import isPlainObject from 'lodash/isPlainObject'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import Project from '../models/project'; import createId from '../utils/createId'; import createApplicationErrorClass from '../utils/createApplicationErrorClass'; import createDefaultFiles from './createDefaultFiles'; export const FileValidationError = createApplicationErrorClass('FileValidationError'); export const ProjectValidationError = createApplicationErrorClass('ProjectValidationError'); /** * This converts between a mongoose Project model * and the public API Project object properties * */ export function toApi(model) { return { id:, name:, }; } /** * Transforms a tree of files matching the APIs DirectoryContents * format into the data structure stored in mongodb * * - flattens the tree into an array of file/folders * - each file/folder gets a generated BSON-ID * - each folder has a `children` array containing the IDs of it's children */ function transformFilesInner(tree = {}, parentNode) { const files = []; const errors = []; Object.entries(tree).forEach(([name, params]) => { const id = createId(); const isFolder = params.files != null; if (isFolder) { const folder = { _id: id, name, fileType: 'folder', children: [] // Initialise an empty folder }; files.push(folder); // The recursion will return a list of child files/folders // It will also push the child's id into `folder.children` const subFolder = transformFilesInner(params.files, folder); files.push(...subFolder.files); errors.push(...subFolder.errors); } else { const file = { _id: id, name, fileType: 'file' }; if (typeof params.url === 'string') { file.url = params.url; } else if (typeof params.content === 'string') { file.content = params.content; } else { errors.push({ name, message: 'missing \'url\' or \'content\'' }); } files.push(file); } // Push this child's ID onto it's parent's list // of children if (parentNode != null) { parentNode.children.push(id); } }); return { files, errors }; } export function transformFiles(tree = {}) { const withRoot = { root: { files: tree } }; const { files, errors } = transformFilesInner(withRoot); if (errors.length > 0) { const message = `${errors.length} files failed validation. See error.files for individual errors. Errors: ${ => `* ${}: ${e.message}`).join('\n')} `; const error = new FileValidationError(message); error.files = errors; throw error; } return files; } export function containsRootHtmlFile(tree) { return Object.keys(tree).find(name => /\.html$/.test(name)) != null; } /** * This converts between the public API's Project object * properties and a mongoose Project model * */ export function toModel(object) { let files = []; let tree = object.files; if (isPlainObject(tree)) { if (!containsRootHtmlFile(tree)) { tree = Object.assign(createDefaultFiles(), tree); } files = transformFiles(tree); } else { throw new FileValidationError('\'files\' must be an object'); } const projectValues = pick(object, ['user', 'name', 'slug']); projectValues.files = files; return new Project(projectValues); }