
413 lines
11 KiB

import fs from 'fs';
import rp from 'request-promise';
import Q from 'q';
import { ok } from 'assert';
// TODO: Change branchName if necessary
const branchName = 'release';
const branchRef = `?ref=${branchName}`;
const baseUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/ml5js/ml5-examples/contents';
const clientId = process.env.GITHUB_ID;
const clientSecret = process.env.GITHUB_SECRET;
const editorUsername = process.env.ML5_EXAMPLES_USERNAME;
const personalAccessToken = process.env.EDITOR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN;
const editorApiUrl = process.env.EDITOR_API_URL;
const headers = {
'User-Agent': 'p5js-web-editor/0.0.1'
ok(clientId, 'GITHUB_ID is required');
ok(clientSecret, 'GITHUB_SECRET is required');
ok(editorUsername, 'ML5_EXAMPLES_USERNAME is required');
ok(personalAccessToken, 'EDITOR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN is required');
ok(editorApiUrl, 'EDITOR_API_URL is required');
const githubRequestOptions = {
url: baseUrl,
qs: {
client_id: clientId,
client_secret: clientSecret
method: 'GET',
json: true
const editorRequestOptions = {
url: `${editorApiUrl}/${editorUsername}`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${editorUsername}:${personalAccessToken}`).toString('base64')}`
json: true
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------- helper functions --------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* fatten a nested array
function flatten(list) {
return list.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(Array.isArray(b) ? flatten(b) : b), []);
* Fetch data for a single HTML/JS file, or return
* an url to the file's CDN location
async function fetchFileContent(item) {
const { name } = item;
const file = { url: item.url };
// if it is an html or js file
if (
(file.url != null && name.endsWith('.html')) ||
) {
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${file.url}`;
if (
options.url !== undefined ||
options.url !== null ||
options.url !== ''
) {
file.content = await rp(options);
// NOTE: remove the URL property if there's content
// Otherwise the p5 editor will try to pull from that url
if (file.content !== null) delete file.url;
return file;
// if it is NOT an html or js file
if (file.url) {
const cdnRef = `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ml5js/ml5-examples@${branchName}${file.url.split(branchName)[1]}`;
file.url = cdnRef;
return file;
* STEP 1: Get the top level cateogories
async function getCategories() {
try {
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}/p5js${branchRef}`;
const results = await rp(options);
return results;
} catch (err) {
return err;
* STEP 2: Get the examples for each category
* e.g. Posenet:
* - /posenet_image_single
* - /posenet_part_selection
async function getCategoryExamples(sketchRootList) {
const output = [];
const sketchRootCategories = sketchRootList.map(async (categories) => {
// let options = Object.assign({url: `${requestOptions.url}/${categories.path}${branchRef}`}, requestOptions)
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}${categories.path}${branchRef}`;
// console.log(options)
const sketchDirs = await rp(options);
try {
const result = flatten(sketchDirs);
return result;
} catch (err) {
return [];
const sketchList = await Q.all(sketchRootCategories);
sketchList.forEach((sketch) => {
sketch.forEach((item) => {
if (item.type === 'dir') output.push(item);
return output;
* STEP 3.1: Recursively get the tree of files for each directory
* @param parentObject - one sketch directory object
async function traverseSketchTree(parentObject) {
const output = Object.assign({}, parentObject);
if (parentObject.type !== 'dir') {
return output;
// let options = `https://api.github.com/repos/ml5js/ml5-examples/contents/${sketches.path}${branchRef}`
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}${parentObject.path}${branchRef}`;
output.tree = await rp(options);
output.tree = output.tree.map(file => traverseSketchTree(file));
output.tree = await Q.all(output.tree);
return output;
* STEP 3.2: Traverse the sketchtree for all of the sketches
* @param {*} categoryExamples - all of the categories in an array
async function traverseSketchTreeAll(categoryExamples) {
const sketches = categoryExamples.map(async sketch => traverseSketchTree(sketch));
const result = await Q.all(sketches);
return result;
* Traverse the tree and format into parent child relation
* @param {*} parentObject
function traverseAndFormat(parentObject) {
const parent = Object.assign({}, parentObject);
if (!parentObject.tree) {
// returns the files
return {
name: parent.name,
url: parent.download_url
const subdir = parentObject.tree.map((item) => {
if (!item.tree) {
// returns the files
return {
name: item.name,
url: item.download_url
const feat = {
name: item.name,
children: traverseAndFormat(item)
return feat;
return subdir;
* Traverse the tree and download all the content,
* transforming into an object keyed by file/directory name
* @param {*} projectFileTree
async function traverseAndDownload(projectFileTree) {
return projectFileTree.reduce(
async (previousPromise, item, idx) => {
const result = await previousPromise;
if (Array.isArray(item.children)) {
result[item.name] = {
files: await traverseAndDownload(item.children)
} else {
result[item.name] = await fetchFileContent(item);
return result;
* STEP 4
* Take a parent directory and prepare it for injestion!
