by switching to java based
% code.
%% Licence
% The package is distributed under BSD License
format compact; % viewing preference
clear variables;
%% Write XML file based on a Struct using "xml_write"
% Any MATLAB data struct can be saved to XML file.
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
%% Read XML file producing a Struct using "xml_read"
[tree treeName] = xml_read ('test.xml');
disp([treeName{1} ' ='])
%% "Pref.XmlEngine" flag in "xml_write"
% Occasionaly some operations are performed better by Apache Xerces XML
% engine than default xmlread function. That is why xml_write provide an
% option for choosing the underlaying xml engine. Code below performs the
% same operation as the previous section but using Apache Xerces XML engine.
% Notice that in this case name of root element
% was passed as variable and not extracted from the variable name.
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'TreeOfMine', Pref);
%% Writing Struct with different type MATLAB arrays
MyTree.Empty = []; % Empty variable
MyTree.Num_1x1 = 13; % simple scalar
MyTree.Vec_1x3 = [1 2 3]; % horizontal vector
MyTree.Vec_4x1 = [1; 2; 3; 4]; % vertical vector
MyTree.Mat_2x2 = [1, 2; 3, 4]; % 2D matrix
MyTree.Cube_3D = reshape(1:8,[2 2 2]); % 3D array
MyTree.String1 = '[2003 10 30]'; % number string with [] brackets
MyTree.String2 = ' 2003 10 30 '; % number string without [] brackets
MyTree.Logical_1x1 = false; % single logical
MyTree.Logical_2x2 = [false, true; true, false]; % 2D matrix of logicals
MyTree.Logical_Str = 'False False True True';
MyTree.Int_2x2 = uint8([1 2;3 4]); % 2D matrix of uint8 integers
MyTree.Complex_1x1 = complex(1, 7); % complex scalar
MyTree.Complex_2x2 = complex([1 2;3 4],[2 2;7 7]); % 2D matrix of complex numbers
MyTree.Sparse_9x9 = sparse(1:9,1:9,1); % sparse 9x9 matrix
MyTree.Function = @sum; % function handle
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
%% Read Struct with MATLAB arrays
% Notice that 'Cube_3D' did not preserve original dimentions
[tree treeName] = xml_read ('test.xml');
disp([treeName{1} ' ='])
%% "Pref.StructItem" flag in "xml_write" (controls 1D arrays of structs)
% *Create a simple structure with 1D array of struct's*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a(1).b = 'jack';
MyTree.a(2).b = 'john';
% *Write XML with "StructItem = true" (default). Notice single 'a'
% section and multiple 'item' sub-sections. Those subsections are used
% to store array elements*
wPref.StructItem = true;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
gen_object_display(xml_read ('test.xml'))
% *Write XML with "StructItem = false". Notice multiple 'a' sections*
wPref.StructItem = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
gen_object_display(xml_read ('test.xml'))
% *Notice that xml_read function produced the same struct when reading both files*
% *Potential problems with "StructItem = true":*
wPref.StructItem = true;
MyTree1 = []; MyTree1.a.b = 'jack';
MyTree2 = []; MyTree2.a(1).b = 'jack';
MyTree3 = []; MyTree3.a(2).b = 'jack';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree1, [], wPref); type('test.xml');
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree2, [], wPref); type('test.xml');
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree3, [], wPref); type('test.xml');
% *Notice that MyTree1 and MyTree2 produce identical files with no 'items',
% while MyTree2 and MyTree3 produce very different file structures. It was
% pointed out to me that files produced from MyTree2 and MyTree3 can not
% belong to the same schema, which can be a problem. The solution is to use
% cells.*
wPref.CellItem = true;
wPref.NoCells = true;
MyTree2 = []; MyTree2.a{1}.b = 'jack';
MyTree3 = []; MyTree3.a{2}.b = 'jack';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree2, [], wPref); type('test.xml');
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree3, [], wPref); type('test.xml');
%% "Pref.CellItem" flag in "xml_write" (controls 1D arrays of cells)
% *Create a simple structure with cell arrays*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a = {'jack', 'john'};
% *Write XML with "CellItem = true" (default). Notice single 'a'
% section and multiple 'item' sections*
Pref=[]; Pref.CellItem = true;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',Pref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n');
disp(xml_read ('test.xml'))
% *Write XML with "CellItem = false". Notice multiple 'a' sections*
Pref=[]; Pref.CellItem = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',Pref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n');
disp(xml_read ('test.xml'))
% *Notice that xml_read function produced the same struct when reading both files*
%% "Pref.NoCells" flag in "xml_read"
% *Create a cell/struct mixture object*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a{1}.b = 'jack';
MyTree.a{2}.b = [];
MyTree.a{2}.c = 'john';
% *Save it to xml file*
Pref=[]; Pref.CellItem = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',Pref);
% *Read above file with "Pref.NoCells=true" (default) - output is quite different then input*
% By default program is trying to convert everything to struct's and arrays
% of structs. In case arrays of structs all the structs in array need to have the
% same fields, and if they are not than MATLAB creates empty fields.
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells=true;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.NoCells=false" - now input and output are the same*
% Cell arrays of structs allow structs in array to have different fields.
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
%% "Pref.ItemName" flag in "xml_write" (customize 1D arrays of structs and cells)
% *Create a cell/struct mixture object*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a{1}.b = 'jack';
MyTree.a{2}.c = 'john';
% *Save it to xml file, using 'item' notation but with different name*
Pref.CellItem = true;
Pref.ItemName = 'MyItem';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',Pref);
%% "Pref.ItemName" flag in "xml_read"
% *Read above file with default settings ("Pref.ItemName = 'item'")*
% The results do not match the original structure
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.ItemName = 'MyItem'" - now saved and read
% MATLAB structures are the same*
Pref.ItemName = 'MyItem';
Pref.NoCells = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
%% "Pref.CellItem" flag in "xml_read"
% "Pref.ItemName" is used to create xml files with clearly marked arrays
% "Pref.CellItem" flag in "xml_read" ensures that they are always read as
% arrays by forcing output to stay in cell format. In cell format s{1} is
% different than s, while s(1) is indistinguishable from s.
% *Create a test file*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a1{1}.b = 'jack'; % a1 - single struct
MyTree.a2{1}.b = 'jack'; % a2 - cell array of structs with the same fields
MyTree.a2{2}.b = 'john';
MyTree.a3{1}.b = 'jack'; % a3 - cell array of structs with the different fields
MyTree.a3{2}.c = 'john';
Pref.CellItem = true;
Pref.Debug = true;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',Pref);
% *Read above file with "Pref.CellItem = true" (default)*
% All outputs are in cell format
Pref.NoCells = false; % allow cell output
Pref.CellItem = true; % keep 'item' arrays as cells
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.CellItem = false"*
% Outputs format is determined by content
Pref.NoCells = false; % allow cell output
Pref.CellItem = false; % allow 'item' arrays to beheave like other fields
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.CellItem = false" and "Pref.NoCells = true"*
% All outputs are in struct format
Pref.NoCells = true; % don't allow cell output
Pref.CellItem = false; % allow 'item' arrays to beheave like other fields
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
%% "Pref.CellTable" flag in "xml_write" (controls 2D arrays of cells)
% *Create a structure with 2D arrays of cells*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.M = {[1,2;3,4], 'M12'; struct('a','jack'), {11, 'N12'; 21, 'N22'}};
% *Write XML with "CellTable = 'Html" (default). This option mimics use of
% HTML "tr" and "td" tags to encode 2D tables. Tag names can
% be changed using TableName parameter (see below)*
wPref = [];
wPref.CellTable = 'Html';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
rPref=[]; rPref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', rPref))
% *Write XML with "CellTable = 'Vector'".*
% Converts 2D arrays to 1D array and item or regular notation. This option
% is mostly provided for backward compatibility since this was the
% behavior in prior verions of the code
wPref = [];
wPref.CellTable = 'Vector';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
rPref=[]; rPref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', rPref))
% *Create a simpler structure without struct's*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.M = {[1,2;3,4], 'M12'; 'M21', {11, 'N12'; 21, 'N22'}};
% *Write XML with "CellTable = 'Matlab". This option encodes tables
% consisting of numbers, strings and other cell arrays as MATLAB command
% string. Unlike 'Html' option it does not work if one of the cells is
% a struct*
wPref = [];
wPref.CellTable = 'Matlab';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
rPref=[]; rPref.NoCells=false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', rPref))
%% Write 2D cell array in HTML format
MyTree = [];
MyTree.table.CONTENT = {'Apples', '44%'; 'Bannanas', '23%'; 'Oranges', '13%'; 'Other', '10%'};
xml_write('html/test.html', MyTree);
% Click on <test.html> to opened this file with a web brouwser
%% "Pref.StructTable" flag in "xml_write" (controls 2D arrays of structs)
% *Create a simple structure with arrays of struct's*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.a(1,1).b = 'jack';
MyTree.a(1,2).b = 'john';
MyTree.a(2,1).b = 'jim';
MyTree.a(2,2).b = 'jill';
% *Write XML with "StructTable = 'Html" (default). This option mimics use of
% HTML "tr" and "td" tags to encode 2D tables. Tag names can
% be changed using TableName parameter (see below)*
wPref = [];
wPref.StructTable = 'Html';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
gen_object_display(xml_read ('test.xml'))
% *Write XML with "CellTable = 'Vector'".*
% Converts 2D arrays to 1D array and item or regular notation. This option
% is mostly provided for backward compatibility since this was the
% behavior in prior verions of the code
wPref = [];
wPref.StructTable = 'Vector';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',wPref);
fprintf('\nxml_read output:\n')
gen_object_display(xml_read ('test.xml'))
%% "Pref.TableName" flag in "xml_write" (controls encoding tags used for 2D arrays)
% *Create a cell object*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.M = {[1,2;3,4], 'M12'; 21, {11, 'N12'; 21, 'N22'}};
% *Save it to xml file, using 'Html' notation but with different names for
% rows and cells*
Pref=[]; Pref.TableName = {'row','cell'};
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree',Pref);
%% "Pref.TableName" flag in "xml_read"
% *Read above file with default settings ("Pref.TableName = {'tr','td'}")*
% The results do not match the original structure
Pref=[]; Pref.NoCells = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.TableName = {'row','cell'}" - now saved and read
% MATLAB structures are the same*
Pref.TableName = {'row','cell'};
Pref.NoCells = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
%% "Pref.Str2Num" flag in xml_read (control conversion to numbers while reading)
% *Create a cell/struct mixture object*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.str = 'sphere';
MyTree.num1 = 123;
MyTree.num2 = '123';
MyTree.num3 = '[Inf,NaN]';
MyTree.calc = '1+2+3+4';
MyTree.func = 'sin(pi)/2';
MyTree.String1 = '[2003 10 30]';
MyTree.String2 = '2003 10 30'; % array resembling date
MyTree.ISO8601 = '2003-10-30'; % date in ISO 8601 format
MyTree.US_date = '2003/10/30'; % US style date format
MyTree.complex = '2003i-10e-30'; % complex number resembling a date
% *Save it to xml file*
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *Read above file with default settings*
% ("Pref.Str2Num = true" or "Pref.Str2Num = 'smart'"). Under this setting all
% strings that look like numbers are converted to numbers, except for
% strings that are recognized by MATLAB 'datenum' function as dates
% *Note that all the fields of 'MyTree' can be converted to numbers (even
% 'sphere') but by default the function is trying to 'judge' if a string
% should be converted to a number or not*
MyCell = {'sphere','1+2+3+4','sin(pi)/2','2003 10 30','2003-10-30','2003/10/30','2003i-10e-30'};
cellfun(@str2num, MyCell, 'UniformOutput', false)
% *Read above file with "Pref.Str2Num = false" or "Pref.Str2Num = 'never'"
% to keep all the fields in string format*
Pref=[]; Pref.Str2Num = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.Str2Num = always"
% to convert all strings that look like numbers to numbers* note the likelly
% unintendet conversion of 'ISO8601'
Pref=[]; Pref.Str2Num = 'always';
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Notice that all three settings will produce the same output for "num1" and
% "num2" and there is no way to reproduce the original "MyTree" structure.*
%% "Pref.PreserveSpace" flag in xml_write (control handling of strings with leading/trailing spaces)
% *Create a struct with strings*
MyTree.Empty = '';
MyTree.OneSpace = ' ';
MyTree.TwoSpaces = ' ';
MyTree.String1 = ' Hello World ';
% *Write XML with "PreserveSpace = false" (default).*
Pref=[]; Pref.PreserveSpace = false; % (default setting)
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, [], Pref);
% *Write XML with "PreserveSpace = true".*
Pref=[]; Pref.PreserveSpace = true;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, [], Pref);
%% "Pref.PreserveSpace" flag in xml_read
% *Read file while using "PreserveSpace = false" (default).*
Pref=[]; Pref.PreserveSpace = false; % (default setting)
% *Read file while using "PreserveSpace = true".*
Pref=[]; Pref.PreserveSpace = true;
%% Write XML files with ATTRIBUTEs
% In order to add node attributes a special ATTRIBUTE field is used.
% ATTRIBUTEs have to be of simple types like numbers or strings (not
