import React from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { remSize, prop } from '../../theme'; const StyledButton = styled.button` background-color: ${prop('buttonColorBackground')}; color: ${prop('buttonColor')}; cursor: pointer; border: 2px solid ${prop('buttonBorderColor')}; border-radius: 2px; padding: ${remSize(8)} ${remSize(25)}; line-height: 1; margin: 0; &:hover:not(:disabled) { color: ${prop('buttonHoverColor')}; background-color: ${prop('buttonHoverColorBackground')}; } &:disabled { color: ${prop('buttonDisabledColor')}; background-color: ${prop('buttonDisabledColorBackground')}; cursor: not-allowed; } `; /** * This text will be used for the description in the story */ const Button = ({ children, label, ...props }) => { return {children}; } Button.propTypes = { /** * The visible part of the button */ children: PropTypes.element.isRequired, /** If the button can be clicked or not */ disabled: PropTypes.bool, /* * An ARIA Label used for accessibility */ label: PropTypes.string.isRequired, }; export default Button;