* update eslint and dependencies, fix linting errors that can be fixed with --fix * fix lots of linting errors * update eslintrc, fix some linting errors * fix all server side linting errors, untested * fix errors that fixing linting errors had caused * fix client side eslint errors * fix client side linting errors * fix refs lint errors * fix more linting errors * update eslint and dependencies, fix linting errors that can be fixed with --fix * fix lots of linting errors * update eslintrc, fix some linting errors * fix all server side linting errors, untested * fix errors that fixing linting errors had caused * fix client side eslint errors * fix client side linting errors * fix refs lint errors * fix more linting errors * fix some accessibility linting errors * fix a lot of linting errors * fix a billion more linting errors * hopefully fix all linting errors, still need to test * fix bugs that fixing linting had caused
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100 lines
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import { resolvePathToFile } from '../utils/filePath';
const MEDIA_FILE_REGEX_NO_QUOTES = /^(?!(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)).*\.(png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|mp3|wav|aiff|ogg|json|txt|csv|svg|obj|mp4|ogg|webm|mov|otf|ttf|m4a)$/i;
const STRING_REGEX = /(['"])((\\\1|.)*?)\1/gm;
const EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX = /^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)/;
const NOT_EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX = /^(?!(http:\/\/|https:\/\/))/;
function resolveLinksInString(content, files, projectId) {
let newContent = content;
let fileStrings = content.match(STRING_REGEX);
const fileStringRegex = /^('|")(?!(http:\/\/|https:\/\/)).*('|")$/i;
fileStrings = fileStrings || [];
fileStrings.forEach((fileString) => {
// if string does not begin with http or https
if (fileString.match(fileStringRegex)) {
const filePath = fileString.substr(1, fileString.length - 2);
const resolvedFile = resolvePathToFile(filePath, files);
if (resolvedFile) {
if (resolvedFile.url) {
newContent = newContent.replace(filePath, resolvedFile.url);
} else if (resolvedFile.name.match(/(.+\.json$|.+\.txt$|.+\.csv$)/i)) {
let resolvedFilePath = filePath;
if (resolvedFilePath.startsWith('.')) {
resolvedFilePath = resolvedFilePath.substr(1);
while (resolvedFilePath.startsWith('/')) {
resolvedFilePath = resolvedFilePath.substr(1);
newContent = newContent.replace(filePath, `/api/projects/${projectId}/${resolvedFilePath}`);
return newContent;
export function injectMediaUrls(filesToInject, allFiles, projectId) {
filesToInject.forEach((file) => {
file.content = resolveLinksInString(file.content, allFiles, projectId);
export function resolvePathsForElementsWithAttribute(attr, sketchDoc, files) {
const elements = sketchDoc.querySelectorAll(`[${attr}]`);
const elementsArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements);
elementsArray.forEach((element) => {
if (element.getAttribute(attr).match(MEDIA_FILE_REGEX_NO_QUOTES)) {
const resolvedFile = resolvePathToFile(element.getAttribute(attr), files);
if (resolvedFile) {
element.setAttribute(attr, resolvedFile.url);
export function resolveScripts(sketchDoc, files, projectId) {
const scriptsInHTML = sketchDoc.getElementsByTagName('script');
const scriptsInHTMLArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(scriptsInHTML);
scriptsInHTMLArray.forEach((script) => {
if (script.getAttribute('src') && script.getAttribute('src').match(NOT_EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX) !== null) {
const resolvedFile = resolvePathToFile(script.getAttribute('src'), files);
if (resolvedFile) {
if (resolvedFile.url) {
script.setAttribute('src', resolvedFile.url);
} else {
script.innerHTML = resolvedFile.content;
} else if (!(script.getAttribute('src') && script.getAttribute('src').match(EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX) !== null)) {
script.innerHTML = resolveLinksInString(script.innerHTML, files, projectId);
export function resolveStyles(sketchDoc, files, projectId) {
const inlineCSSInHTML = sketchDoc.getElementsByTagName('style');
const inlineCSSInHTMLArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(inlineCSSInHTML);
inlineCSSInHTMLArray.forEach((style) => {
style.innerHTML = resolveLinksInString(style.innerHTML, files, projectId);
const cssLinksInHTML = sketchDoc.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"]');
const cssLinksInHTMLArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(cssLinksInHTML);
cssLinksInHTMLArray.forEach((css) => {
if (css.getAttribute('href') && css.getAttribute('href').match(NOT_EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX) !== null) {
const resolvedFile = resolvePathToFile(css.getAttribute('href'), files);
if (resolvedFile) {
if (resolvedFile.url) {
css.setAttribute('href', resolvedFile.url);
} else {
const style = sketchDoc.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `\n${resolvedFile.content}`;