% struct or cells). Attributes are easy to attach to structs nodes like
% MyTree below.
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World'; % simple case
MyTree.ATTRIBUTE.Num = 2;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% In case when one needs to attach attributes to nodes which are not
% structs (for example strings, numbers or calls) then special CONTENT
% field needs to be used to make the node a struct node.
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString.CONTENT = 'Hello World'; % simple case
MyTree.MyString.ATTRIBUTE.Num = 2;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
%% "Pref.Str2Num" flag in file with ATTRIBUTEs
% *Create a cell/struct mixture object*
MyTree = [];
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.str = 'sphere';
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.num1 = 123;
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.num2 = '123';
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.num3 = '[Inf,NaN]';
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.calc = '1+2+3+4';
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.func = 'sin(pi)/2';
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.String1 = '[2003 10 30]';
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.String2 = '2003 10 30'; % array resembling date
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.ISO8601 = '2003-10-30'; % date in ISO 8601 format
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.US_date = '2003/10/30'; % US style date format
MyTree.X.ATTRIBUTE.complex = '2003i-10e-30'; % complex number resembling a date
% *Save it to xml file*
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *Read above file with default settings*
% ("Pref.Str2Num = true" or "Pref.Str2Num = 'smart'"). Under this setting all
% strings that look like numbers are converted to numbers, except for
% strings that are recognized by MATLAB 'datenum' function as dates
% *Read above file with "Pref.Str2Num = false" or "Pref.Str2Num = 'never'"
% to keep all the fields in string format*
Pref=[]; Pref.Str2Num = false;
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Read above file with "Pref.Str2Num = always"
% to convert all strings that look like numbers to numbers*
Pref=[]; Pref.Str2Num = 'always';
gen_object_display(xml_read('test.xml', Pref))
% *Notice that all three settings will produce the same output for "num1" and
% "num2" and there is no way to reproduce the original "MyTree" structure.*
%% Write XML files with COMMENTs
% Insertion of Comments is done with help of special COMMENT field.
% Note that MATLAB's xmlwrite is less readable due to lack of end-of-line
% characters around comment section.
MyTree.COMMENT = 'This is a comment';
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString.CONTENT = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
% gives the same result
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree', Pref);
% *Comments in XML top level (method #1)*
% This method uses cell array
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, {'MyTree', [], 'This is a global comment'});
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
% gives even nicer results.
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, {'MyTree', [], 'This is a global comment'}, Pref);
% *Comments in XML top level (method #2)*
% This method adds an extra top layer to the struct 'tree' and sets
% "Pref.RootOnly = false", which informs the function about the extra
% layer. Notice that RootName is also saved as a part of
% the 'tree', and does not have to be passed in separately.
MyTree.COMMENT = 'This is a global comment';
MyTree.MyTest.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyTest.MyString = 'Hello World';
Pref=[]; Pref.RootOnly = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, [], Pref);
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
Pref.RootOnly = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, [], Pref);
% Insertion of Processing Instructions is done through use of special
% PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION field, which stores the instruction string. The
% string has to be in 'target data' format separated by space.
MyTree.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 'xml-stylesheet type="a" href="foo"';
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree', Pref);
% *PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONs in XML top level (method #1)*
% This method uses cell array
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, {'MyTree', 'xml-stylesheet type="a" href="foo"'});
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, {'MyTree', 'xml-stylesheet type="a" href="foo"'}, Pref);
% *PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONs in XML top level (method #2)*
% This method adds an extra top layer to the struct 'tree' and sets
% pref.RootOnly=false, which informs the function about the extra
% layer. Notice that RootName is also saved as a part of
% the 'tree', and does not have to be passed in separately.
MyTree.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 'xml-stylesheet type="a" href="foo"';
MyTree.MyTest.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyTest.MyString = 'Hello World';
Pref=[]; Pref.RootOnly = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, [], Pref);
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
Pref.RootOnly = false;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree', Pref);
%% Write XML files with CDATA Sections
% "In an XML document a CDATA (Character DATA) section is a section of
% element content that is marked for the parser to interpret as only
% character data, not markup." (from Wikipedia)
% To insert CDATA Sections one use special CDATA_SECTION field,
% which stores the instruction string. Note that MATLAB's xmlwrite created
% wrong xml code for CDATA section
MyTree.CDATA_SECTION = '<A>txt</A>';
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine produces correct results*
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree', Pref);
%% Write XML files with special characters in TAG names
% The input to xml_write requires that all tags one wants in XML document
% have to be encoded as field names of MATLAB's struct's. Matlab has a lot
% of restrictions on variable names. This section is about XML tags with
% names not allowed as MATLAB variables, or more specifically with
% characters allowed as xml tag names but not allowed as MATLAB variable
% names. Characters like that can be replaced by their hexadecimal
% representation just as it is done by genvarname function. Alternative way
% of writing the first example is:
MyTree.('MyNumber') = 13; % same as MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString.CONTENT = 'Hello World';
MyTree.MyString.ATTRIBUTE.('Num') = 2; % same as MyTree.MyString.ATTRIBUTE.Num = 2;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *This approach fails for some characters like dash '-', colon ':', and
% international characters.*
MyTree.('My-Number') = 13;
MyTree.MyString.CONTENT = 'Hello World';
MyTree.MyString.ATTRIBUTE.('Num_ö') = 2;
catch %#ok<CTCH>
err = lasterror; %#ok<LERR>
% It can be overcome by replacing offending characters with their
% hexadecimal representation. That can be done manually or with use of
% genvarname function. Note that MATLAB 'type' function does not show
% correctly 'ö' letter in xml file, but opening the file in editor shows
% that it is correct.
MyTree.(genvarname('My-Number')) = 13;
MyTree.MyString.CONTENT = 'Hello World';
MyTree.MyString.ATTRIBUTE.Num_0xF6 = 2;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% *Also two of the characters '-' and ':' can be encoded by a special strings:
% '_DASH_' and '_COLON_' respectively*
MyTree.My_DASH_Number = 13;
MyTree.MyString.CONTENT = 'Hello World';
MyTree.MyString.ATTRIBUTE.Num0xF6 = 2;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
%% Write XML files with Namespaces
% No extra special fields are needed to define XML namespaces, only colon
% character written using '0x3A' or '_COLON_'. Below is an
% example of a namespace definition
MyTree.f_COLON_child.ATTRIBUTE.xmlns_COLON_f = 'http://www.foo.com';
MyTree.f_COLON_child.f_COLON_MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.f_COLON_child.f_COLON_MyString = 'Hello World';
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'MyTree');
% *Same operation using Apache Xerces XML engine*
Pref=[]; Pref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree, 'f_COLON_MyTree', Pref);
%% "Pref.KeepNS" flag in "xml_read"
% Thise option allow keeping or exclusion of namespaces in tag names.
% By default the namespace data is kept but it produces much longer field
% names in the output structure. Ignoring namespace will produce more
% readible output.
% Perform default read of file with namespace
tree = xml_read('test.xml');
% Now the same operation with KeepNS = false.
Pref=[]; Pref.KeepNS = false; % do not read attributes
tree = xml_read('test.xml', Pref);
%% Read XML files with special node types
% Display and read the file, then show the data structure. Note that
% MATLAB 'type' function shows 'ö' letter incorrectly as 'A' in xml file,
% but opening the file in editor shows that it is correct.
fprintf('Test xml file:\n');
% Read only the Root Element (default)
[tree GlobalTextNodes] = xml_read('test_file.xml');
fprintf('Global Data (Root name, Global Processing Instructions and Global Comments):\n');
fprintf('\nStructure read from the file (uncludes COMMENT and CDATA sections):\n');
% Read the whole tree including global Comments and Processing Instructions
Pref=[]; Pref.RootOnly = false;
[tree GlobalTextNodes] = xml_read('test_file.xml', Pref);
fprintf('Global Data (Root name, Global Processing Instructions and Global Comments):\n');
fprintf('\nStructure read from the file (uncludes COMMENT and CDATA sections):\n');
%% "Pref.ReadAttr" flag in "xml_read" (control handling of nodes with attributes)
% Those option allow exclusion of attributes
Pref=[]; Pref.ReadAttr = false; % do not read attributes
tree = xml_read('test_file.xml', Pref);
%% "Pref.ReadSpec" flag in "xml_read"
% Those option allow exclusion of special nodes, like
% comments, processing instructions, CData sections, etc.
Pref=[]; Pref.ReadSpec = false; % do not read special node types
tree = xml_read('test_file.xml', Pref);
%% "Pref.RootOnly" flag in "xml_read"
% As it was shown in previous examples RootOnly parameter can be used to
% capture global (top level) special nodes (like COMMENTs and
% PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONs) which are ignored by default
Pref=[]; Pref.RootOnly = false; % do not read special node types
tree = xml_read('test_file.xml', Pref);
%% "Pref.RootOnly" flag in "xml_write"
% Writing previously read tree with default "Pref.RootOnly = true" gives
% wrong output file
Pref=[]; Pref.RootOnly = true; % do not read special node types
xml_write('test.xml', tree, [], Pref);
fprintf('Test xml file:\n');
% Writing the same tree with "Pref.RootOnly = false" gives correct output
Pref=[]; Pref.RootOnly = false; % do not read special node types
xml_write('test.xml', tree, [], Pref);
fprintf('Test xml file:\n');
%% "Pref.NumLevels" flag in "xml_read"
% This parameter allows user to skip parts of the tree in order to save
% time and memory. Usefull only in a rare case when a small portion of
% large XML file is needed.
% Create test tile
MyTree = [];
MyTree.Level1 = 1;
MyTree.Level1_.Level2 = 2;
MyTree.Level1_.Level2_.Level3 = 3;
MyTree.Level1_.Level2_.Level3_.Level4 = 4;
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
fprintf('Test xml file:\n');
% *Use Default ("Pref.NumLevels = infinity") setting*
tree = xml_read('test.xml');
% *Limit the read to only 2 levels*
Pref=[]; Pref.NumLevels = 2;
tree = xml_read('test.xml', Pref);
%% Create DOM object based on a Struct using "xml_write"
% *Create Struct tree*
MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
% *Convert Struct to DOM object using xml_write*
DOM = xml_write([], MyTree);
xmlwrite('test.xml', DOM); % Save DOM object using MATLAB function
%% Convert DOM object to Struct using "xml_read"
DOM = xmlread('test.xml'); % Read DOM object using MATLAB function
[tree treeName] = xml_read(DOM); % Convert DOM object to Struct
disp([treeName{1} ' ='])
%% Write XML file based on a DOM using "xml_write_xerces"
xmlwrite_xerces('test.xml', DOM); % Save DOM object using Xerces library
%% Write XML to string instead of a file
DOM = xml_write([], MyTree);
str = xmlwrite(DOM);
%% Write XML file with embedded binary data encoded as Base64 (using java version)
fid = fopen('football.jpg', 'rb');
raw1 = uint8(fread(fid, 'uint8')); % read image file as a raw binary
MyTree.Size = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World'; % simple case
MyTree.MyImage.ATTRIBUTE.EncodingMIMEType = 'base64';
MyTree.MyImage.CONTENT = base64encode(raw1,'java');% perform base64 encoding of the binary data
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree); % write xml file
%% Read XML file with embedded binary data encoded as Base64 (using java version)
tree = xml_read('test.xml', Pref); % read xml file
raw = base64decode(tree.MyImage.CONTENT, '', 'java'); % convert xml image to raw binary
fid = fopen('MyFootball.jpg', 'wb');
fwrite(fid, raw, 'uint8'); % dumb the raw binary to the hard disk
I = imread('MyFootball.jpg'); % read it as an image
%% Write XML file with embedded binary data encoded as Base64 (simpler version using only matlab code
% Notice that process of writing to xml stripped all end-of-lie characters
% from base64 code.
isChunked = true; % break into chunks 76 characters long
url_safe = true; % 'base64url' encoding
code = base64encode('license.txt', 'matlab', isChunked, url_safe);
MyTree.Size = 13;
MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
MyTree.MyImage.ATTRIBUTE.EncodingMIMEType = 'base64';
MyTree.MyImage.CONTENT = code; % perform base64 encoding of the binary data
xml_write('test.xml', MyTree); % write xml file
%% Read XML file with embedded binary data encoded as Base64 (simpler version using only matlab code
tree = xml_read('test.xml', Pref); % read xml file
base64decode(tree.MyImage.CONTENT, 'license2.txt', 'matlab'); % save xml image as raw binary

