import { Router } from 'express'; import { renderIndex } from '../views/index'; import { get404Sketch } from '../views/404Page'; import { userExists } from '../controllers/user.controller'; import { projectExists, projectForUserExists } from '../controllers/project.controller'; import { collectionForUserExists } from '../controllers/collection.controller'; const router = new Router(); const fallback404 = res => (exists => (exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)))); // this is intended to be a temporary file // until i figure out isomorphic rendering router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/signup', (req, res) => { if (req.user) { return res.redirect('/'); } return res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/projects/:project_id', (req, res) => { projectExists(req.params.project_id, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/:username/sketches/:project_id/add-to-collection', (req, res) => { projectForUserExists(req.params.username, req.params.project_id, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/:username/sketches/:project_id', (req, res) => { projectForUserExists(req.params.username, req.params.project_id, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/:username/sketches', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/:username/full/:project_id', (req, res) => { projectForUserExists(req.params.username, req.params.project_id, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/full/:project_id', (req, res) => { projectExists(req.params.project_id, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/login', (req, res) => { if (req.user) { return res.redirect('/'); } return res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/reset-password', (req, res) => { res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/reset-password/:reset_password_token', (req, res) => { res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/verify', (req, res) => { res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/sketches', (req, res) => { if (req.user) { res.send(renderIndex()); } else { res.redirect('/login'); } }); router.get('/assets', (req, res) => { if (req.user) { res.send(renderIndex()); } else { res.redirect('/login'); } }); router.get('/:username/assets', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, (exists) => { const isLoggedInUser = req.user && req.user.username === req.params.username; const canAccess = exists && isLoggedInUser; return canAccess ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)); }); }); router.get('/account', (req, res) => { if (req.user) { res.send(renderIndex()); } else { res.redirect('/login'); } }); router.get('/about', (req, res) => { res.send(renderIndex()); }); router.get('/:username/collections/create', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, (exists) => { const isLoggedInUser = req.user && req.user.username === req.params.username; const canAccess = exists && isLoggedInUser; return canAccess ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)); }); }); router.get('/:username/collections/create', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/:username/collections/:id', (req, res) => { collectionForUserExists(req.params.username,, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); router.get('/:username/collections', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, exists => ( exists ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)) )); }); // Mobile Routes if (process.env.MOBILE_ENABLED) { router.get('/mobile', (req, res) => res.send(renderIndex())); router.get('/mobile/preview', (req, res) => res.send(renderIndex())); router.get('/mobile/preferences', (req, res) => res.send(renderIndex())); router.get('/mobile/:username/sketches', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, fallback404(res)); }); router.get('/mobile/:username/sketches/:project_id', (req, res) => { projectForUserExists(req.params.username, req.params.project_id, fallback404(res)); }); router.get('/mobile/:username/assets', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, (exists) => { const isLoggedInUser = req.user && req.user.username === req.params.username; const canAccess = exists && isLoggedInUser; return canAccess ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)); }); }); router.get('/mobile/:username/collections/create', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, (exists) => { const isLoggedInUser = req.user && req.user.username === req.params.username; const canAccess = exists && isLoggedInUser; return canAccess ? res.send(renderIndex()) : get404Sketch(html => res.send(html)); }); }); router.get('/mobile/:username/collections', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, fallback404(res)); }); router.get('/mobile/:username/collections/create', (req, res) => { userExists(req.params.username, fallback404(res)); }); router.get('/mobile/:username/collections/:id', (req, res) => { collectionForUserExists(req.params.username,, fallback404(res)); }); } export default router;