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2016-05-20 20:48:43 +00:00
/** \file
* C++ Std. lib TCHAR mappings.
* Copyright <EFBFBD> 2002 Sofus Mortensen
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty
* expressed or implied. Any use is at your own risk. Permission to
* use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted without
* fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
* granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
* the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
* This header is part of Comet version 2.
#include <tchar.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <string>
#include <iosfwd>
namespace comet {
/*! \addtogroup WinUtil
#if defined(_MBCS) && !defined(_UNICODE) && !defined(COMET_NO_MBCS_WARNING)
#pragma message( "Warning: _MBCS is defined. Be aware that tstring does not support multi-byte character strings" )
/** \page comettstring Comet tstring type.
* In order for comet projects to more easily support unicode via the
* windows file "tchar.h", many comet classes support the type #comet::tstring which is
* a convenience typedef to basic_string. Associated with
* \link comet::tstring tstring \endlink are all or most of the other STL
* classes that have a \p char argument to the templates.
* In addition to being used by comet, this is a generally useful series
* of typedefs to be used when combining STL types with tchar.h compatible
* projects.
* There are two area to be particularly wary of with STL and tchar.h.
* The first is that the filename argument for file streams are always
* narrow char *. I would suggest using a #comet::bstr_t which will
* convert for you, especially in UNICODE (actually UCS2 little-endien) projects.
* The second is that tstring support for multi-byte character strings is
* very minimal. Embedded NULLs in the stream are not a problem for
* copying around, however none of the parsing/searching/comparison
* methods cope with multi-byte character sets.
* I believe that part of the reason for this is the platform specific
* nature of multi-byte, and the internal support for a variety of
* different MBCS implementations by Microsoft.
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_string.
* See \ref comettstring
typedef std::basic_string< TCHAR > tstring;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_ios.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_ios<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tios;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_streambuf.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_streambuf<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tstreambuf;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_istream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_istream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tistream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_ostream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_ostream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tostream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_iostream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_iostream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tiostream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_stringbuf.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_stringbuf<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR>, std::allocator<TCHAR> > tstringbuf;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_istringstream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_istringstream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR>, std::allocator<TCHAR> > tistringstream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_ostringstream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_ostringstream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR>, std::allocator<TCHAR> > tostringstream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_stringstream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_stringstream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR>, std::allocator<TCHAR> > tstringstream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_filebuf.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_filebuf<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tfilebuf;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_ifstream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_ifstream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tifstream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_ofstream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_ofstream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tofstream;
/** TCHAR version of std::basic_fstream.
* \relates tstring
typedef std::basic_fstream<TCHAR, std::char_traits<TCHAR> > tfstream;