import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import React from 'react'; import CodeMirror from 'codemirror'; import beautifyJS from 'js-beautify'; import { withTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import 'codemirror/mode/css/css'; import 'codemirror/addon/selection/active-line'; import 'codemirror/addon/lint/lint'; import 'codemirror/addon/lint/javascript-lint'; import 'codemirror/addon/lint/css-lint'; import 'codemirror/addon/lint/html-lint'; import 'codemirror/addon/fold/brace-fold'; import 'codemirror/addon/fold/comment-fold'; import 'codemirror/addon/fold/foldcode'; import 'codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter'; import 'codemirror/addon/fold/indent-fold'; import 'codemirror/addon/comment/comment'; import 'codemirror/keymap/sublime'; import 'codemirror/addon/search/searchcursor'; import 'codemirror/addon/search/matchesonscrollbar'; import 'codemirror/addon/search/match-highlighter'; import 'codemirror/addon/search/jump-to-line'; import 'codemirror/addon/edit/matchbrackets'; import { JSHINT } from 'jshint'; import { CSSLint } from 'csslint'; import { HTMLHint } from 'htmlhint'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import { debounce } from 'lodash'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { bindActionCreators } from 'redux'; import '../../../utils/htmlmixed'; import '../../../utils/p5-javascript'; import '../../../utils/webGL-clike'; import Timer from '../components/Timer'; import EditorAccessibility from '../components/EditorAccessibility'; import { metaKey, } from '../../../utils/metaKey'; import search from '../../../utils/codemirror-search'; import beepUrl from '../../../sounds/audioAlert.mp3'; import UnsavedChangesDotIcon from '../../../images/unsaved-changes-dot.svg'; import RightArrowIcon from '../../../images/right-arrow.svg'; import LeftArrowIcon from '../../../images/left-arrow.svg'; import { getHTMLFile } from '../reducers/files'; import * as FileActions from '../actions/files'; import * as IDEActions from '../actions/ide'; import * as ProjectActions from '../actions/project'; import * as EditorAccessibilityActions from '../actions/editorAccessibility'; import * as PreferencesActions from '../actions/preferences'; import * as UserActions from '../../User/actions'; import * as ToastActions from '../actions/toast'; import * as ConsoleActions from '../actions/console'; search(CodeMirror); const beautifyCSS = beautifyJS.css; const beautifyHTML = beautifyJS.html; window.JSHINT = JSHINT; window.CSSLint = CSSLint; window.HTMLHint = HTMLHint; const IS_TAB_INDENT = false; const INDENTATION_AMOUNT = 2; class Editor extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.tidyCode = this.tidyCode.bind(this); this.updateLintingMessageAccessibility = debounce((annotations) => { this.props.clearLintMessage(); annotations.forEach((x) => { if (x.from.line > -1) { this.props.updateLintMessage(x.severity, (x.from.line + 1), x.message); } }); if (this.props.lintMessages.length > 0 && this.props.lintWarning) {; } }, 2000); this.showFind = this.showFind.bind(this); this.findNext = this.findNext.bind(this); this.findPrev = this.findPrev.bind(this); this.getContent = this.getContent.bind(this); } componentDidMount() { this.beep = new Audio(beepUrl); this.widgets = []; this._cm = CodeMirror(this.codemirrorContainer, { // eslint-disable-line theme: `p5-${this.props.theme}`, lineNumbers: this.props.lineNumbers, styleActiveLine: true, inputStyle: 'contenteditable', lineWrapping: this.props.linewrap, fixedGutter: false, foldGutter: true, foldOptions: { widget: '\u2026' }, gutters: ['CodeMirror-foldgutter', 'CodeMirror-lint-markers'], keyMap: 'sublime', highlightSelectionMatches: true, // highlight current search match matchBrackets: true, lint: { onUpdateLinting: ((annotations) => { this.props.hideRuntimeErrorWarning(); this.updateLintingMessageAccessibility(annotations); }), options: { 'asi': true, 'eqeqeq': false, '-W041': false, 'esversion': 7 } } }); delete this._cm.options.lint.options.errors; this._cm.setOption('extraKeys', { Tab: (cm) => { // might need to specify and indent more? const selection = cm.doc.getSelection(); if (selection.length > 0) { cm.execCommand('indentMore'); } else { cm.replaceSelection(' '.repeat(INDENTATION_AMOUNT)); } }, [`${metaKey}-Enter`]: () => null, [`Shift-${metaKey}-Enter`]: () => null, [`${metaKey}-F`]: 'findPersistent', [`${metaKey}-G`]: 'findNext', [`Shift-${metaKey}-G`]: 'findPrev', }); this.initializeDocuments(this.props.files); this._cm.swapDoc(this._docs[]); this._cm.on('change', debounce(() => { this.props.setUnsavedChanges(true); this.props.updateFileContent(, this._cm.getValue()); if (this.props.autorefresh && this.props.isPlaying) { this.props.clearConsole(); this.props.startRefreshSketch(); } }, 1000)); this._cm.on('keyup', () => { const temp = this.props.t('Editor.KeyUpLineNumber', { lineNumber: parseInt((this._cm.getCursor().line) + 1, 10) }); document.getElementById('current-line').innerHTML = temp; }); this._cm.on('keydown', (_cm, e) => { // 9 === Tab if (e.keyCode === 9 && e.shiftKey) { this.tidyCode(); } }); this._cm.getWrapperElement().style['font-size'] = `${this.props.fontSize}px`; this.props.provideController({ tidyCode: this.tidyCode, showFind: this.showFind, findNext: this.findNext, findPrev: this.findPrev, getContent: this.getContent }); } componentWillUpdate(nextProps) { // check if files have changed if (this.props.files[0].id !