.preview-console { @include themify() { background: getThemifyVariable('console-background-color'); border-color: getThemifyVariable('ide-border-color'); } border-left: 1px solid; border-right: 1px solid; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 1000; overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex-direction: column; & > { position:relative; text-align:left; } // assign styles to different types of console messages .preview-console__log { @include themify(){ color: getThemifyVariable('secondary-text-color'); } flex: 1 0 auto; } .preview-console__undefined { @include themify(){ color: getThemifyVariable('inactive-text-color'); } flex: 1 0 auto; } .preview-console__error { color: $console-error-color; flex: 1 0 auto; } .preview-console__warn { color: $console-warn-color; flex: 1 0 auto; } } .preview-console__header { @include themify() { background-color: getThemifyVariable('console-header-background-color'); color: getThemifyVariable('console-header-color'); } min-height: #{30 / $base-font-size}rem; padding: #{5 / $base-font-size}rem; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; } .preview-console__header-title { font-size: #{12 / $base-font-size}rem; font-weight: normal; } .preview-console__icon { padding-right: #{20 / $base-font-size}rem; } .preview-console__messages { display: flex; flex-direction: column; overflow-y: auto; } .preview-console__collapse { @include themify() { @extend %icon; } .preview-console--collapsed & { display: none; } } .preview-console__expand { @include themify() { @extend %icon; } display: none; .preview-console--collapsed & { display: inline-block; } }