import '@babel/polyfill'; // See: // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import '@testing-library/jest-dom'; import lodash from 'lodash'; // For testing, we use en-US and provide a mock implementation // of t() that finds the correct translation import translations from '../translations/locales/en-US/translations.json'; // This function name needs to be prefixed with "mock" so that Jest doesn't // complain that it's out-of-scope in the mock below const mockTranslate = key => lodash.get(translations, key); jest.mock('react-i18next', () => ({ // this mock makes sure any components using the translate HoC receive the t function as a prop withTranslation: () => (Component) => { Component.defaultProps = { ...Component.defaultProps, t: mockTranslate }; return Component; }, }));