* Converts import script to use public API endpoints The endpoints don't exist yet, but this is a good way to see how the implementation of the data structures differ. * Exposes public API endpoint to fetch user's sketches * Implements public API delete endpoint * Adds helper to create custom ApplicationError classes * Adds create project endpoint that understand API's data structure This transforms the nested tree of file data into a mongoose Project model * Returns '201 Created' to match API spec * Removes 'CustomError' variable assignment as it shows up in test output * transformFiles will return file validation errors * Tests API project controller * Tests toModel() * Creates default files if no root-level .html file is provided * Do not auto-generate a slug if it is provided Fixes a bug where the slug was auto-generated using the sketch name, even if a slug property had been provided. * Validates uniqueness of slugs for projects created by the public API * Adds tests for slug uniqueness * Configures node's Promise implementation for mongoose (fixes warnings) * Moves createProject tests to match controller location * Adds support for code to ApplicationErrors * deleteProject controller tests * getProjectsForUser controller tests - implements tests - update apiKey tests to use new User mocks * Ensure error objects have consistent property names `message` is used as a high-level description of the errors `detail` is optional and has an plain language explanation of the individual errors `errors` is an array of each individual problem from `detail` in a machine-readable format * Assert environment variables are provided at script start * Version public API * Expect "files" property to always be provided * Fixes linting error * Converts import script to use public API endpoints The endpoints don't exist yet, but this is a good way to see how the implementation of the data structures differ. * Exposes public API endpoint to fetch user's sketches * Implements public API delete endpoint * Adds helper to create custom ApplicationError classes * Adds create project endpoint that understand API's data structure This transforms the nested tree of file data into a mongoose Project model * Returns '201 Created' to match API spec * Removes 'CustomError' variable assignment as it shows up in test output * transformFiles will return file validation errors * Tests API project controller * Tests toModel() * Creates default files if no root-level .html file is provided * Do not auto-generate a slug if it is provided Fixes a bug where the slug was auto-generated using the sketch name, even if a slug property had been provided. * Validates uniqueness of slugs for projects created by the public API * Adds tests for slug uniqueness * Configures node's Promise implementation for mongoose (fixes warnings) * Moves createProject tests to match controller location * deleteProject controller tests * Adds support for code to ApplicationErrors * getProjectsForUser controller tests - implements tests - update apiKey tests to use new User mocks * Ensure error objects have consistent property names `message` is used as a high-level description of the errors `detail` is optional and has an plain language explanation of the individual errors `errors` is an array of each individual problem from `detail` in a machine-readable format * Assert environment variables are provided at script start * Version public API * Expect "files" property to always be provided * Fixes linting error * Checks that authenticated user has permission to create under this namespace Previously, the project was always created under the authenticated user's namespace, but this not obvious behaviour.
413 lines
11 KiB
413 lines
11 KiB
import fs from 'fs';
import rp from 'request-promise';
import Q from 'q';
import { ok } from 'assert';
// TODO: Change branchName if necessary
const branchName = 'release';
const branchRef = `?ref=${branchName}`;
const baseUrl = 'https://api.github.com/repos/ml5js/ml5-examples/contents';
const clientId = process.env.GITHUB_ID;
const clientSecret = process.env.GITHUB_SECRET;
const editorUsername = process.env.ML5_EXAMPLES_USERNAME;
const personalAccessToken = process.env.EDITOR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN;
const editorApiUrl = process.env.EDITOR_API_URL;
const headers = {
'User-Agent': 'p5js-web-editor/0.0.1'
ok(clientId, 'GITHUB_ID is required');
ok(clientSecret, 'GITHUB_SECRET is required');
ok(editorUsername, 'ML5_EXAMPLES_USERNAME is required');
ok(personalAccessToken, 'EDITOR_API_ACCESS_TOKEN is required');
ok(editorApiUrl, 'EDITOR_API_URL is required');
const githubRequestOptions = {
url: baseUrl,
qs: {
client_id: clientId,
client_secret: clientSecret
method: 'GET',
json: true
const editorRequestOptions = {
url: `${editorApiUrl}/${editorUsername}`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${editorUsername}:${personalAccessToken}`).toString('base64')}`
json: true
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------- helper functions --------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* fatten a nested array
function flatten(list) {
return list.reduce((a, b) => a.concat(Array.isArray(b) ? flatten(b) : b), []);
* Fetch data for a single HTML/JS file, or return
* an url to the file's CDN location
async function fetchFileContent(item) {
const { name } = item;
const file = { url: item.url };
// if it is an html or js file
if (
(file.url != null && name.endsWith('.html')) ||
) {
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${file.url}`;
if (
options.url !== undefined ||
options.url !== null ||
options.url !== ''
) {
file.content = await rp(options);
// NOTE: remove the URL property if there's content
// Otherwise the p5 editor will try to pull from that url
if (file.content !== null) delete file.url;
return file;
// if it is NOT an html or js file
if (file.url) {
const cdnRef = `https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ml5js/ml5-examples@${branchName}${file.url.split(branchName)[1]}`;
file.url = cdnRef;
return file;
* STEP 1: Get the top level cateogories
async function getCategories() {
try {
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}/p5js${branchRef}`;
const results = await rp(options);
return results;
} catch (err) {
return err;
* STEP 2: Get the examples for each category
* e.g. Posenet:
* - /posenet_image_single
* - /posenet_part_selection
async function getCategoryExamples(sketchRootList) {
const output = [];
const sketchRootCategories = sketchRootList.map(async (categories) => {
// let options = Object.assign({url: `${requestOptions.url}/${categories.path}${branchRef}`}, requestOptions)
