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2016-05-20 22:48:43 +02:00
/** \file
* Interrogate traits of template types.
* Copyright <EFBFBD> 2000, 2001 Sofus Mortensen, Paul Hollingsworth
* This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty
* expressed or implied. Any use is at your own risk. Permission to
* use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted without
* fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
* Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
* granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
* the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
* This header is part of Comet version 2.
* Partial copyright for is_const, is_volatile and is_reference.
* (C) Copyright Steve Cleary, Beman Dawes, Howard Hinnant & John Maddock 2000.
* Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and
* distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears
* in all copies. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
* warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
namespace comet {
/** Provides structs to interrogate traits of template types.
namespace type_traits {
// From
//* is a type T declared const - is_const<T>
namespace detail{
typedef char yes_result;
typedef char (&no_result)[8];
yes_result is_const_helper(const volatile void*);
no_result is_const_helper(volatile void *);
yes_result is_volatile_helper(const volatile void*);
no_result is_volatile_helper(const void *);
template <typename T> struct helper { T t; };
template <typename T> struct is_const
enum{ result = (sizeof(detail::yes_result) == sizeof( detail::is_const_helper(
& ((reinterpret_cast<detail::helper<T> *>(0))->t))
template <typename T> struct is_volatile
enum{ result = (sizeof(detail::yes_result) == sizeof(detail::is_volatile_helper(
& ((reinterpret_cast<detail::helper<T> *>(0))->t))
# pragma warning(push)
# pragma warning(disable: 4181)
//* is a type T a reference type - is_reference<T>
template <typename T> struct is_reference
typedef T const volatile cv_t;
enum // dwa 10/27/00 - VC6.4 seems to choke on short-circuit (&&,||)
{ // evaluations in constant expressions
value = !is_const<cv_t>::result | !is_volatile<cv_t>::result
template <> struct is_reference<void>
enum{ value = false };
# pragma warning(pop)
template<typename T> struct is_integer { enum { result = false }; };
template<> struct is_integer<bool> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<char> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<signed char> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<unsigned char> { enum { result = true }; };
// template<> struct is_integer<wchar_t> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<short> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<unsigned short> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<int> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<unsigned int> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<long> { enum { result = true }; };
template<> struct is_integer<unsigned long> { enum { result = true }; };
//! @if Internal
/** Taken from STLPort.
* \internal
struct _PointerShim {
// Since the compiler only allows at most one non-trivial
// implicit conversion we can make use of a shim class to
// be sure that IsPtr below doesn't accept classes with
// implicit pointer conversion operators
_PointerShim(const volatile void*); // no implementation
//! @endif
// These are the discriminating functions
static char __cdecl _IsP(bool, _PointerShim); // no implementation is required
static char* __cdecl _IsP(bool, ...); // no implementation is required
template <class _Tp>
struct is_pointer {
// This template meta function takes a type T
// and returns true exactly when T is a pointer.
// One can imagine meta-functions discriminating on
// other criteria.
static _Tp& __null_rep();
enum { result = (sizeof(_IsP(false,__null_rep())) == sizeof(char)) };
// Work out whether the Type is something we can use operator-> on
// (hopefully). If we fail, the worst we get is a level 3 warinng.
template <class _Tp>
struct is_class_pointer
enum { result = (is_pointer<_Tp>::result && ! is_integer<_Tp>::result) };
template<int x> struct int_holder
enum { result = x };
template<typename T> struct type_holder
typedef T result;
/* template<typename T, typename U> class is_static_compatible
class yes { };
class no {char a[10]; };
static yes test( U * );
static no test( ... );
enum { is = sizeof(test(static_cast<T*>(0))) == sizeof(yes) ? true : false };
template<typename T, typename U> class is_cast_operator_compatible
class yes { };
class no {char a[10]; };
static yes test( U* );
static no test( ... );
enum { is = sizeof(test(*static_cast<T*>(0))) == sizeof(yes) /*? 1 : 0 */};
template<typename T> struct conversion_aux
template<typename U> class X
class yes { };
class no {char a[10]; };
static T makeT();
static yes test(U);
static no test(...);
enum { exists = sizeof(test(makeT())) == sizeof(yes) };
enum { same_type = false };
template<> class X<T>
enum { exists = true };
enum { same_type = true };
template<typename T, typename U> struct conversion
enum { exists = conversion_aux<T>::X<U>::exists };
enum { same_type = conversion_aux<T>::X<U>::same_type };
enum { exists_two_way = exists && conversion_aux<U>::X<T>::exists };
template<typename T, typename U> struct conversion
class yes { };
class no {char a[10]; };
static T makeT();
static yes test(U);
static no test(...);
enum { exists = sizeof(test(makeT())) == sizeof(yes) };
enum { same_type = false };
enum { exists_two_way = conversion<U,T>::exists};
template<typename T> struct conversion<T,T>
enum { exists = true };
enum { same_type = true };
enum { exists_two_way = true};
template<typename T, typename U> struct super_sub_class
enum { result = conversion<const U*, const T*>::exists && !conversion<const T*, const void*>::same_type };
inline bool is_null_vtable_entry(void *p,short n)
return ((n<0)?true:(0==(*reinterpret_cast<long *>(reinterpret_cast<char *>(*(reinterpret_cast<long *>(p)))+n))));
namespace impl {
// used by NutshellImpl's
struct false_type {};
struct true_type {};
template<int T> struct is_one { typedef false_type val; };
template<> struct is_one<1> { typedef true_type val; };