import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Link } from 'react-router'; import { remSize, prop } from '../theme'; import Icon, { ValidIconNameType } from './Icon'; const kinds = { block: 'block', icon: 'icon', inline: 'inline', }; // The '&&&' will increase the specificity of the // component's CSS so that it overrides the more // general global styles const StyledButton = styled.button` &&& { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: max-content; text-decoration: none; color: ${prop('Button.default.foreground')}; background-color: ${prop('Button.default.background')}; cursor: pointer; border: 2px solid ${prop('Button.default.border')}; border-radius: 2px; padding: ${remSize(8)} ${remSize(25)}; line-height: 1; svg * { fill: ${prop('Button.default.foreground')}; } &:hover:not(:disabled) { color: ${prop('Button.hover.foreground')}; background-color: ${prop('Button.hover.background')}; border-color: ${prop('Button.hover.border')}; svg * { fill: ${prop('Button.hover.foreground')}; } } &:active:not(:disabled) { color: ${prop('')}; background-color: ${prop('')}; svg * { fill: ${prop('')}; } } &:disabled { color: ${prop('Button.disabled.foreground')}; background-color: ${prop('Button.disabled.background')}; border-color: ${prop('Button.disabled.border')}; cursor: not-allowed; svg * { fill: ${prop('Button.disabled.foreground')}; } } > * + * { margin-left: ${remSize(8)}; } } `; const StyledInlineButton = styled.button` &&& { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; text-decoration: none; color: ${prop('primaryTextColor')}; cursor: pointer; border: none; line-height: 1; svg * { fill: ${prop('primaryTextColor')}; } &:disabled { cursor: not-allowed; } > * + * { margin-left: ${remSize(8)}; } } `; const StyledIconButton = styled.button` &&& { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; width: ${remSize(32)}px; height: ${remSize(32)}px; text-decoration: none; color: ${prop('Button.default.foreground')}; background-color: ${prop('Button.hover.background')}; cursor: pointer; border: 1px solid transparent; border-radius: 50%; padding: ${remSize(8)} ${remSize(25)}; line-height: 1; &:hover:not(:disabled) { color: ${prop('Button.hover.foreground')}; background-color: ${prop('Button.hover.background')}; svg * { fill: ${prop('Button.hover.foreground')}; } } &:active:not(:disabled) { color: ${prop('')}; background-color: ${prop('')}; svg * { fill: ${prop('')}; } } &:disabled { color: ${prop('Button.disabled.foreground')}; background-color: ${prop('Button.disabled.background')}; cursor: not-allowed; } > * + * { margin-left: ${remSize(8)}; } } `; /** * A Button performs an primary action */ const Button = ({ children, href, iconAfterName, iconBeforeName, kind, label, to, type, ...props }) => { const iconAfter = iconAfterName && ; const iconBefore = iconBeforeName && ; const hasChildren = React.Children.count(children) > 0; const content = <>{iconBefore}{hasChildren && {children}}{iconAfter}; let StyledComponent = StyledButton; if (kind === kinds.inline) { StyledComponent = StyledInlineButton; } else if (kind === kinds.icon) { StyledComponent = StyledIconButton; } if (href) { return {content}; } if (to) { return {content}; } return {content}; }; Button.defaultProps = { children: null, disabled: false, iconAfterName: null, iconBeforeName: null, kind: kinds.block, href: null, label: null, to: null, type: 'button', }; Button.iconNames = Icon.names; Button.kinds = kinds; Button.propTypes = { /** * The visible part of the button, telling the user what * the action is */ children: PropTypes.element, /** If the button can be activated or not */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, /** * Name of icon to place before child content */ iconAfterName: ValidIconNameType, /** * Name of icon to place after child content */ iconBeforeName: ValidIconNameType, /** * The kind of button - determines how it appears visually */ kind: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.values(kinds)), /** * Specifying an href will use an to link to the URL */ href: PropTypes.string, /* * An ARIA Label used for accessibility */ label: PropTypes.string, /** * Specifying a to URL will use a react-router Link */ to: PropTypes.string, /** * If using a button, then type is defines the type of button */ type: PropTypes.oneOf(['button', 'submit']), }; export default Button;