View file

@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
function DOMnode = xml_write(filename, tree, RootName, Pref)
%XML_WRITE Writes Matlab data structures to XML file
% xml_write( filename, tree) Converts Matlab data structure 'tree' containing
% cells, structs, numbers and strings to Document Object Model (DOM) node
% tree, then saves it to XML file 'filename' using Matlab's xmlwrite
% function. Optionally one can also use alternative version of xmlwrite
% function which directly calls JAVA functions for XML writing without
% MATLAB middleware. This function is provided as a patch to existing
% bugs in xmlwrite (in R2006b).
% xml_write(filename, tree, RootName, Pref) allows you to specify
% additional preferences about file format
% DOMnode = xml_write([], tree) same as above except that DOM node is
% not saved to the file but returned.
% filename file name
% tree Matlab structure tree to store in xml file.
% RootName String with XML tag name used for root (top level) node
% Optionally it can be a string cell array storing: Name of
% root node, document "Processing Instructions" data and
% document "comment" string
% Pref Other preferences:
% Pref.ItemName - default 'item' - name of a special tag used to
% itemize cell or struct arrays
% Pref.XmlEngine - let you choose the XML engine. Currently default is
% 'Xerces', which is using directly the apache xerces java file.
% Other option is 'Matlab' which uses MATLAB's xmlwrite and its
% XMLUtils java file. Both options create identical results except in
% case of CDATA sections where xmlwrite fails.
% Pref.CellItem - default 'true' - allow cell arrays to use 'item'
% notation. See below.
% Pref.RootOnly - default true - output variable 'tree' corresponds to
% xml file root element, otherwise it correspond to the whole file.
% Pref.StructItem - default 'true' - allow arrays of structs to use
% 'item' notation. For example "Pref.StructItem = true" gives:
% <a>
% <b>
% <item> ... <\item>
% <item> ... <\item>
% <\b>
% <\a>
% while "Pref.StructItem = false" gives:
% <a>
% <b> ... <\b>
% <b> ... <\b>
% <\a>
% Several special xml node types can be created if special tags are used
% for field names of 'tree' nodes:
% - node.CONTENT - stores data section of the node if other fields
% (usually ATTRIBUTE are present. Usually data section is stored
% directly in 'node'.
% - node.ATTRIBUTE.name - stores node's attribute called 'name'.
% - node.COMMENT - create comment child node from the string. For global
% comments see "RootName" input variable.
% - node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTIONS - create "processing instruction" child
% node from the string. For global "processing instructions" see
% "RootName" input variable.
% - node.CDATA_SECTION - stores node's CDATA section (string). Only works
% if Pref.XmlEngine='Xerces'. For more info, see comments of F_xmlwrite.
% - other special node types like: document fragment nodes, document type
% nodes, entity nodes and notation nodes are not being handled by
% 'xml_write' at the moment.
% DOMnode Document Object Model (DOM) node tree in the format
% required as input to xmlwrite. (optional)
% MyTree=[];
% MyTree.MyNumber = 13;
% MyTree.MyString = 'Hello World';
% xml_write('test.xml', MyTree);
% type('test.xml')
% %See also xml_tutorial.m
% See also
% xml_read, xmlread, xmlwrite
% Written by Jarek Tuszynski, SAIC, jaroslaw.w.tuszynski_at_saic.com
%% Check Matlab Version
v = ver('MATLAB');
v = str2double(regexp(v.Version, '\d.\d','match','once'));
if (v<7)
error('Your MATLAB version is too old. You need version 7.0 or newer.');
%% default preferences
DPref.TableName = {'tr','td'}; % name of a special tags used to itemize 2D cell arrays
DPref.ItemName = 'item'; % name of a special tag used to itemize 1D cell arrays
DPref.StructItem = true; % allow arrays of structs to use 'item' notation
DPref.CellItem = true; % allow cell arrays to use 'item' notation
DPref.StructTable= 'Html';
DPref.CellTable = 'Html';
DPref.XmlEngine = 'Matlab'; % use matlab provided XMLUtils
%DPref.XmlEngine = 'Xerces'; % use Xerces xml generator directly
DPref.PreserveSpace = false; % Preserve or delete spaces at the beggining and the end of stings?
RootOnly = true; % Input is root node only
GlobalProcInst = [];
GlobalComment = [];
GlobalDocType = [];
%% read user preferences
if (nargin>3)
if (isfield(Pref, 'TableName' )), DPref.TableName = Pref.TableName; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'ItemName' )), DPref.ItemName = Pref.ItemName; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'StructItem')), DPref.StructItem = Pref.StructItem; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'CellItem' )), DPref.CellItem = Pref.CellItem; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'CellTable')), DPref.CellTable = Pref.CellTable; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'StructTable')), DPref.StructTable= Pref.StructTable; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'XmlEngine' )), DPref.XmlEngine = Pref.XmlEngine; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'RootOnly' )), RootOnly = Pref.RootOnly; end
if (isfield(Pref, 'PreserveSpace')), DPref.PreserveSpace = Pref.PreserveSpace; end
if (nargin<3 || isempty(RootName)), RootName=inputname(2); end
if (isempty(RootName)), RootName='ROOT'; end
if (iscell(RootName)) % RootName also stores global text node data
rName = RootName;
RootName = char(rName{1});
if (length(rName)>1), GlobalProcInst = char(rName{2}); end
if (length(rName)>2), GlobalComment = char(rName{3}); end
if (length(rName)>3), GlobalDocType = char(rName{4}); end
if(~RootOnly && isstruct(tree)) % if struct than deal with each field separatly
fields = fieldnames(tree);
for i=1:length(fields)
field = fields{i};
x = tree(1).(field);
if (strcmp(field, 'COMMENT'))
GlobalComment = x;
elseif (strcmp(field, 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION'))
GlobalProcInst = x;
elseif (strcmp(field, 'DOCUMENT_TYPE'))
GlobalDocType = x;
RootName = field;
t = x;
tree = t;
%% Initialize jave object that will store xml data structure
RootName = varName2str(RootName);
if (~isempty(GlobalDocType))
% n = strfind(GlobalDocType, ' ');
% if (~isempty(n))
% dtype = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocumentType(GlobalDocType);
% end
% DOMnode = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument(RootName, dtype);
warning('xml_io_tools:write:docType', ...
'DOCUMENT_TYPE node was encountered which is not supported yet. Ignoring.');
DOMnode = com.mathworks.xml.XMLUtils.createDocument(RootName);
%% Use recursive function to convert matlab data structure to XML
root = DOMnode.getDocumentElement;
struct2DOMnode(DOMnode, root, tree, DPref.ItemName, DPref);
%% Remove the only child of the root node
root = DOMnode.getDocumentElement;
Child = root.getChildNodes; % create array of children nodes
nChild = Child.getLength; % number of children
if (nChild==1)
node = root.removeChild(root.getFirstChild);
while(node.hasAttributes) % copy all attributes
%% Save exotic Global nodes
if (~isempty(GlobalComment))
DOMnode.insertBefore(DOMnode.createComment(GlobalComment), DOMnode.getFirstChild());
if (~isempty(GlobalProcInst))
n = strfind(GlobalProcInst, ' ');
if (~isempty(n))
proc = DOMnode.createProcessingInstruction(GlobalProcInst(1:(n(1)-1)),...
DOMnode.insertBefore(proc, DOMnode.getFirstChild());
% Not supported yet as the code below does not work
% if (~isempty(GlobalDocType))
% n = strfind(GlobalDocType, ' ');
% if (~isempty(n))
% dtype = DOMnode.createDocumentType(GlobalDocType);
% DOMnode.insertBefore(dtype, DOMnode.getFirstChild());
% end
% end
%% save java DOM tree to XML file
if (~isempty(filename))
if (strcmpi(DPref.XmlEngine, 'Xerces'))
xmlwrite_xerces(filename, DOMnode);
xmlwrite(filename, DOMnode);
%% =======================================================================
% === struct2DOMnode Function ===========================================
% =======================================================================
function [] = struct2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref)
% struct2DOMnode is a recursive function that converts matlab's structs to
% DOM nodes.
% xml - jave object that will store xml data structure
% parent - parent DOM Element
% s - Matlab data structure to save
% TagName - name to be used in xml tags describing 's'
% Pref - preferenced
% parent - modified 'parent'
% perform some conversions
if (ischar(s) && min(size(s))>1) % if 2D array of characters
s=cellstr(s); % than convert to cell array
% if (strcmp(TagName, 'CONTENT'))
% while (iscell(s) && length(s)==1), s = s{1}; end % unwrap cell arrays of length 1
% end
TagName = varName2str(TagName);
%% == node is a 2D cell array ==
% convert to some other format prior to further processing
nDim = nnz(size(s)>1); % is it a scalar, vector, 2D array, 3D cube, etc?
if (iscell(s) && nDim==2 && strcmpi(Pref.CellTable, 'Matlab'))
s = var2str(s, Pref.PreserveSpace);
if (nDim==2 && (iscell (s) && strcmpi(Pref.CellTable, 'Vector')) || ...
(isstruct(s) && strcmpi(Pref.StructTable, 'Vector')))
s = s(:);
if (nDim>2), s = s(:); end % can not handle this case well
nItem = numel(s);
nDim = nnz(size(s)>1); % is it a scalar, vector, 2D array, 3D cube, etc?
%% == node is a cell ==
if (iscell(s)) % if this is a cell or cell array
if ((nDim==2 && strcmpi(Pref.CellTable,'Html')) || (nDim< 2 && Pref.CellItem))
% if 2D array of cells than can use HTML-like notation or if 1D array
% than can use item notation
if (strcmp(TagName, 'CONTENT')) % CONTENT nodes already have <TagName> ... </TagName>
array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, Pref.ItemName, Pref ); % recursive call
node = xml.createElement(TagName); % <TagName> ... </TagName>
