console.log('p5 version:', p5); console.log('ml5 version:', ml5); let assets = {}; var draw = function () { // //test // background(parseInt(Math.random()*255),parseInt(Math.random()*255),parseInt(Math.random()*255)); // image(video, -width/2, -height/2, width, height); // console.log(detections) }; var gotResults = function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err) return } }; function code_error(type, error) { window.parent.postMessage({ 'type': type, 'error': error.message, 'name':, 'line': error.lineNumber - 2, // seems it giveswrong line numbers 'column': error.columnNumber }, '*'); } function no_code_error(type){ window.parent.postMessage({ 'type': type, 'error': null }, '*'); } window.addEventListener("message", function (e) { if (event.origin !== window.location.origin) { console.error("Invalid origin of message. Ignored"); return; } console.debug("receive",; switch ( { case 'asset': if( === null){ delete assets[]; } else { assets[] = loadImage(; } break; case 'code': let f = new Function(""); try { f = new Function(; no_code_error('syntax'); } catch (error) { code_error('syntax', error); // window.parent.postMessage({'syntax': error.lineNumber}); } handleResults = f; break; default: console.error("Invalid action",; break; } }); let faceapi; var video; var detections; var graphics; let running = true; function pause() { if (running) running = false; else { running = true; faceapi.detect(gotResults); } } // by default all options are set to true const detection_options = { withLandmarks: true, withDescriptors: false, minConfidence: 0.5, Mobilenetv1Model: '/assets/faceapi', FaceLandmarkModel: '/assets/faceapi', FaceLandmark68TinyNet: '/assets/faceapi', FaceRecognitionModel: '/assets/faceapi', } function setup() { createCanvas(1280,720, WEBGL); smooth(); noFill(); let constraints = { video: { width: { min: 720 }, height: { min: 540 } }, audio: false }; // graphics = createGraphics(); video = createCapture(constraints); console.log(video.videoWidth); console.log(video); // HeadGazeSetup(video); // video.size(width, height); video.hide(); // Hide the video element, and just show the canvas faceapi = ml5.faceApi(video, detection_options, modelReady); textAlign(RIGHT); } function modelReady() { faceapi.detect(gotResults); } var handleResults = function(){ // background(parseInt(Math.random()*255),parseInt(Math.random()*255),parseInt(Math.random()*255)); background((millis()/100)%255,0,0); image(video, -width/2 + 10, -height/2 + 10, width - 20, height -20); }; gotResults = function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err) return } // console.log(result) detections = result; try{ push(); translate(-width/2, -height/2); handleResults(); pop(); no_code_error('runtime'); }catch(error){code_error('runtime', error);} // // background(220); // background(255); // push(); // // with WEBGL, the coordinate system is 0,0 in the center. // translate(-width / 2, -height / 2, 0); // image(video, 0, 0, width, height); // // image(video, 0,0, width, height) // if (detections) { // if (detections.length > 0) { // // console.log(detections) // drawBox(detections) // drawLandmarks(detections) // for (let detection of detections) { // let t = HeadGazeDetect(detection); // let rot = vecToRotation(t.rotation); // document.getElementById('yaw').value = rot[0]; // document.getElementById('roll').value = rot[1]; // document.getElementById('pitch').value = rot[2]; // // let gaze = getMappedVectors() // // noFill(); // // stroke(161, 255, 0,100); // // strokeWeight(2); // // beginShape(); // // vertex(gaze[0].x,gaze[0].y); // // vertex(gaze[1].x,gaze[1].y); // // endShape(); // // stroke(255, 255, 0,100); // // beginShape(); // // vertex(gaze[0].x,gaze[0].y); // // vertex(gaze[2].x,gaze[2].y); // // endShape(); // // stroke(0, 0, 255,100); // // beginShape(); // // vertex(gaze[0].x,gaze[0].y); // // vertex(gaze[3].x,gaze[3].y); // // endShape(); // // normalMaterial(); // push(); // console.log('translate', t.translation.data64F); // // texture(graphics); // translate(width/2, height/2, 10); // // plane(70); // // translate(t.translation.data64F[0], t.translation.data64F[1], t.translation.data64F[2]) // // rotateX(-rot[2]); // rotateY(rot[0]); // // rotateZ(rot[1]); // stroke(255, 0, 0); // // texture(graphics); // plane(70); // pop(); // } // } // } // pop(); if (running) faceapi.detect(gotResults); } function drawBox(detections) { for (let i = 0; i < detections.length; i++) { const alignedRect = detections[i].alignedRect; const x = alignedRect._box._x const y = alignedRect._box._y const boxWidth = alignedRect._box._width const boxHeight = alignedRect._box._height noFill(); stroke(161, 95, 251); strokeWeight(2); rect(x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight); } } function drawLandmarks(detections) { // noFill(); // stroke(161, 95, 251) // strokeWeight(2) for (let i = 0; i < detections.length; i++) { const mouth = detections[i].parts.mouth; const nose = detections[i].parts.nose; const leftEye = detections[i].parts.leftEye; const rightEye = detections[i].parts.rightEye; const rightEyeBrow = detections[i].parts.rightEyeBrow; const leftEyeBrow = detections[i].parts.leftEyeBrow; const jawOutline = detections[i].parts.jawOutline; drawPart(mouth, true); drawPart(nose, true); drawPart(leftEye, true); drawPart(leftEyeBrow, false); drawPart(rightEye, true); drawPart(rightEyeBrow, false); drawPart(jawOutline, false); } } function drawPart(feature, closed) { beginShape(); for (let i = 0; i < feature.length; i++) { const x = feature[i]._x const y = feature[i]._y vertex(x, y) } if (closed === true) { endShape(CLOSE); } else { endShape(); } }