2016-04-28 21:40:36 +02:00
function [ decision ] = face_check_cnn( img, shape, global_params, cnns )
%FACE_CHECK_CNN Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
if(size(img,3) == 3)
img = rgb2gray(img);
% first need to determine the view
centres = cat(1, cnns.centres);
dists = centres*pi/180 - repmat(global_params(2:4)',size(centres,1),1);
[~,view_id] = min(sum(dists.^2,2));
mask_small = cnns(view_id).mask(1:size(cnns(view_id).triX,1), 1:size(cnns(view_id).triX,2));
if(size(cnns(view_id).destination,1) == 66 && size(shape,1) == 68)
label_inds = [1:60,62:64,66:68];
shape = shape(label_inds,:);
img_crop = Crop(img, shape, cnns(view_id).triangulation,...
cnns(view_id).triX, mask_small,...
cnns(view_id).alphas, cnns(view_id).betas,...
cnns(view_id).nPix, cnns(view_id).minX, ...
img_crop = reshape(img_crop(logical(cnns(view_id).mask)), 1, cnns(view_id).nPix);
img_crop(isnan(img_crop)) = 0;
% normalisation (local)
img_crop = (img_crop - mean(img_crop));
norms = std(img_crop);
norms = 1;
img_crop = img_crop / norms;
% normalisation (global)
img_crop = img_crop - cnns(view_id).mean_ex;
img_crop = img_crop ./ cnns(view_id).std_ex;
mask = cnns(view_id).mask;
img = zeros(size(mask));
img(mask) = img_crop;
2017-08-01 23:11:02 +02:00
cnn = cnns(view_id).cnn;
2016-04-28 21:40:36 +02:00
2017-08-01 23:11:02 +02:00
res = vl_simplenn(cnn, single(img), [], []);
res = gather(res(end).x);
num_bins = numel(res);
[~,res] = sort(res, 3, 'descend') ;
res = squeeze(res);
res = res(1,:);
decision = unQuantizeContinuous(res, 0, 3, num_bins)';