array2DOMnode(xml, node, s, Pref.ItemName, Pref ); % recursive call
else % use <TagName>...<\TagName> <TagName>...<\TagName> notation
array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref ); % recursive call
%% == node is a struct ==
elseif (isstruct(s)) % if struct than deal with each field separatly
if ((nDim==2 && strcmpi(Pref.StructTable,'Html')) || (nItem>1 && Pref.StructItem))
% if 2D array of structs than can use HTML-like notation or
% if 1D array of structs than can use 'items' notation
node = xml.createElement(TagName);
array2DOMnode(xml, node, s, Pref.ItemName, Pref ); % recursive call
elseif (nItem>1) % use <TagName>...<\TagName> <TagName>...<\TagName> notation
array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref ); % recursive call
else % otherwise save each struct separatelly
fields = fieldnames(s);
node = xml.createElement(TagName);
for i=1:length(fields) % add field by field to the node
field = fields{i};
x = s.(field);
switch field
if iscellstr(x) % cell array of strings -> add them one by one
array2DOMnode(xml, node, x(:), field, Pref ); % recursive call will modify 'node'
elseif ischar(x) % single string -> add it
struct2DOMnode(xml, node, x, field, Pref ); % recursive call will modify 'node'
else % not a string - Ignore
warning('xml_io_tools:write:badSpecialNode', ...
['Struct field named ',field,' encountered which was not a string. Ignoring.']);
case 'ATTRIBUTE' % set attributes of the node
if (isempty(x)), continue; end
if (isstruct(x))
attName = fieldnames(x); % get names of all the attributes
for k=1:length(attName) % attach them to the node
att = xml.createAttribute(varName2str(attName(k)));
warning('xml_io_tools:write:badAttribute', ...
'Struct field named ATTRIBUTE encountered which was not a struct. Ignoring.');
otherwise % set children of the node
struct2DOMnode(xml, node, x, field, Pref ); % recursive call will modify 'node'
end % end for i=1:nFields
%% == node is a leaf node ==
else % if not a struct and not a cell than it is a leaf node
switch TagName % different processing depending on desired type of the node
case 'COMMENT' % create comment node
com = xml.createComment(s);
case 'CDATA_SECTION' % create CDATA Section
cdt = xml.createCDATASection(s);
case 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION' % set attributes of the node
OK = false;
if (ischar(s))
n = strfind(s, ' ');
if (~isempty(n))
proc = xml.createProcessingInstruction(s(1:(n(1)-1)),s((n(1)+1):end));
parent.insertBefore(proc, parent.getFirstChild());
OK = true;
if (~OK)
warning('xml_io_tools:write:badProcInst', ...
['Struct field named PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION need to be',...
' a string, for example: xml-stylesheet type="text/css" ', ...
'href="myStyleSheet.css". Ignoring.']);
case 'CONTENT' % this is text part of already existing node
txt = xml.createTextNode(var2str(s, Pref.PreserveSpace)); % convert to text
otherwise % I guess it is a regular text leaf node
txt = xml.createTextNode(var2str(s, Pref.PreserveSpace));
node = xml.createElement(TagName);
end % of struct2DOMnode function
%% =======================================================================
% === array2DOMnode Function ============================================
% =======================================================================
function [] = array2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref)
% Deal with 1D and 2D arrays of cell or struct. Will modify 'parent'.
nDim = nnz(size(s)>1); % is it a scalar, vector, 2D array, 3D cube, etc?
switch nDim
case 2 % 2D array
for r=1:size(s,1)
subnode = xml.createElement(Pref.TableName{1});
for c=1:size(s,2)
v = s(r,c);
if iscell(v), v = v{1}; end
struct2DOMnode(xml, subnode, v, Pref.TableName{2}, Pref ); % recursive call
case 1 %1D array
for iItem=1:numel(s)
v = s(iItem);
if iscell(v), v = v{1}; end
struct2DOMnode(xml, parent, v, TagName, Pref ); % recursive call
case 0 % scalar -> this case should never be called
if ~isempty(s)
if iscell(s), s = s{1}; end
struct2DOMnode(xml, parent, s, TagName, Pref );
%% =======================================================================
% === var2str Function ==================================================
% =======================================================================
function str = var2str(object, PreserveSpace)
% convert matlab variables to a string
switch (1)
case isempty(object)
str = '';
case (isnumeric(object) || islogical(object))
if ndims(object)>2, object=object(:); end % can't handle arrays with dimention > 2
str=mat2str(object); % convert matrix to a string
% mark logical scalars with [] (logical arrays already have them) so the xml_read
% recognizes them as MATLAB objects instead of strings. Same with sparse
% matrices
if ((islogical(object) && isscalar(object)) || issparse(object)),
str = ['[' str ']'];
if (isinteger(object)),
str = ['[', class(object), '(', str ')]'];
case iscell(object)
if ndims(object)>2, object=object(:); end % can't handle cell arrays with dimention > 2
[nr nc] = size(object);
obj2 = object;
for i=1:length(object(:))
str = var2str(object{i}, PreserveSpace);
if (ischar(object{i})), object{i} = ['''' object{i} '''']; else object{i}=str; end
obj2{i} = [object{i} ','];
for r = 1:nr, obj2{r,nc} = [object{r,nc} ';']; end
obj2 = obj2.';
str = ['{' obj2{:} '}'];
case isstruct(object)
warning('xml_io_tools:write:var2str', ...
'Struct was encountered where string was expected. Ignoring.');
case isa(object, 'function_handle')
str = ['[@' char(object) ']'];
case ischar(object)
str = object;
str = char(object);
%% string clean-up
str=str(:); str=str.'; % make sure this is a row vector of char's
if (~isempty(str))
str(str<32|str==127)=' '; % convert no-printable characters to spaces
if (~PreserveSpace)
str = strtrim(str); % remove spaces from begining and the end
str = regexprep(str,'\s+',' '); % remove multiple spaces
%% =======================================================================
% === var2Namestr Function ==============================================
% =======================================================================
function str = varName2str(str)
% convert matlab variable names to a sting
str = char(str);
p = strfind(str,'0x');
if (~isempty(p))
for i=1:length(p)
before = str( p(i)+(0:3) ); % string to replace
after = char(hex2dec(before(3:4))); % string to replace with
str = regexprep(str,before,after, 'once', 'ignorecase');
p=p-3; % since 4 characters were replaced with one - compensate
str = regexprep(str,'_COLON_',':', 'once', 'ignorecase');
str = regexprep(str,'_DASH_' ,'-', 'once', 'ignorecase');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
function varargout=xmlwrite_xerces(varargin)
%XMLWRITE_XERCES Serialize an XML Document Object Model node using Xerces parser.
% xmlwrite_xerces(FILENAME,DOMNODE) serializes the DOMNODE to file FILENAME.
% The function xmlwrite_xerces is very similar the Matlab function xmlwrite
% but works directly with the XERCES java classes (written by Apache XML
% Project) instead of the XMLUtils class created by Mathworks. Xerces files
% are provided in standard MATLAB instalation and live in root\java\jarext
% directory.
% Written by A.Amaro (02-22-2007) and generously donated to xml_io_tools.
% This function is needed as a work-around for a bug in XMLUtils library
% which can not write CDATA SECTION nodes correctly. Also Xerces and
% XMLUtils libraries handle namespaces differently.
% Examples:
% % See xmlwrite examples this function have almost identical behavior.
% Advanced use:
% FILENAME can also be a URN, java.io.OutputStream or java.io.Writer object
% SOURCE can also be a SAX InputSource, JAXP Source, InputStream, or
% Reader object
returnString = false;
if length(varargin)==1
returnString = true;
result = java.io.StringWriter;
source = varargin{1};
result = varargin{1};
if ischar(result)
% Using the XERCES classes directly, is not needed to modify the
% filename string. So I have commented this next line
% result = F_xmlstringinput(result,false);
source = varargin{2};
if ischar(source)
source = F_xmlstringinput(source,true);
% 1) create the output format according to the document definitions
% and type
objOutputFormat = org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat(source);
% 2) create the output stream. In this case: an XML file
objFile = java.io.File(result);
objOutputStream = java.io.FileOutputStream(objFile);
% 3) Create the Xerces Serializer object
objSerializer= org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer(objOutputStream,objOutputFormat);
% 4) Serialize to the XML files
% 5) IMPORTANT! Delete the objects to liberate the XML file created
if returnString
%% ========================================================================
function out = F_xmlstringinput(xString,isFullSearch,varargin)
% The function F_xmlstringinput is a copy of the private function:
% 'xmlstringinput' that the original xmlwrite function uses.
if isempty(xString)
error('Filename is empty');
elseif ~isempty(findstr(xString,'://'))
%xString is already a URL, most likely prefaced by file:// or http://
out = xString;
if isempty(xPath)
if nargin<2 || isFullSearch
out = which(xString);
if isempty(out)
error('xml:FileNotFound','File %s not found',xString);
out = fullfile(pwd,xString);
out = xString;
if (nargin<2 || isFullSearch) && ~exist(xString,'file')
%search to see if xString exists when isFullSearch
error('xml:FileNotFound','File %s not found',xString);
%Return as a URN
if strncmp(out,'\\',2)
% SAXON UNC filepaths need to look like file:///\\\server-name\
out = ['file:///\',out];
elseif strncmp(out,'/',1)
% SAXON UNIX filepaths need to look like file:///root/dir/dir
out = ['file://',out];
% DOS filepaths need to look like file:///d:/foo/bar
out = ['file:///',strrep(out,'\','/')];