== nextProps.files[0].id) { // then need to make CodeMirror documents this.initializeDocuments(nextProps.files); } if (this.props.files.length !== nextProps.files.length) { this.initializeDocuments(nextProps.files); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.file.content !== prevProps.file.content && this.props.file.content !== this._cm.getValue()) { const oldDoc = this._cm.swapDoc(this._docs[]); this._docs[] = oldDoc; this._cm.focus(); if (!prevProps.unsavedChanges) { setTimeout(() => this.props.setUnsavedChanges(false), 400); } } if (this.props.fontSize !== prevProps.fontSize) { this._cm.getWrapperElement().style['font-size'] = `${this.props.fontSize}px`; } if (this.props.linewrap !== prevProps.linewrap) { this._cm.setOption('lineWrapping', this.props.linewrap); } if (this.props.theme !== prevProps.theme) { this._cm.setOption('theme', `p5-${this.props.theme}`); } if (this.props.lineNumbers !== prevProps.lineNumbers) { this._cm.setOption('lineNumbers', this.props.lineNumbers); } if (prevProps.consoleEvents !== this.props.consoleEvents) { this.props.showRuntimeErrorWarning(); } for (let i = 0; i < this._cm.lineCount(); i += 1) { this._cm.removeLineClass(i, 'background', 'line-runtime-error'); } if (this.props.runtimeErrorWarningVisible) { this.props.consoleEvents.forEach((consoleEvent) => { if (consoleEvent.method === 'error') { if ( &&[0] &&[0].indexOf &&[0].indexOf(')') > -1) { const n =[0].replace(')', '').split(' '); const lineNumber = parseInt(n[n.length - 1], 10) - 1; const { source } = consoleEvent; const fileName =; const errorFromJavaScriptFile = (`${source}.js` === fileName); const errorFromIndexHTML = ((source === fileName) && (fileName === 'index.html')); if (!Number.isNaN(lineNumber) && (errorFromJavaScriptFile || errorFromIndexHTML)) { this._cm.addLineClass(lineNumber, 'background', 'line-runtime-error'); } } } }); } } componentWillUnmount() { this._cm = null; this.props.provideController(null); } getFileMode(fileName) { let mode; if (fileName.match(/.+\.js$/i)) { mode = 'javascript'; } else if (fileName.match(/.+\.css$/i)) { mode = 'css'; } else if (fileName.match(/.+\.html$/i)) { mode = 'htmlmixed'; } else if (fileName.match(/.+\.json$/i)) { mode = 'application/json'; } else if (fileName.match(/.+\.(frag|vert)$/i)) { mode = 'clike'; } else { mode = 'text/plain'; } return mode; } getContent() { const content = this._cm.getValue(); const updatedFile = Object.assign({}, this.props.file, { content }); return updatedFile; } findPrev() { this._cm.focus(); this._cm.execCommand('findPrev'); } findNext() { this._cm.focus(); this._cm.execCommand('findNext'); } showFind() { this._cm.execCommand('findPersistent'); } tidyCode() { const beautifyOptions = { indent_size: INDENTATION_AMOUNT, indent_with_tabs: IS_TAB_INDENT }; const mode = this._cm.getOption('mode'); const currentPosition = this._cm.doc.getCursor(); if (mode === 'javascript') { this._cm.doc.setValue(beautifyJS(this._cm.doc.getValue(), beautifyOptions)); } else if (mode === 'css') { this._cm.doc.setValue(beautifyCSS(this._cm.doc.getValue(), beautifyOptions)); } else if (mode === 'htmlmixed') { this._cm.doc.setValue(beautifyHTML(this._cm.doc.getValue(), beautifyOptions)); } setTimeout(() => { this._cm.focus(); this._cm.doc.setCursor({ line: currentPosition.line, ch: + INDENTATION_AMOUNT }); }, 0); } initializeDocuments(files) { this._docs = {}; files.forEach((file) => { if ( !== 'root') { this._docs[] = CodeMirror.Doc(file.content, this.getFileMode(; // eslint-disable-line } }); } toggleEditorOptions() { if (this.props.editorOptionsVisible) { this.props.closeEditorOptions(); } else { this.optionsButton.focus(); this.props.showEditorOptions(); } } render() { const editorSectionClass = classNames({ 'editor': true, 'sidebar--contracted': !this.props.isExpanded, 'editor--options': this.props.editorOptionsVisible }); const editorHolderClass = classNames({ 'editor-holder': true, 'editor-holder--hidden': this.props.file.fileType === 'folder' || this.props.file.url }); let preview = ''; if (this.props.file.fileType === 'file' && this.props.file.url) { // TODO check if it's an image preview = (