var textOutputElement; var canvasLocation =''; var maxFreq = 1000; var minFreq = 250; var currFreq, currVol, currPan; var xPosDiff=0, yPosDiff=0; //initialise parameters var objectCount = 0; var currFrame = 2; var prevFrame = 2; var objects = []; funcNames = allData["classitems"].map(function(x){ if(x["overloads"]) { tempParam = x["overloads"][0]["params"]; } else { tempParam = x["params"]; } return { name: x["name"], params: tempParam, class: x["class"], module: x["module"], submodule: x["submodule"] }; }); // create web audio api context var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); // create Oscillator node var oscillatorNode = audioCtx.createOscillator(); var gainNode = audioCtx.createGain(); var panNode = audioCtx.createStereoPanner(); funcNames = funcNames.filter(function(x) { var className = x["class"]; return (x["name"] && x["params"] && (className==='p5')); }) funcNames.forEach(function(x){ var originalFunc = p5.prototype[]; p5.prototype[] = function(){ orgArg = arguments; if(frameCount === 0) { parent.document.getElementById('textOutput-content-table').innerHTML = ''; parent.document.getElementById('textOutput-content-details').innerHTML = ''; parent.document.getElementById('textOutput-content-summary').innerHTML = ''; } if(frameCount == 1 && (x.module.localeCompare('Shape') === 0)) { for(var i =0; i < x.params.length; i++) { if(x.params[i].description.indexOf('x-coordinate')>-1){ xPosPrev = arguments[i]; xPosCurr = arguments[i]; } if(x.params[i].description.indexOf('y-coordinate')>-1){ yPosPrev = arguments[i]; yPosCurr = arguments[i]; } } } // Pull out only the shapes in draw() else if(frameCount > 1 && (frameCount%1 == 0) && (x.module.localeCompare('Shape') === 0)) { if(frameCount != currFrame) { currFrame ++; objectCount = 0; } objectCount ++; if(!objects[objectCount-1]){ objects[objectCount-1] = new Object({ xPosCurr:0, xPosDiff:0, xPosPrev:0, yPosCurr:0, yPosDiff:0, yPosPrev:0 }); } //pull out only the x coord values and compare with prev value for(var i =0; i < x.params.length; i++) { if(x.params[i].description.indexOf('y-coordinate')>-1){ objects[objectCount-1].yPosCurr = arguments[i]; objects[objectCount-1].yPosDiff = objects[objectCount-1].yPosCurr - objects[objectCount-1].yPosPrev; objects[objectCount-1].yPosPrev = objects[objectCount-1].yPosCurr; break; } } for(var i =0; i < x.params.length; i++) { if(x.params[i].description.indexOf('x-coordinate')>-1){ objects[objectCount-1].xPosCurr = arguments[i]; objects[objectCount-1].xPosDiff = objects[objectCount-1].xPosCurr - objects[objectCount-1].xPosPrev; objects[objectCount-1].xPosPrev = objects[objectCount-1].xPosCurr; break; } } if(abs(objects[objectCount-1].xPosDiff>0)||abs(objects[objectCount-1].yPosDiff>0)) { currNote = (1-objects[objectCount-1].yPosCurr/height)*(12); // mapping hieghts to notes from 1-100 //fn = f0 * (a)n currLogFreq = 440 * Math.pow(Math.pow(2,(1/12)),currNote); currVol = 0.4; x_coord = frameCount%10 - 5; currVol = 2*objectCount*Math.exp(-((x_coord+2*objectCount)*(x_coord+2*objectCount))); currPan = (objects[objectCount-1].xPosCurr/width)*2 - 1; oscillatorNode.frequency.value = currLogFreq; gainNode.gain.value = currVol; panNode.pan.value = currPan; } else { gainNode.gain.value = 0; } } return originalFunc.apply(this,arguments); } }); window.onload = function() { oscillatorNode.type = 'sine'; oscillatorNode.frequency.value = 440; // value in hertz oscillatorNode.start(); oscillatorNode.connect(gainNode); gainNode.connect(panNode); panNode.connect(audioCtx.destination); gainNode.gain.value = 0; }