* Fix Issue #588. Only highlight runtime errors at the appropriate line for file in which the error occurred. * Modifications to handle js in html <script> tag Part 1 * Correctly highlight errors in JavaScript in a <script> tag
84 lines
2.6 KiB
84 lines
2.6 KiB
import { EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX } from '../../server/utils/fileUtils';
export const hijackConsoleErrorsScript = (offs) => {
const s = `
function getScriptOff(line) {
var offs = ${offs};
var l = 0;
var file = '';
for (var i=0; i<offs.length; i++) {
var n = offs[i][0];
if (n < line && n > l) {
l = n;
file = offs[i][1];
return [line - l, file];
// catch reference errors, via http://stackoverflow.com/a/12747364/2994108
window.onerror = function (msg, url, lineNumber, columnNo, error) {
var string = msg.toLowerCase();
var substring = "script error";
var data = {};
if (url.match(${EXTERNAL_LINK_REGEX}) !== null && error.stack){
var errorNum = error.stack.split('about:srcdoc:')[1].split(':')[0];
var fileInfo = getScriptOff(errorNum);
data = msg + ' (' + fileInfo[1] + ': line ' + fileInfo[0] + ')';
} else {
var fileInfo = getScriptOff(lineNumber);
data = msg + ' (' + fileInfo[1] + ': line ' + fileInfo[0] + ')';
log: [{
method: 'error',
data: [data],
id: Date.now().toString()
source: fileInfo[1]
}], '*');
return false;
return s;
export const startTag = '@fs-';
export const getAllScriptOffsets = (htmlFile) => {
const offs = [];
const hijackConsoleErrorsScriptLength = 36;
const embeddedJSStart = 'script crossorigin=""';
let foundJSScript = true;
let foundEmbeddedJS = true;
let lastInd = 0;
let ind = 0;
let endFilenameInd = 0;
let filename = '';
let lineOffset = 0;
while (foundJSScript) {
ind = htmlFile.indexOf(startTag, lastInd);
if (ind === -1) {
foundJSScript = false;
} else {
endFilenameInd = htmlFile.indexOf('.js', ind + startTag.length + 3);
filename = htmlFile.substring(ind + startTag.length, endFilenameInd);
lineOffset = htmlFile.substring(0, ind).split('\n').length + hijackConsoleErrorsScriptLength;
offs.push([lineOffset, filename]);
lastInd = ind + 1;
lastInd = 0;
while (foundEmbeddedJS) {
ind = htmlFile.indexOf(embeddedJSStart, lastInd);
if (ind === -1) {
foundEmbeddedJS = false;
} else {
filename = 'index.html';
// not sure where the offset of 25 comes from
lineOffset = htmlFile.substring(0, ind).split('\n').length + 25;
offs.push([lineOffset, filename]);
lastInd = ind + 1;
return offs;