import React from 'react'; import { shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { FileNode } from '../../modules/IDE/components/FileNode'; beforeAll(() => {}); describe('', () => { let component; let props = {}; describe('with valid props', () => { beforeEach(() => { props = { ...props, id: '0', children: [], name: 'test.jsx', fileType: 'dunno', setSelectedFile: jest.fn(), deleteFile: jest.fn(), updateFileName: jest.fn(), resetSelectedFile: jest.fn(), newFile: jest.fn(), newFolder: jest.fn(), showFolderChildren: jest.fn(), hideFolderChildren: jest.fn(), canEdit: true, }; component = shallow(); }); describe('when changing name', () => { let input; let renameTriggerButton; const changeName = (newFileName) => { renameTriggerButton.simulate('click'); input.simulate('change', { target: { value: newFileName } }); input.simulate('blur'); }; beforeEach(() => { input = component.find('.sidebar__file-item-input'); renameTriggerButton = component .find('.sidebar__file-item-option') .first(); component.setState({ isEditing: true }); }); it('should render', () => expect(component).toBeDefined()); // it('should debug', () => console.log(component.debug())); describe('to a valid filename', () => { const newName = 'newname.jsx'; beforeEach(() => changeName(newName)); it('should save the name', () => { expect(props.updateFileName).toBeCalledWith(, newName); }); }); describe('to an empty filename', () => { const newName = ''; beforeEach(() => changeName(newName)); it('should not save the name', () => { expect(props.updateFileName).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); }); });