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}${categories.path}${branchRef}`;
// console.log(options)
const sketchDirs = await rp(options);
try {
const result = flatten(sketchDirs);
return result;
} catch (err) {
return [];
const sketchList = await Q.all(sketchRootCategories);
sketchList.forEach((sketch) => {
sketch.forEach((item) => {
if (item.type === 'dir') output.push(item);
return output;
* STEP 3.1: Recursively get the tree of files for each directory
* @param parentObject - one sketch directory object
async function traverseSketchTree(parentObject) {
const output = Object.assign({}, parentObject);
if (parentObject.type !== 'dir') {
return output;
// let options = `https://api.github.com/repos/ml5js/ml5-examples/contents/${sketches.path}${branchRef}`
const options = Object.assign({}, githubRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}${parentObject.path}${branchRef}`;
output.tree = await rp(options);
output.tree = output.tree.map(file => traverseSketchTree(file));
output.tree = await Q.all(output.tree);
return output;
* STEP 3.2: Traverse the sketchtree for all of the sketches
* @param {*} categoryExamples - all of the categories in an array
async function traverseSketchTreeAll(categoryExamples) {
const sketches = categoryExamples.map(async sketch => traverseSketchTree(sketch));
const result = await Q.all(sketches);
return result;
* Traverse the tree and format into parent child relation
* @param {*} parentObject
function traverseAndFormat(parentObject) {
const parent = Object.assign({}, parentObject);
if (!parentObject.tree) {
// returns the files
return {
name: parent.name,
url: parent.download_url
const subdir = parentObject.tree.map((item) => {
if (!item.tree) {
// returns the files
return {
name: item.name,
url: item.download_url
const feat = {
name: item.name,
children: traverseAndFormat(item)
return feat;
return subdir;
* Traverse the tree and download all the content,
* transforming into an object keyed by file/directory name
* @param {*} projectFileTree
async function traverseAndDownload(projectFileTree) {
return projectFileTree.reduce(
async (previousPromise, item, idx) => {
const result = await previousPromise;
if (Array.isArray(item.children)) {
result[item.name] = {
files: await traverseAndDownload(item.children)
} else {
result[item.name] = await fetchFileContent(item);
return result;
* STEP 4
* Take a parent directory and prepare it for injestion!
* @param {*} sketch
* @param {*} user
async function formatSketchForStorage(sketch, user) {
const newProject = {
name: sketch.name,
files: {} // <== add files to this object
let projectFiles = traverseAndFormat(sketch);
projectFiles = await traverseAndDownload(projectFiles);
newProject.files = projectFiles;
return newProject;
* format all the sketches using the formatSketchForStorage()
function formatSketchForStorageAll(sketchWithItems, user) {
let sketchList = sketchWithItems.slice(0);
sketchList = sketchList.map(sketch => formatSketchForStorage(sketch, user));
return Promise.all(sketchList);
* Fetch a list of all projects from the API
async function getProjectsList() {
const options = Object.assign({}, editorRequestOptions);
options.url = `${options.url}/sketches`;
const results = await rp(options);
return results.sketches;
* Delete a project
async function deleteProject(project) {
const options = Object.assign({}, editorRequestOptions);
options.method = 'DELETE';
options.url = `${options.url}/sketches/${project.id}`;
const results = await rp(options);
return results;
* Create a new project
async function createProject(project) {
try {
const options = Object.assign({}, editorRequestOptions);
options.method = 'POST';
options.url = `${options.url}/sketches`;
options.body = project;
const results = await rp(options);
return results;
} catch (err) {
throw err;
* STEP 6
* Remove existing projects, then fill the db
* @param {*} filledProjectList
* @param {*} user
async function createProjectsInP5User(filledProjectList, user) {
console.log('Finding existing projects...');
const existingProjects = await getProjectsList();
console.log(`Will delete ${existingProjects.length} projects`);
try {
await Q.all(existingProjects.map(deleteProject));
console.log('deleted old projects!');
} catch (error) {
console.log('Problem deleting projects');
try {
const newProjects = filledProjectList.map(async (project) => {
console.log(`saving ${project.name}`);
await createProject(project);
await Q.all(newProjects);
console.log(`Projects saved to User: ${editorUsername}!`);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error saving projects');
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------- main ------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Get all the sketches from the ml5-examples repo
* Get the p5 examples
* Dive down into each sketch and get all the files
* Format the sketch files to be save to the db
* Delete existing and save
async function make() {
// Get the categories and their examples
const categories = await getCategories();
const categoryExamples = await getCategoryExamples(categories);
const examplesWithResourceTree = await traverseSketchTreeAll(categoryExamples);
const formattedSketchList = await formatSketchForStorageAll(examplesWithResourceTree);
await createProjectsInP5User(formattedSketchList);
* TEST - same as make except reads from file for testing purposes
* Get all the sketches from the ml5-examples repo
* Get the p5 examples
* Dive down into each sketch and get all the files
* Format the sketch files to be save to the db
* Delete existing and save
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
async function test() {
// read from file while testing
const examplesWithResourceTree = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./ml5-examplesWithResourceTree.json'));
const formattedSketchList = await formatSketchForStorageAll(examplesWithResourceTree);
await createProjectsInP5User(formattedSketchList);
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------- Run -------------------------------
* ---------------------------------------------------------
* Usage:
* If you're testing, change the make() function to test()
* ensure when testing that you've saved some JSON outputs to
* read from so you don't have to make a billion requests all the time
* $ GITHUB_ID=<....> GITHUB_SECRET=<...> NODE_ENV=development npm run fetch-examples-ml5
* $ GITHUB_ID=<....> GITHUB_SECRET=<...> npm run fetch-examples-ml5
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
// test()
make(); // replace with test() if you don't want to run all the fetch functions over and over
} else {