String.prototype.paddingLeft = function (paddingValue) { return String(paddingValue + this).slice(-paddingValue.length); }; function MergeObjRecursive(obj1, obj2) { var obj3 = {}; for(p in obj1) { obj3[p] = obj1[p]; } for(p in obj2) { if(Object.keys(obj3).indexOf(p)<0){ obj3[p] = obj2[p]; } else { obj3[p] = obj3[p] + obj2[p]; } } return obj3; } if(Array.prototype.equals) // attach the .equals method to Array's prototype to call it on any array Array.prototype.equals = function (array) { // if the other array is a falsy value, return if (!array) return false; // compare lengths - can save a lot of time if (this.length != array.length) return false; for (var i = 0, l=this.length; i < l; i++) { // Check if we have nested arrays if (this[i] instanceof Array && array[i] instanceof Array) { // recurse into the nested arrays if (!this[i].equals(array[i])) return false; } else if (this[i] != array[i]) { // Warning - two different object instances will never be equal: {x:20} != {x:20} return false; } } return true; } // Hide method from for-in loops Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "equals", {enumerable: false}); var Interceptor = { prevTotalCount :0, totalCount : 0, currentColor : 'white', bgColor : 'white', canvasDetails : { width : 0, height: 0 }, setupObject : { objectArray : [], objectCount : 0, objectTypeCount : {} }, drawObject : { objectArray : [], objectCount : 0, objectTypeCount : {} }, isCleared : false, getColorName : function(arguments) { if(arguments.length==3) { //assuming that we are doing RGB - convert RGB values to a name var color = '#' + arguments[0].toString(16).paddingLeft("00") + arguments[1].toString(16).paddingLeft("00") + arguments[2].toString(16).paddingLeft("00"); var n_match =; return n_match[1]; } else if(arguments.length==1) { if(!(typeof(arguments[0])).localeCompare("number")) { //assuming that we are doing RGB - this would be a grayscale number if(arguments[0]<10) { return 'black'; } else if(arguments[0]>240) { return 'white'; } else { return 'grey'; } } else if(!(typeof(arguments[0])).localeCompare("string")) { if(!arguments[0].charAt(0).localeCompare('#')) { //if user has entered a hex color var n_match =[0]); return n_match[1]; } else { return arguments[0]; } } } }, canvasLocator : function(arguments,canvasX,canvasY){ var x,y; var isNum1 = false; var isNum2 = false; for(var i=0;i0.6*canvasY) { return 'bottom left'; } else { return 'mid left'; } } else if(x>0.6*canvasX) { if(y<0.4*canvasY) { return 'top right'; } else if(y>0.6*canvasY) { return 'bottom right'; } else { return 'mid right'; } } else { if(y<0.4*canvasY) { return 'top middle'; } else if(y>0.6*canvasY) { return 'bottom middle'; } else { return 'middle'; } } }, clearVariables : function(object) { object.objectTypeCount = {}; object.objectCount = 0; this.isCleared = true; return object; }, populateObject : function(x,arguments, object ,table, isDraw) { objectCount = object.objectCount; objectArray = object.objectArray; objectTypeCount = object.objectTypeCount; if(!isDraw) { //check for special function in setup -> createCanvas if(!'createCanvas')) { this.canvasDetails.width = arguments[0]; this.canvasDetails.height = arguments[1]; } } //check for speacial functions in general -> background/fill if(!'fill')) { this.currentColor = this.getColorName(arguments); } else if(!'background')) { this.bgColor = this.getColorName(arguments); } else if(!x.module.localeCompare('Shape') || !x.module.localeCompare('Typography') &&((!x.submodule)||(x.submodule.localeCompare('Attributes')!=0)) ){ var canvasLocation = this.canvasLocator(arguments ,width,height); objectArray[objectCount] = { 'type' :, 'location': canvasLocation, 'colour': this.currentColor }; //add the object(shape/text) parameters in objectArray for(var i=0;i this.totalCount) { for(var j =0;j 1 ) { element.innerHTML += ' objects. The objects are '; } else { element.innerHTML += ' object. The object is '; } if(object2.objectCount>0 || object1.objectCount>0 ) { totObjectTypeCount = MergeObjRecursive(object1.objectTypeCount, object2.objectTypeCount); var keys = Object.keys(totObjectTypeCount); for(var i=0;i