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
AU1 results - corr 0.825, rms 0.413, ccc - 0.803 AU1 results - corr 0.825, rms 0.414, ccc - 0.802
AU2 results - corr 0.765, rms 0.444, ccc - 0.659 AU2 results - corr 0.766, rms 0.443, ccc - 0.661
AU4 results - corr 0.863, rms 0.583, ccc - 0.838 AU4 results - corr 0.874, rms 0.562, ccc - 0.849
AU5 results - corr 0.749, rms 0.179, ccc - 0.717 AU5 results - corr 0.742, rms 0.182, ccc - 0.714
AU6 results - corr 0.702, rms 0.604, ccc - 0.657 AU6 results - corr 0.701, rms 0.610, ccc - 0.655
AU9 results - corr 0.742, rms 0.384, ccc - 0.689 AU9 results - corr 0.743, rms 0.383, ccc - 0.692
AU12 results - corr 0.865, rms 0.510, ccc - 0.850 AU12 results - corr 0.867, rms 0.506, ccc - 0.853
AU15 results - corr 0.747, rms 0.268, ccc - 0.714 AU15 results - corr 0.744, rms 0.271, ccc - 0.716
AU17 results - corr 0.646, rms 0.515, ccc - 0.578 AU17 results - corr 0.645, rms 0.520, ccc - 0.578
AU20 results - corr 0.637, rms 0.304, ccc - 0.595 AU20 results - corr 0.622, rms 0.311, ccc - 0.586
AU25 results - corr 0.926, rms 0.499, ccc - 0.920 AU25 results - corr 0.926, rms 0.501, ccc - 0.919
AU26 results - corr 0.805, rms 0.447, ccc - 0.764 AU26 results - corr 0.805, rms 0.447, ccc - 0.765

