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2016-04-28 19:40:36 +00:00
function [ SimilarityMatrix ] = similarity_neighbor_grid( x, side, types)
%SIMILARITYNEIGHBOR Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here
% this assumes that the patch is laid out with first column, then second
% column, ... final column (column major)
SimilarityMatrix = eye(side*side);
% types - 1 - horizontal, 2 - vertical, 3 - diagonal (bl-tr), 4 -
% diagonal (br - tl)
for t=1:numel(types)
if(types(t) == 1)
% for horizontal we want to link both neighbours
% (which are offset from the points by height)
i = 1:(side*side-side);
% create the neighboring links for i
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i, i+side)) = 1;
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i+side, i)) = 1;
% visualise
% vis = zeros(height, width)
% [i, j] = ind2sub([sz, sz], find(SimilarityMatrix(:)==1));
% i_2 = mod(i-1, width)+1;
% j_2 = floor((j-1)/height)+1;
% vis(sub2ind([width, height], i_2, j_2) = 1;
% imagesc(vis);
if(types(t) == 2)
% for vertical we want to link both neighbours except at edge
% cases which are mod(y_loc,side) = 0 as they are at the edges
i = 1:side*side;
i_to_rem = i(mod(i, side) == 0);
i_both = setdiff(i, i_to_rem);
% create the neighboring links for i
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i_both+1, i_both)) = 1;
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i_both, i_both+1)) = 1;
if(types(t) == 3)
% for diagonal to top right, and bottom left don't use right most column
i = 1:(side^2)-side;
i_to_rem = i(mod(i-1, side) == 0);
i_both = setdiff(i, i_to_rem);
% create the neighboring links for i
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i_both+side-1, i_both)) = 1;
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i_both, i_both+side-1)) = 1;
if(types(t) == 4)
% for diagonal to top left, and bottom right don't use right most column
i = 1:(side^2)-side;
i_to_rem = i(mod(i, side) == 0);
i_both = setdiff(i, i_to_rem);
% create the neighboring links for i
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i_both+side+1, i_both)) = 1;
SimilarityMatrix(sub2ind([side^2, side^2], i_both, i_both+side+1)) = 1;
assert(isequal(SimilarityMatrix, SimilarityMatrix'));