""" This little library provides functions to add corner pin functionality into python in general, and pyglet specifically. Long time ago I used a set of javascript functions from Cihad Turhan (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/30646172), which I now ported to python. These computations might be faster with numpy, but for me these run only incidently so won't really hurt performance. """ import pyglet from typing import Optional import logging def adj(m): # Compute the adjugate of m return [ m[4]*m[8]-m[5]*m[7], m[2]*m[7]-m[1]*m[8], m[1]*m[5]-m[2]*m[4], m[5]*m[6]-m[3]*m[8], m[0]*m[8]-m[2]*m[6], m[2]*m[3]-m[0]*m[5], m[3]*m[7]-m[4]*m[6], m[1]*m[6]-m[0]*m[7], m[0]*m[4]-m[1]*m[3] ] def multmm(a, b) -> list[float]: # multiply two matrices c = [0.]*9 for i in range(3): for j in range(3): cij = 0 for k in range(3): cij += a[3*i + k]*b[3*k + j] c[3 * i + j] = cij return c def multmv(m, v): # multiply matrix and vector return [ m[0]*v[0] + m[1]*v[1] + m[2]*v[2], m[3]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[5]*v[2], m[6]*v[0] + m[7]*v[1] + m[8]*v[2] ] # def pdbg(m, v) : # r = multmv(m, v) # return r + " (" + r[0]/r[2] + ", " + r[1]/r[2] + ")" def basisToPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) : m = [ x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, 1, 1, 1 ] v = multmv(adj(m), [x4, y4, 1]) return multmm(m, [ v[0], 0, 0, 0, v[1], 0, 0, 0, v[2] ]) def general2DProjection( x1s, y1s, x1d, y1d, x2s, y2s, x2d, y2d, x3s, y3s, x3d, y3d, x4s, y4s, x4d, y4d ) : s = basisToPoints(x1s, y1s, x2s, y2s, x3s, y3s, x4s, y4s) d = basisToPoints(x1d, y1d, x2d, y2d, x3d, y3d, x4d, y4d) return multmm(d, adj(s)) def transform2d(w, h, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4): t = general2DProjection(0, 0, x1, y1, w, 0, x2, y2, 0, h, x3, y3, w, h, x4, y4) for i in range(9): t[i] = t[i] / t[8] t = [t[0], t[3], 0, t[6], t[1], t[4], 0, t[7], 0 , 0 , 1, 0 , t[2], t[5], 0, t[8]] return t # Below are all pyglet specific functions class PygletCornerPin(pyglet.event.EventDispatcher): def __init__(self, window: pyglet.window.Window, corners: Optional[list[list[float]]] = None) -> None: """ Creates CornerPin utility for a given Pyglet window. If not given, corners default to the bottom left, bottom right, top left, top right corners of the window (i.e. no transform) Do not forget to register event handlers by running `window.register_handlers(pins)`. """ self.window = window self.corners = corners if corners else [ [0, 0], [self.window.width, 0], [0, self.window.height], [self.window.width, self.window.height], ] self.batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch() self.dragging: Optional[int] = None self.handles = [ pyglet.shapes.Arc(c[0],c[1],20, thickness=2, color=(0,0,255,255), batch=self.batch) for c in self.corners ] self.current_corner = None def update_handles(self): for i, c in enumerate(self.corners): self.handles[i].x = c[0] self.handles[i].y = c[1] def draw(self): """ Draw the handles in the on_draw loop """ self.batch.draw() def transform2d_matrix(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4): """ Calculate the transform matrix """ t = transform2d( self.window.width, self.window.height, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 ) return pyglet.math.Mat4(t) # event handlers def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers): r = 20 currentcorner = None dist = r * r for i in range(4): dx = x - self.corners[i][0] dy = y - self.corners[i][1] if dist > dx**2 + dy ** 2: dist = dx**2 + dy ** 2 currentcorner = i self.dragging = currentcorner return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED if self.dragging else pyglet.event.EVENT_UNHANDLED def on_mouse_release(self, x, y, button, modifiers): if self.dragging is None: return pyglet.event.EVENT_UNHANDLED self.dragging = None logging.debug(f"Corner pins set to {self.corners}") return pyglet.event.EVENT_HANDLED def on_mouse_drag(self, x, y, dx, dy, buttons, modifiers): if self.dragging is None: return pyglet.event.EVENT_UNHANDLED self.corners[self.dragging][0] = x self.corners[self.dragging][1] = y self.update_view() def on_key_release(self, symbol: int, modifiers: int): if symbol not in [ pyglet.window.key._1, pyglet.window.key._2, pyglet.window.key._3, pyglet.window.key._4, pyglet.window.key.ESCAPE, pyglet.window.key.UP, pyglet.window.key.DOWN, pyglet.window.key.LEFT, pyglet.window.key.RIGHT, ]: return pyglet.event.EVENT_UNHANDLED if symbol == pyglet.window.key._1: self.current_corner = 2 if symbol == pyglet.window.key._2: self.current_corner = 3 if symbol == pyglet.window.key._3: self.current_corner = 0 if symbol == pyglet.window.key._4: self.current_corner = 1 if symbol == pyglet.window.key.ESCAPE: self.current_corner = None for i, h in enumerate(self.handles): h.color = (255,0,0,255) if i == self.current_corner else (0,0,255,255) if self.current_corner is None: return if symbol not in [pyglet.window.key.UP,pyglet.window.key.DOWN, pyglet.window.key.LEFT, pyglet.window.key.RIGHT]: return base = 2 if modifiers & pyglet.window.key.MOD_SHIFT: base += 10 if modifiers & pyglet.window.key.MOD_CTRL: base *= 2 if symbol == pyglet.window.key.RIGHT: self.corners[self.current_corner][0] += base if symbol == pyglet.window.key.LEFT: self.corners[self.current_corner][0] -= base if symbol == pyglet.window.key.UP: self.corners[self.current_corner][1] += base if symbol == pyglet.window.key.DOWN: self.corners[self.current_corner][1] -= base self.update_view() def update_view(self): self.window.view = self.transform2d_matrix(*[x for c in self.corners for x in c])