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
AU1 class, Precision - 0.588, Recall - 0.708, F1 - 0.643 AU1 class, Precision - 0.594, Recall - 0.643, F1 - 0.617
AU2 class, Precision - 0.473, Recall - 0.749, F1 - 0.580 AU2 class, Precision - 0.474, Recall - 0.779, F1 - 0.590
AU4 class, Precision - 0.509, Recall - 0.745, F1 - 0.605 AU4 class, Precision - 0.519, Recall - 0.727, F1 - 0.605
AU6 class, Precision - 0.834, Recall - 0.667, F1 - 0.741 AU6 class, Precision - 0.809, Recall - 0.669, F1 - 0.732
AU7 class, Precision - 0.685, Recall - 0.792, F1 - 0.735 AU7 class, Precision - 0.682, Recall - 0.795, F1 - 0.734
AU10 class, Precision - 0.520, Recall - 0.737, F1 - 0.610 AU10 class, Precision - 0.501, Recall - 0.786, F1 - 0.612
AU12 class, Precision - 0.919, Recall - 0.654, F1 - 0.764 AU12 class, Precision - 0.920, Recall - 0.659, F1 - 0.768
AU15 class, Precision - 0.362, Recall - 0.634, F1 - 0.461 AU15 class, Precision - 0.329, Recall - 0.724, F1 - 0.453
AU17 class, Precision - 0.230, Recall - 0.279, F1 - 0.252 AU17 class, Precision - 0.238, Recall - 0.313, F1 - 0.270
AU25 class, Precision - 0.205, Recall - 0.871, F1 - 0.332 AU25 class, Precision - 0.197, Recall - 0.900, F1 - 0.324
AU26 class, Precision - 0.122, Recall - 0.974, F1 - 0.217 AU26 class, Precision - 0.120, Recall - 0.986, F1 - 0.213

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AU2 class, Precision - 0.369, Recall - 0.744, F1 - 0.493 AU2 class, Precision - 0.368, Recall - 0.743, F1 - 0.492
AU12 class, Precision - 0.427, Recall - 0.782, F1 - 0.553 AU12 class, Precision - 0.427, Recall - 0.781, F1 - 0.553
AU17 class, Precision - 0.126, Recall - 0.815, F1 - 0.219 AU17 class, Precision - 0.125, Recall - 0.813, F1 - 0.217
AU25 class, Precision - 0.344, Recall - 0.574, F1 - 0.430 AU25 class, Precision - 0.345, Recall - 0.576, F1 - 0.431
AU28 class, Precision - 0.486, Recall - 0.475, F1 - 0.481 AU28 class, Precision - 0.491, Recall - 0.480, F1 - 0.486
AU45 class, Precision - 0.289, Recall - 0.621, F1 - 0.394 AU45 class, Precision - 0.289, Recall - 0.621, F1 - 0.394

View file

@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
clear clear
DISFA_dir = 'D:/Datasets/DISFA/Videos_LeftCamera/';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
if(exist('D:/Datasets/DISFA/Videos_LeftCamera/', 'file'))
DISFA_dir = 'D:/Datasets/DISFA/Videos_LeftCamera/';
DISFA_dir = '/multicomp/datasets/face_datasets/DISFA/Videos_LeftCamera/';
videos = dir([DISFA_dir, '*.avi']); videos = dir([DISFA_dir, '*.avi']);
@ -22,7 +33,11 @@ parfor v = 1:numel(videos)
output_file = [output name '_au.txt']; output_file = [output name '_au.txt'];
command = [executable ' -f "' vid_file '" -of "' output_file '" -q -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noGaze']; command = [executable ' -f "' vid_file '" -of "' output_file '" -q -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noGaze'];
dos(command); if(isunix)
unix(command, '-echo');
end end
@ -31,8 +46,7 @@ end
% Note that DISFA was used in training, this is not meant for experimental % Note that DISFA was used in training, this is not meant for experimental
% results but rather to show how to do AU prediction and how to interpret % results but rather to show how to do AU prediction and how to interpret
% the results % the results
Label_dir = [DISFA_dir, '/../ActionUnit_Labels/'];
Label_dir = 'D:/Datasets/DISFA/ActionUnit_Labels/';
prediction_dir = 'out_DISFA/'; prediction_dir = 'out_DISFA/';
label_folders = dir([Label_dir, 'SN*']); label_folders = dir([Label_dir, 'SN*']);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
clear clear
fera_loc = 'D:\Datasets\fera\'; addpath(genpath('helpers/'));
out_loc = './out_fera/'; out_loc = './out_fera/';
@ -9,41 +10,38 @@ if(~exist(out_loc, 'dir'))
end end
%% %%
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
fera_dirs = dir([fera_loc, 'au_train*']); fera_dirs = dir([FERA2011_dir, 'train*']);
for f1=1:numel(fera_dirs) parfor f1=1:numel(fera_dirs)
fera_dirs_level_2 = dir([fera_loc, fera_dirs(f1).name]); vid_files = dir([FERA2011_dir, fera_dirs(f1).name, '/*.avi']);
fera_dirs_level_2 = fera_dirs_level_2(3:end);
parfor f2=1:numel(fera_dirs_level_2)
vid_files = dir([fera_loc, fera_dirs(f1).name, '/', fera_dirs_level_2(f2).name, '/*.avi']); for v=1:numel(vid_files)
for v=1:numel(vid_files)
command = [executable ' -asvid -q -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noGaze -au_static ']; command = [executable ' -asvid -q -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noGaze -au_static '];
curr_vid = [fera_loc, fera_dirs(f1).name, '/', fera_dirs_level_2(f2).name, '/', vid_files(v).name]; curr_vid = [FERA2011_dir, fera_dirs(f1).name, '/', vid_files(v).name];
[~,name,~] = fileparts(curr_vid); [~,name,~] = fileparts(curr_vid);
output_file = [out_loc name '.au.txt']; output_file = [out_loc name '.au.txt'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' curr_vid '" -of "' output_file '"']);
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' curr_vid '" -of "' output_file '"']);
unix(command, '-echo');
dos(command); dos(command);
end end
end end
end end
%% %%
[ labels_gt, valid_ids, filenames] = extract_FERA2011_labels(FERA2011_dir, all_recs, all_aus); [ labels_gt, valid_ids, filenames] = extract_FERA2011_labels(FERA2011_dir, all_recs, all_aus);
labels_gt = cat(1, labels_gt{:}); labels_gt = cat(1, labels_gt{:});

View file

@ -9,7 +9,11 @@ if(~exist(out_loc, 'dir'))
mkdir(out_loc); mkdir(out_loc);
end end
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
%% %%
parfor f1=1:numel(devel_recs) parfor f1=1:numel(devel_recs)
@ -27,8 +31,13 @@ parfor f1=1:numel(devel_recs)
name = f1_dir; name = f1_dir;
output_aus = [out_loc name '.au.txt']; output_aus = [out_loc name '.au.txt'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' curr_vid '" -of "' output_aus]); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' curr_vid '" -of "' output_aus, '"']);
unix(command, '-echo');
end end
end end

View file

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; clear
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
output = './output_features_seq/'; output = './output_features_seq/';
@ -33,7 +39,11 @@ for i=1:numel(in_dirs)
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
%% Demonstrating reading the output files %% Demonstrating reading the output files

View file

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; clear
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
output = './output_features_vid/'; output = './output_features_vid/';
@ -40,7 +46,11 @@ for i=1:numel(in_files)
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
%% Demonstrating reading the output files %% Demonstrating reading the output files

View file

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
exe = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; clear
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
output = './output_features_vid/'; output = './output_features_vid/';
@ -10,7 +16,7 @@ in_files = dir('../../videos/2015-10-15-15-14.avi');
% some parameters % some parameters
verbose = true; verbose = true;
command = exe; command = executable;
command = cat(2, command, ' -verbose -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noAUs '); command = cat(2, command, ' -verbose -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noPose -noAUs ');
% add all videos to single argument list (so as not to load the model anew % add all videos to single argument list (so as not to load the model anew
@ -31,7 +37,11 @@ for i=1:numel(in_files)
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
%% Demonstrating reading the output files %% Demonstrating reading the output files
filename = [output name]; filename = [output name];

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
clear clear
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe"'; executable = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkImg"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe"';
in_dir = '../../videos/'; in_dir = '../../videos/';
out_dir = './demo_img/'; out_dir = './demo_img/';
@ -38,4 +41,8 @@ command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', model, '"']);
% Comment to skip this functionality % Comment to skip this functionality
command = cat(2, command, ' -wild '); command = cat(2, command, ' -wild ');
dos(command); if(isunix)

View file

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkVidMulti.exe"'; clear;
executable = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkVidMulti"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkVidMulti.exe"';
output = './demo_vid/'; output = './demo_vid/';
@ -38,4 +44,8 @@ for i=1:numel(in_files)
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)

View file

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkVid.exe"'; clear
executable = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkVid"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkVid.exe"';
output = './demo_vid/'; output = './demo_vid/';
@ -39,4 +45,8 @@ for i=1:numel(in_files)
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
function [ err_outline, err_no_outline ] = Run_CLM_fitting_on_images(output_loc, database_root, varargin) function [ err_outline, err_no_outline ] = Run_OF_on_images(output_loc, database_root, varargin)
%RUN_CLM_FITTING_ON_IMAGES Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
dataset_dirs = {}; dataset_dirs = {};
@ -27,8 +25,12 @@ else
verbose = false; verbose = false;
end end
command = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe" '; if(isunix)
command = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkImg"';
command = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe"';
if(any(strcmp(varargin, 'model'))) if(any(strcmp(varargin, 'model')))
model = varargin{find(strcmp(varargin, 'model')) + 1}; model = varargin{find(strcmp(varargin, 'model')) + 1};
else else
@ -61,7 +63,11 @@ parfor i=1:numel(dataset_dirs)
command_c = cat(2, command_c, ' -wild '); command_c = cat(2, command_c, ' -wild ');
dos(command_c); if(isunix)
unix(command_c, '-echo');
end end
toc toc

