version: '3.4' services: mongo: image: mongo:3.6 volumes: - dbdata:/data/db app: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile target: production # uncomment the following line to pull the image from docker hub # image: # uncomment the following lines if you don't want export all of the variables # defined in your .env file for testing # env_file: # - "$PWD/.env" environment: - API_URL - MONGO_URL - PORT - SESSION_SECRET - AWS_ACCESS_KEY - AWS_SECRET_KEY - S3_BUCKET - AWS_REGION - GITHUB_ID - GITHUB_SECRET - MAILGUN_DOMAIN - MAILGUN_KEY - EMAIL_SENDER - EMAIL_VERIFY_SECRET_TOKEN - S3_BUCKET_URL_BASE - GG_EXAMPLES_USERNAME - GG_EXAMPLES_PASS - GG_EXAMPLES_EMAIL - GOOGLE_ID - GOOGLE_SECRET - EXAMPLE_USER_EMAIL - EXAMPLE_USER_PASSWORD - FORCE_TO_HTTPS # you can either set this in your .env or as an environment variables # or here YOU CHOOSE # - MONGO_URL=mongodb://mongo:27017/p5js-web-editor volumes: - .:/opt/node/app - /opt/node/app/node_modules ports: - '8000:8000' depends_on: - mongo volumes: dbdata: