import Project from '../../models/project'; import { toModel, FileValidationError, ProjectValidationError } from '../../domain-objects/Project'; export default function createProject(req, res) { let projectValues = { user: req.user._id }; projectValues = Object.assign(projectValues, req.body); // TODO: Error handling to match spec function sendFailure() { res.status(422).json({ success: false }); } function populateUserData(newProject) { return Project.populate( newProject, { path: 'user', select: 'username' }, (err, newProjectWithUser) => { if (err) { sendFailure(); return; } res.json(newProjectWithUser); } ); } return Project.create(projectValues) .then(populateUserData) .catch(sendFailure); } // TODO: What happens if you don't supply any files? export function apiCreateProject(req, res) { const params = Object.assign({ user: req.user._id }, req.body); function sendValidationErrors(err, type, code = 422) { res.status(code).json({ message: `${type} Validation Failed`, detail: err.message, errors: err.files, }); } // TODO: Error handling to match spec function sendFailure(err) { res.status(500).end(); } function handleErrors(err) { if (err instanceof FileValidationError) { sendValidationErrors(err, 'File', err.code); } else if (err instanceof ProjectValidationError) { sendValidationErrors(err, 'Sketch', err.code); } else { sendFailure(); } } function checkUserHasPermission() { if (req.user.username !== req.params.username) { console.log('no permission'); const error = new ProjectValidationError(`'${req.user.username}' does not have permission to create for '${req.params.username}'`); error.code = 401; throw error; } } try { checkUserHasPermission(); const model = toModel(params); return model.isSlugUnique() .then(({ isUnique, conflictingIds }) => { if (isUnique) { return .then((newProject) => { res.status(201).json({ id: }); }); } const error = new ProjectValidationError(`Slug "${model.slug}" is not unique. Check ${conflictingIds.join(', ')}`); error.code = 409; throw error; }) .then(checkUserHasPermission) .catch(handleErrors); } catch (err) { handleErrors(err); return Promise.reject(err); } }