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Type, mean, median Type, mean, median
err clnf: 0.054348, 0.040034 err clnf: 0.054324, 0.040026
err clnf wild: 0.053107, 0.038525 err clnf wild: 0.053219, 0.038420
err svr: 0.070552, 0.050640 err svr: 0.070549, 0.050548
err svr wild: 0.067452, 0.048706 err svr wild: 0.067546, 0.048649
err clnf no out: 0.043081, 0.029782 err clnf no out: 0.043100, 0.029728
err clnf wild no out: 0.041386, 0.027463 err clnf wild no out: 0.041522, 0.027565
err svr no out: 0.058766, 0.038836 err svr no out: 0.058712, 0.038792
err svr wild no out: 0.054020, 0.036252 err svr wild no out: 0.054168, 0.036232

View file

@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ curr_dir = cd('.');
% Replace this with your downloaded 300-W train data % Replace this with your downloaded 300-W train data
if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file')) if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file'))
database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/']; database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'];
else elseif(exist('D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/', 'file'))
database_root = 'D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'; database_root = 'D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/';
database_root = '/multicomp/datasets/300-W/';
end end
%% Run using CLNF in the wild model %% Run using CLNF in the wild model
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ if(~exist(out_clnf, 'file'))
mkdir(out_clnf); mkdir(out_clnf);
end end
[err_clnf_wild, err_no_out_clnf_wild] = Run_CLM_fitting_on_images(out_clnf, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clnf_wild.txt', 'multi_view', 1); [err_clnf_wild, err_no_out_clnf_wild] = Run_OF_on_images(out_clnf, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clnf_wild.txt', 'multi_view', 1);
%% Run using SVR model %% Run using SVR model
out_svr = [curr_dir '/out_wild_svr_wild/']; out_svr = [curr_dir '/out_wild_svr_wild/'];
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ if(~exist(out_svr, 'file'))
mkdir(out_svr); mkdir(out_svr);
end end
[err_svr_wild, err_no_out_svr_wild] = Run_CLM_fitting_on_images(out_svr, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clm_wild.txt', 'multi_view', 1); [err_svr_wild, err_no_out_svr_wild] = Run_OF_on_images(out_svr, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clm_wild.txt', 'multi_view', 1);
%% Run using general CLNF model %% Run using general CLNF model
out_clnf = [curr_dir '/out_wild_clnf/']; out_clnf = [curr_dir '/out_wild_clnf/'];
@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ if(~exist(out_clnf, 'file'))
mkdir(out_clnf); mkdir(out_clnf);
end end
[err_clnf, err_no_out_clnf] = Run_CLM_fitting_on_images(out_clnf, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt', 'multi_view', 1); [err_clnf, err_no_out_clnf] = Run_OF_on_images(out_clnf, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt', 'multi_view', 1);
%% Run using SVR model %% Run using SVR model
out_svr = [curr_dir '/out_wild_svr/']; out_svr = [curr_dir '/out_wild_svr/'];
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ if(~exist(out_svr, 'file'))
mkdir(out_svr); mkdir(out_svr);
end end
[err_svr, err_no_out_svr] = Run_CLM_fitting_on_images(out_svr, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clm_general.txt', 'multi_view', 1); [err_svr, err_no_out_svr] = Run_OF_on_images(out_svr, database_root, 'use_afw', 'use_lfpw', 'use_ibug', 'use_helen', 'verbose', 'model', 'model/main_clm_general.txt', 'multi_view', 1);
%% %%
save('results/landmark_detections.mat'); save('results/landmark_detections.mat');

View file

@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
clear clear
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
output = 'yt_features/'; output = 'yt_features/';
@ -10,11 +14,13 @@ end
if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file')) if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file'))
database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/']; database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'];
else elseif(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') 'D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file'))
database_root = 'D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'; database_root = 'D:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/';
database_root = '/multicomp/datasets/';
end end
database_root = [database_root, '/ytceleb_annotations_CVPR2014/']; database_root = [database_root, '/ytceleb/'];
in_vids = dir([database_root '/*.avi']); in_vids = dir([database_root '/*.avi']);
@ -33,7 +39,11 @@ for i=1:numel(in_vids)
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' in_file_name '" -of "' outputFile_fp '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' in_file_name '" -of "' outputFile_fp '"']);
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
unix(command, '-echo')
%% %%
output = 'yt_features_clm/'; output = 'yt_features_clm/';
@ -59,7 +69,11 @@ for i=1:numel(in_vids)
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' in_file_name '" -of "' outputFile_fp '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' in_file_name '" -of "' outputFile_fp '"']);
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
unix(command, '-echo')
%% evaluating yt datasets %% evaluating yt datasets
d_loc = 'yt_features/'; d_loc = 'yt_features/';
d_loc_clm = 'yt_features_clm/'; d_loc_clm = 'yt_features_clm/';

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
% This is sort of the unit test for the whole module (needs datasets) % This is sort of the unit test for the whole module (needs datasets)
% Will take over an hour to run all % Will take several hours to run all
tic tic
%% Head pose %% Head pose
cd('Head Pose Experiments'); cd('Head Pose Experiments');
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ cd('../');
%% Features %% Features
cd('Feature Point Experiments'); cd('Feature Point Experiments');
run_clm_feature_point_tests_wild; run_OpenFace_feature_point_tests_300W;
assert(median(err_clnf) < 0.041); assert(median(err_clnf) < 0.041);
assert(median(err_clnf_wild) < 0.041); assert(median(err_clnf_wild) < 0.041);
run_yt_dataset; run_yt_dataset;

View file

@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ if(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/'], 'file'))
database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/']; database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/'];
elseif(exist('D:\Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/', 'file')) elseif(exist('D:\Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/', 'file'))
database_root = 'D:\Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/'; database_root = 'D:\Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/eye_clm/mpii_data/';
elseif(exist('/multicomp/datasets/mpii_gaze/mpii_data/', 'file'))
database_root = '/multicomp/datasets/mpii_gaze/mpii_data/';
else else
fprintf('MPII gaze dataset not found\n'); fprintf('MPII gaze dataset not found\n');
end end
output_loc = './gaze_estimates_MPII/'; output_loc = './gaze_estimates_MPII/';
if(~exist(output_loc, 'dir')) if(~exist(output_loc, 'dir'))
mkdir(output_loc); mkdir(output_loc);
@ -18,7 +21,13 @@ end
output = './mpii_out/'; output = './mpii_out/';
%% Perform actual gaze predictions %% Perform actual gaze predictions
command = sprintf('"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe" -fx 1028 -fy 1028 -gaze '); if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FaceLandmarkImg"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FaceLandmarkImg.exe"';
command = sprintf('%s -fx 1028 -fy 1028 -gaze ', executable);
p_dirs = dir([database_root, 'p*']); p_dirs = dir([database_root, 'p*']);
parfor p=1:numel(p_dirs) parfor p=1:numel(p_dirs)
@ -30,7 +39,11 @@ parfor p=1:numel(p_dirs)
command_c = cat(2, command, input_loc, out_img_loc, out_p_loc); command_c = cat(2, command, input_loc, out_img_loc, out_p_loc);
command_c = cat(2, command_c, ' -wild'); command_c = cat(2, command_c, ' -wild');
dos(command_c); if(isunix)
unix(command_c, '-echo');
end end
%% %%

View file

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
Mean error, median error Mean error, median error
9.469, 8.773 9.468, 8.773

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Dataset and model, pitch, yaw, roll, mean, median Dataset and model, pitch, yaw, roll, mean, median
biwi error: 7.955, 5.583, 4.402, 5.980, 2.624 biwi error: 7.957, 5.583, 4.403, 5.981, 2.624
bu error: 2.762, 4.103, 2.568, 3.145, 2.118 bu error: 2.762, 4.103, 2.568, 3.145, 2.118
ict error: 3.620, 3.608, 3.626, 3.618, 2.028 ict error: 3.620, 3.608, 3.626, 3.618, 2.028

