* Minimal Viable Navigation Menu Translation with new namespace I18Next configuration leaning on default separator and namespace Broom: i18n + debug:false * Minimal Viable Navigation Menu Test entry for Toolbar.test.jsx * Translation.json : Changes in translation for new namespace About : broom About lines 17-26 Nav component : changes in keys KeyboardShortcutModal.jsx: Key now in Common * Voice Over Labels in Preferences:index Labels included in translations.json * Voice Over Labels in Preferences:index Labels included in translations.json * Voice Over Labels in Preferences:index Labels included in translations.json * Voice Over Labels in Preferences:index Labels included in translations.json Snapshot updated npm run test -- -u * translations.json ARIA labels adjacent to respective label Updated names to call the labels Common namespace without currently used entries * Update Nav.jsx Missing Common.p5logoARIA key * Update Toolbar.test.jsx Deleting commented line 78 * Update in keys Co-authored-by: Andrew Nicolaou <me@andrewnicolaou.co.uk>
177 lines
5.1 KiB
177 lines
5.1 KiB
"Nav": {
"File": {
"Title": "File",
"New": "New",
"Share": "Share",
"Duplicate": "Duplicate",
"Open": "Open",
"Download": "Download",
"AddToCollection": "Add to Collection",
"Examples": "Examples"
"Edit": {
"Title": "Edit",
"TidyCode": "Tidy Code",
"Find": "Find",
"FindNext": "Find Next",
"FindPrevious": "Find Previous"
"Sketch": {
"Title": "Sketch",
"AddFile": "Add File",
"AddFolder": "Add Folder",
"Run": "Run",
"Stop": "Stop"
"Help": {
"Title": "Help",
"KeyboardShortcuts": "Keyboard Shortcuts",
"Reference": "Reference",
"About": "About"
"Lang": "Language",
"BackEditor": "Back to Editor",
"WarningUnsavedChanges": "Are you sure you want to leave this page? You have unsaved changes.",
"Login": {
"Login": "Log in",
"LoginOr": "or",
"SignUp": "Sign up",
"Email": "email",
"Username": "username",
"LoginGithub": "Login with Github",
"LoginGoogle": "Login with Google",
"DontHaveAccount": "Don't have an account?",
"ForgotPassword": "Forgot your password?",
"ResetPassword": "Reset your password"
"Auth": {
"Welcome": "Welcome",
"Hello": "Hello",
"MyAccount": "My Account",
"My": "My",
"MySketches": "My Sketches",
"MyCollections": "My Collections",
"Asset": "Asset",
"MyAssets": "My Assets",
"LogOut": "Log Out"
"About": {
"Title": "About",
"TitleHelmet": "p5.js Web Editor | About",
"Contribute": "Contribute",
"NewP5": "New to p5.js?",
"Report": "Report a bug",
"Learn": "Learn",
"Resources": "Resources",
"Libraries": "Libraries",
"Forum": "Forum",
"Examples": "Examples"
"Toast": {
"OpenedNewSketch": "Opened new sketch.",
"SketchSaved": "Sketch saved.",
"SketchFailedSave": "Failed to save sketch.",
"AutosaveEnabled": "Autosave enabled.",
"LangChange": "Language changed"
"Toolbar": {
"Preview": "Preview",
"Auto-refresh": "Auto-refresh",
"OpenPreferencesARIA": "Open Preferences",
"PlaySketchARIA": "Play sketch",
"PlayOnlyVisualSketchARIA": "Play only visual sketch",
"StopSketchARIA": "Stop sketch",
"EditSketchARIA": "Edit sketch name",
"NewSketchNameARIA": "New sketch name"
"Console": {
"Title": "Console",
"Clear": "Clear",
"ClearARIA": "Clear console",
"Close": "Close",
"CloseARIA": "Close console",
"Open": "Open",
"OpenARIA": "Open console"
"Preferences": {
"Settings": "Settings",
"GeneralSettings": "General settings",
"Accessibility": "Accessibility",
"Theme": "Theme",
"LightTheme": "Light",
"LightThemeARIA": "light theme on",
"DarkTheme": "Dark",
"DarkThemeARIA": "dark theme on",
"HighContrastTheme": "High Contrast",
"HighContrastThemeARIA": "high contrast theme on",
"TextSize": "Text Size",
"DecreaseFont": "Decrease",
"DecreaseFontARIA": "decrease font size",
"IncreaseFont": "Increase",
"IncreaseFontARIA": "increase font size",
"Autosave": "Autosave",
"On": "On",
"AutosaveOnARIA": "autosave on",
"Off": "Off",
"AutosaveOffARIA": "autosave off",
"WordWrap": "Word Wrap",
"LineWrapOnARIA": "linewrap on",
"LineWrapOffARIA": "linewrap off",
"LineNumbers": "Line numbers",
"LineNumbersOnARIA": "line numbers on",
"LineNumbersOffARIA": "line numbers off",
"LintWarningSound": "Lint warning sound",
"LintWarningOnARIA": "lint warning on",
"LintWarningOffARIA": "lint warning off",
"PreviewSound": "Preview sound",
"PreviewSoundARIA": "preview sound",
"AccessibleTextBasedCanvas": "Accessible text-based canvas",
"UsedScreenReader": "Used with screen reader",
"PlainText": "Plain-text",
"TextOutputARIA": "text output on",
"TableText": "Table-text",
"TableOutputARIA": "table output on",
"Sound": "Sound",
"SoundOutputARIA": "sound output on"
"KeyboardShortcuts": {
"Title": " Keyboard Shortcuts",
"ShortcutsFollow": "Code editing keyboard shortcuts follow",
"SublimeText": "Sublime Text shortcuts",
"CodeEditing": {
"Tidy": "Tidy",
"FindText": "Find Text",
"FindNextMatch": "Find Next Match",
"FindPrevMatch": "Find Previous Match",
"IndentCodeLeft": "Indent Code Left",
"IndentCodeRight": "Indent Code Right",
"CommentLine": "Comment Line",
"FindNextTextMatch": "Find Next Text Match",
"FindPreviousTextMatch": "Find Previous Text Match",
"CodeEditing": "Code Editing"
"General": {
"StartSketch": "Start Sketch",
"StopSketch": "Stop Sketch",
"TurnOnAccessibleOutput": "Turn On Accessible Output",
"TurnOffAccessibleOutput": "Turn Off Accessible Output"
"Sidebar": {
"Create": "Create",
"EnterName": "enter a name",
"Add": "Add",
"Folder": "Folder"
"Common": {
"Error": "Error",
"Save": "Save",
"p5logoARIA": "p5.js Logo"
"IDEView": {
"SubmitFeedback": "Submit Feedback"