* @param {*} sketch
* @param {*} user
async function formatSketchForStorage(sketch, user) {
const newProject = {
name: sketch.name,
files: {} // <== add files to this object
let projectFiles = traverseAndFormat(sketch);
projectFiles = await traverseAndDownload(projectFiles);
newProject.files = projectFiles;
return newProject;
* format all the sketches using the formatSketchForStorage()
function formatSketchForStorageAll(sketchWithItems, user) {
let sketchList = sketchWithItems.slice(0);
sketchList = sketchList.map(sketch => formatSketchForStorage(sketch, user));
return Promise.all(sketchList);
* Fetch a list of all projects from the API
async function getProjectsList() {
const options = Object.assign({}, editorRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}/sketches`;
const results = await rp(options);
return results.sketches;
* Delete a project
async function deleteProject(project) {
const options = Object.assign({}, editorRequestOptions);
options.method = 'DELETE';
options.url = `${options.url}/sketches/${project.id}`;
const results = await rp(options);
return results;
* Create a new project
async function createProject(project) {
try {
const options = Object.assign({}, editorRequestOptions);
options.method = 'POST';
options.url = `${options.url}/sketches`;
options.body = project;
const results = await rp(options);
return results;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
* STEP 6
* Remove existing projects, then fill the db
* @param {*} filledProjectList
* @param {*} user
async function createProjectsInP5User(filledProjectList, user) {
console.log('Finding existing projects...');
const existingProjects = await getProjectsList();
console.log(`Will delete ${existingProjects.length} projects`);
try {
await Q.all(existingProjects.map(deleteProject));
console.log('deleted old projects!');
} catch (error) {
console.log('Problem deleting projects');
try {
const newProjects = filledProjectList.map(async (project) => {
console.log(`saving ${project.name}`);
await createProject(project);
await Q.all(newProjects);
console.log(`Projects saved to User: ${editorUsername}!`);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error saving projects');
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------- main ------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Get all the sketches from the ml5-examples repo
* Get the p5 examples
* Dive down into each sketch and get all the files
* Format the sketch files to be save to the db
* Delete existing and save
async function make() {
// Get the categories and their examples
const categories = await getCategories();
const categoryExamples = await getCategoryExamples(categories);
const examplesWithResourceTree = await traverseSketchTreeAll(categoryExamples);
const formattedSketchList = await formatSketchForStorageAll(examplesWithResourceTree);
await createProjectsInP5User(formattedSketchList);
* TEST - same as make except reads from file for testing purposes
* Get all the sketches from the ml5-examples repo
* Get the p5 examples
* Dive down into each sketch and get all the files
* Format the sketch files to be save to the db
* Delete existing and save
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function test() {
// read from file while testing
const examplesWithResourceTree = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./ml5-examplesWithResourceTree.json'));
const formattedSketchList = await formatSketchForStorageAll(examplesWithResourceTree);
await createProjectsInP5User(formattedSketchList);
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------- Run -------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Usage:
* If you're testing, change the make() function to test()
* ensure when testing that you've saved some JSON outputs to
* read from so you don't have to make a billion requests all the time
* $ GITHUB_ID=<....> GITHUB_SECRET=<...> NODE_ENV=development npm run fetch-examples-ml5
* $ GITHUB_ID=<....> GITHUB_SECRET=<...> npm run fetch-examples-ml5
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// test()
make(); // replace with test() if you don't want to run all the fetch functions over and over
} else {