View file

@ -1,30 +1,25 @@
function [fps, resDir] = run_biwi_experiment(rootDir, biwiDir, outputDir, verbose, depth, version, varargin) function [output_dir] = run_biwi_experiment(rootDir, biwiDir, verbose, depth, varargin)
% Biwi dataset experiment % Biwi dataset experiment
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
output = 'Tracker_'; output_dir = 'experiments/biwi_out';
dbSeqDir = dir([rootDir biwiDir]); dbSeqDir = dir([rootDir biwiDir]);
% listing the output based on the current revision
output = [output 'r' num2str(version)];
if(depth) if(depth)
output = cat(2, output, '_depth'); output_dir = cat(2, output_dir, '_depth');
end end
outputDir = cat(2, outputDir, ['/' output '/']); output_dir = cat(2, output_dir, '/');
if(~exist([outputDir], 'dir'))
offset = 0; offset = 0;
r = 1 + offset; r = 1 + offset;
numTogether = 25; numTogether = 25;
@ -34,7 +29,7 @@ for i=3 + offset:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
command = executable; command = executable;
command = cat(2, command, [' -root ' '"' rootDir '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -inroot ' '"' rootDir '"']);
% deal with edge cases % deal with edge cases
if(numTogether + i > numel(dbSeqDir)) if(numTogether + i > numel(dbSeqDir))
@ -44,7 +39,7 @@ for i=3 + offset:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
for n=0:numTogether-1 for n=0:numTogether-1
inputFile = [biwiDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '/colour.avi']; inputFile = [biwiDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '/colour.avi'];
outputFile = [outputDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '.txt']; outputFile = [output_dir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '.txt'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '"']);
@ -54,7 +49,7 @@ for i=3 + offset:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
end end
if(verbose) if(verbose)
outputVideo = [outputDir dbSeqDir(i).name '.avi']; outputVideo = [output_dir dbSeqDir(i).name '.avi'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -ov "' outputVideo '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -ov "' outputVideo '"']);
end end
end end
@ -65,9 +60,9 @@ for i=3 + offset:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
end end
r = r+1; r = r+1;
dos(command); if(isunix)
unix(command, '-echo')
end end
timeTaken = toc;
fps = 15678 / timeTaken;
resDir = outputDir;

View file

@ -1,27 +1,21 @@
function [fps, resDir] = run_bu_experiment(bu_dir, verbose, version, varargin) function [output_dir] = run_bu_experiment(bu_dir, verbose, varargin)
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
output = 'Tracker_'; else
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
% listing the output based on the current revision
output = [output 'r' num2str(version)];
output = cat(2, output, '/');
if(~exist([bu_dir output], 'dir'))
mkdir([bu_dir output]);
end end
output_dir = 'experiments/bu_out/';
buFiles = dir([bu_dir '*.avi']); buFiles = dir([bu_dir '*.avi']);
numTogether = 25; numTogether = 25;
for i=1:numTogether:numel(buFiles) for i=1:numTogether:numel(buFiles)
command = executable; command = executable;
command = cat(2, command, [' -root ' '"' bu_dir '/"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -inroot ' '"' bu_dir '/"']);
% BU dataset orientation is in terms of camera plane, instruct the % BU dataset orientation is in terms of camera plane, instruct the
% tracker to output it in that format % tracker to output it in that format
@ -37,12 +31,12 @@ function [fps, resDir] = run_bu_experiment(bu_dir, verbose, version, varargin)
[~, name, ~] = fileparts(inputFile); [~, name, ~] = fileparts(inputFile);
% where to output results % where to output results
outputFile = [output name '.txt']; outputFile = [output_dir name '.txt'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '"']);
if(verbose) if(verbose)
outputVideo = ['"' output name '.avi' '"']; outputVideo = ['"' output_dir name '.avi' '"'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -ov ' outputVideo]); command = cat(2, command, [' -ov ' outputVideo]);
end end
end end
@ -53,13 +47,11 @@ function [fps, resDir] = run_bu_experiment(bu_dir, verbose, version, varargin)
command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', varargin{find(strcmp('model', varargin))+1}, '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', varargin{find(strcmp('model', varargin))+1}, '"']);
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
unix(command, '-echo')
end end
timeTaken = toc;
fps = 9000 / timeTaken;
% tell the caller where the output was written
resDir = [bu_dir output];
end end

View file

@ -8,38 +8,34 @@ if exist('D:/Datasets/HeadPose', 'file')
database_root = 'D:/Datasets/HeadPose/'; database_root = 'D:/Datasets/HeadPose/';
elseif(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file')) elseif(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file'))
database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/']; database_root = [getenv('USERPROFILE') '/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'];
else elseif(exist([getenv('USERPROFILE') 'F:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'], 'file'))
database_root = 'F:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/'; database_root = 'F:/Dropbox/Dropbox/AAM/test data/';
database_root = '/multicomp/datasets/head_pose_dbs/';
end end
buDir = [database_root, '/bu/uniform-light/']; buDir = [database_root, '/bu/uniform-light/'];
% The fast and accurate clnf % The fast and accurate clnf
%% %%
v = 3; [resFolderBU_OF] = run_bu_experiment(buDir, false, 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt');
[fps_bu_OF, resFolderBU_OF] = run_bu_experiment(buDir, false, v, 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt');
[bu_error_OF, pred_hp_bu, gt_hp_bu, all_errors_bu_OF, rels_bu] = calcBUerror(resFolderBU_OF, buDir); [bu_error_OF, pred_hp_bu, gt_hp_bu, all_errors_bu_OF, rels_bu] = calcBUerror(resFolderBU_OF, buDir);
%% %%
% Run the Biwi test % Run the Biwi test
biwi_dir = '/biwi pose/'; biwi_dir = '/biwi pose/';
biwi_results_root = '/biwi pose results/';
% Intensity [res_folder_biwi_OF] = run_biwi_experiment(database_root, biwi_dir, false, false, 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt');
v = 4;
[fps_biwi_OF, res_folder_OF] = run_biwi_experiment(database_root, biwi_dir, biwi_results_root, false, false, v, 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt');
% Calculate the resulting errors % Calculate the resulting errors
[biwi_error_OF, pred_hp_biwi, gt_hp_biwi, ~, all_errors_biwi_OF, rels_biwi] = calcBiwiError([database_root res_folder_OF], [database_root biwi_dir]); [biwi_error_OF, pred_hp_biwi, gt_hp_biwi, ~, all_errors_biwi_OF, rels_biwi] = calcBiwiError(res_folder_biwi_OF, [database_root biwi_dir]);
%% Run the ICT test %% Run the ICT test
ict_dir = ['ict/']; ict_dir = ['/ict/'];
ict_results_root = ['ict results/'];
v = 4;
% Intensity % Intensity
[fps_ict_OF, res_folder_ict_OF] = run_ict_experiment(database_root, ict_dir, ict_results_root, false, false, v, 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt'); [res_folder_ict_OF] = run_ict_experiment(database_root, ict_dir, false, false, 'model', 'model/main_clnf_general.txt');
% Calculate the resulting errors % Calculate the resulting errors
[ict_error_OF, pred_hp_ict, gt_hp_ict, ~, all_errors_ict_OF, rel_ict] = calcIctError([database_root res_folder_ict_OF], [database_root ict_dir]); [ict_error_OF, pred_hp_ict, gt_hp_ict, ~, all_errors_ict_OF, rel_ict] = calcIctError(res_folder_ict_OF, [database_root ict_dir]);
%% Save the results %% Save the results
filename = 'results/Pose_OF'; filename = 'results/Pose_OF';

View file

@ -1,27 +1,22 @@
function [fps, resDir] = run_ict_experiment(rootDir, ictDir, outputRoot, verbose, depth, version, varargin) function [output_dir] = run_ict_experiment(rootDir, ictDir, verbose, depth, varargin)
%EVALUATEICTDATABASE Summary of this function goes here %EVALUATEICTDATABASE Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here % Detailed explanation goes here
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"'; if(isunix)
executable = '"../../build/bin/FeatureExtraction"';
executable = '"../../x64/Release/FeatureExtraction.exe"';
output = 'Tracker_'; output_dir = 'experiments/ict_out';
dbSeqDir = dir([rootDir ictDir]); dbSeqDir = dir([rootDir ictDir]);
% listing the output based on the current revision
output = [output 'r' num2str(version)];
if(depth) if(depth)
output = cat(2, output, '_depth'); output_dir = cat(2, output_dir, '_depth');
end end
outputDir = cat(2, outputRoot, ['/' output '/']); output_dir = cat(2, output_dir, '/');
if(~exist([rootDir outputDir], 'dir'))
mkdir([rootDir outputDir]);
numTogether = 10; numTogether = 10;
@ -29,7 +24,7 @@ for i=3:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
command = [executable ' -fx 535 -fy 536 -cx 327 -cy 241 -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noAUs -noGaze ']; command = [executable ' -fx 535 -fy 536 -cx 327 -cy 241 -no2Dfp -no3Dfp -noMparams -noAUs -noGaze '];
command = cat(2, command, [' -root ' '"' rootDir '/"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -inroot ' '"' rootDir '/"']);
% deal with edge cases % deal with edge cases
if(numTogether + i > numel(dbSeqDir)) if(numTogether + i > numel(dbSeqDir))
@ -39,7 +34,7 @@ for i=3:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
for n=0:numTogether-1 for n=0:numTogether-1
inputFile = [ictDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '/colour undist.avi']; inputFile = [ictDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '/colour undist.avi'];
outputFile = [outputDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '.txt']; outputFile = [output_dir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '.txt'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '" ']); command = cat(2, command, [' -f "' inputFile '" -of "' outputFile '" ']);
@ -49,7 +44,7 @@ for i=3:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
end end
if(verbose) if(verbose)
outputVideo = [outputDir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '.avi']; outputVideo = [output_dir dbSeqDir(i+n).name '.avi'];
command = cat(2, command, [' -ov "' outputVideo '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -ov "' outputVideo '"']);
end end
end end
@ -58,12 +53,13 @@ for i=3:numTogether:numel(dbSeqDir)
command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', varargin{find(strcmp('model', varargin))+1}, '"']); command = cat(2, command, [' -mloc "', varargin{find(strcmp('model', varargin))+1}, '"']);
end end
dos(command); if(isunix)
unix(command, '-echo')
end end
timeTaken = toc;
fps = 10661 / timeTaken;
resDir = outputDir;
end end