import React from 'react'; import { format, parse } from 'url'; const findCurrentProtocol = () => ( parse(window.location.href).protocol ); const redirectToProtocol = (protocol, { appendSource, disable = false } = {}) => { const currentProtocol = findCurrentProtocol(); if (protocol !== currentProtocol) { if (disable === true) {`forceProtocol: would have redirected from "${currentProtocol}" to "${protocol}"`); } else { const url = parse(window.location.href, true /* parse query string */); url.protocol = protocol; if (appendSource === true) { url.query.source = currentProtocol; } window.location = format(url); } } }; /** * A Higher Order Component that forces the protocol to change on mount * * targetProtocol: the protocol to redirect to on mount * sourceProtocol: the protocol to redirect back to on unmount * disable: if true, the redirection will not happen but what should * have happened will be logged to the console */ const forceProtocol = ({ targetProtocol = 'https', sourceProtocol, disable = false }) => WrappedComponent => ( class ForceProtocol extends React.Component { static propTypes = {} componentDidMount() { redirectToProtocol(targetProtocol, { appendSource: true, disable }); } componentWillUnmount() { if (sourceProtocol != null) { redirectToProtocol(sourceProtocol, { appendSource: false, disable }); } } render() { return ; } } ); const protocols = { http: 'http:', https: 'https:', }; const findSourceProtocol = (state, location) => { if (/source=https/.test( { return protocols.https; } else if (/source=http/.test( { return protocols.http; } else if (state.project.serveSecure === true) { return protocols.https; } return protocols.http; }; export default forceProtocol; export { findCurrentProtocol, findSourceProtocol, redirectToProtocol, protocols, };