import React from 'react'; import { fireEvent, render, screen, waitFor, within } from '@testing-library/react'; import { FileNode } from './FileNode'; describe('', () => { const changeName = (newFileName) => { const renameButton = screen.getByText(/Rename/i);; const input = screen.getByTestId('input'); fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value: newFileName } }); fireEvent.blur(input); }; const expectFileNameToBe = async (expectedName) => { const name = screen.getByLabelText(/Name/i); await waitFor(() => within(name).queryByText(expectedName)); }; const renderFileNode = (fileType, extraProps = {}) => { const props = { ...extraProps, id: '0', name: fileType === 'folder' ? 'afolder' : 'test.jsx', fileType, canEdit: true, children: [], authenticated: false, setSelectedFile: jest.fn(), deleteFile: jest.fn(), updateFileName: jest.fn(), resetSelectedFile: jest.fn(), newFile: jest.fn(), newFolder: jest.fn(), showFolderChildren: jest.fn(), hideFolderChildren: jest.fn(), openUploadFileModal: jest.fn(), setProjectName: jest.fn(), }; render(); return props; }; describe('fileType: file', () => { it('cannot change to an empty name', async () => { const props = renderFileNode('file'); changeName(''); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled()); await expectFileNameToBe(; }); it('can change to a valid filename', async () => { const newName = 'newname.jsx'; const props = renderFileNode('file'); changeName(newName); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, newName)); await expectFileNameToBe(newName); }); it('must have an extension', async () => { const newName = 'newname'; const props = renderFileNode('file'); changeName(newName); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled()); await expectFileNameToBe(; }); it('can change to a different extension', async () => { const newName = 'newname.gif'; const props = renderFileNode('file'); changeName(newName); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled()); await expectFileNameToBe(; }); it('cannot be just an extension', async () => { const newName = '.jsx'; const props = renderFileNode('file'); changeName(newName); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled()); await expectFileNameToBe(; }); }); describe('fileType: folder', () => { it('cannot change to an empty name', async () => { const props = renderFileNode('folder'); changeName(''); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled()); await expectFileNameToBe(; }); it('can change to another name', async () => { const newName = 'foldername'; const props = renderFileNode('folder'); changeName(newName); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(, newName)); await expectFileNameToBe(newName); }); it('cannot have a file extension', async () => { const newName = 'foldername.jsx'; const props = renderFileNode('folder'); changeName(newName); await waitFor(() => expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled()); await expectFileNameToBe(; }); }); });