2020-05-03 11:58:28 +02:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

import React from 'react';
import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';
import { boolean, text } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
import Button from './Button';
export default {
title: 'Common/Button',
component: Button
export const AllFeatures = () => (
disabled={boolean('disabled', false)}
label={text('label', 'submit')}
{text('children', 'this is the button')}
export const SubmitButton = () => (
<Button type="submit" label="submit">This is a submit button</Button>
export const DefaultTypeButton = () => <Button label="login" onClick={action('onClick')}>Log In</Button>;
export const DisabledButton = () => <Button disabled label="login" onClick={action('onClick')}>Log In</Button>;
export const AnchorButton = () => (
<Button href="http://p5js.org" label="submit">Actually an anchor</Button>
export const ReactRouterLink = () => (
<Button to="./somewhere" label="submit">Actually a Link</Button>
export const ButtonWithIconBefore = () => (
<Button iconBeforeName={Button.iconNames.github}>Create</Button>
export const ButtonWithIconAfter = () => (
<Button iconAfterName={Button.iconNames.github}>Create</Button>
export const InlineButtonWithIconAfter = () => (
<Button kind={Button.kinds.inline} iconAfterName={Button.iconNames.sortArrowDown}>File name</Button>
export const InlineIconOnlyButton = () => (
<Button kind={Button.kinds.inline} iconAfterName={Button.iconNames.plus} label="Add to collection" />