{ "name": "p5.js Web Editor", "description": "The p5.js Web Editor is an in-browser editor for creative coding, specifically for writing p5.js sketches.", "repository": "https://github.com/processing/p5.js-web-editor", "logo": "https://p5js.org/assets/img/p5js.svg", "keywords": ["processing", "p5js", "p5.js"], "addons": [ { "plan": "mongolab:sandbox", "as": "MONGO" }, { "plan": "mailgun:starter", "as": "MAILGUN" } ], "env": { "API_URL": { "value": "/editor" }, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY": { "description": "AWS Access Key", "value": "placeholder" }, "AWS_SECRET_KEY": { "description": "AWS Secret Key", "value": "placeholder" }, "AWS_REGION": { "description": "AWS Region for the S3_BUCKET", "value": "placeholder" }, "EMAIL_SENDER": { "description": "The sending email address for transactional emails.", "value": "no-reply@mydomain.com" }, "EMAIL_VERIFY_SECRET_TOKEN": { "description": "A secret key for...? Not sure where used.", "generator": "secret" }, "EXAMPLE_USER_EMAIL": { "description": "The email address for the account holding the default Example sketches", "value": "examples@p5js.org" }, "EXAMPLE_USER_PASSWORD": { "value": "hellop5js" }, "GG_EXAMPLES_EMAIL": { "description": "The email address for the account holding the Generative Design Example sketches", "value": "benedikt.gross@generative-gestaltung.de" }, "GG_EXAMPLES_PASS": { "value": "generativedesign" }, "GG_EXAMPLES_USERNAME": { "value": "generative-design" }, "GITHUB_ID": { "description": "The GitHub Client Id for sign in with GitHub support", "value": "placeholder" }, "GITHUB_SECRET": { "description": "The GitHub Client Secret", "value": "placeholder" }, "GOOGLE_ID": { "description": "The Google Client Id for sign in with Google support", "value": "placeholder" }, "GOOGLE_SECRET": { "description": "The Google Client Secret", "value": "placeholder" }, "NODE_ENV": { "value": "production" }, "S3_BUCKET": { "desription": "Name of the S3 bucket for asset storage", "value": "placeholder" }, "S3_BUCKET_URL_BASE": { "description": "S3 bucket URL base", "required": false }, "SESSION_SECRET": { "description": "A secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.", "generator": "secret" } }, "scripts": { "postdeploy": "MONGO_URL=$MONGO_URI MAILGUN_KEY=$MAILGUN_API_KEY npm run fetch-examples:prod" } }